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I sighed in relief as I slipped my heels off, my feet sinking into the soft carpet that lined my apartment floor. My first day at Styles Law Firm was finally over. The day had gone by quite slowly and I wasn't sure if it was because I was new to everything or because I had so much work to do on my first day. I could see why Mr. Styles needed an assistant. He was quite a successful lawyer.

My phone rang non-stop earning me a headache as I tried to deal with all the clients. Lillian had come in to check on me, and I was so thankful when the last time she came in it was to ask me to lunch. I'd nodded eagerly, grabbing my bag and following her to the elevator. She had given a short tour of the large office building owned by Harry's father.

It was 6:30 when I finally slid into the back of a cab, my ankles rejoicing as I relaxed them from the strain of walking around from my office, to Harry's, and the copy room all day.

My bare feet padded across my carpeted living room and into the kitchen to pour myself a glass of much needed Piazzo Moscato.

I reached for a wine glass. Opening up a new bottle  and filling it up. Just as I was about to take a sip my phone dinged with a notification. I groaned hoping it wasn't Harry needing something, as I picked it up and slid open the new text message. My mood changed from tired to annoyed when I read Cameron's name on the screen.


Can't make it, OT at work. Sorry.

I didn't bother replying instead, gulping down the cool alcoholic liquid, and pouring myself a second glass quickly.

I was actually kind of happy he wasn't coming. I was tired and all I wanted to do was go to bed. I finished the glass quickly, changing into proper sleeping clothes, and bundling up under my warm covers.


I could hear hushed voices and soft laughter coming from Harry's office as I finished up a report on a case we'd just won. One of my office walls consisted of built in filing drawers for every client we have and have ever had, in alphabetical order. Making it extremely easy for work to be stored and found when needed. It was kind of like a confidential library of sorts.

I pressed print making sure I had a copy to file in my office as well as Harry's. I walked down to the copy room grabbing the warm white paper and made my way back to my office. I looked through the 'C' drawer, smiling and slipping the file into the 'Callahan' folder with ease.

I knocked softly on Harry's door, all the previous voices ceasing as I heard him call out for me to come in.

I nearly, died when I met the hazel eyes of Adonis himself. The man sitting before me couldn't be any older than 26. His sly smile, and styled hair, making him the perfect human specimen. My eyes darted to Harry at the sound of his throat clearing, my cheeks heating at being caught. Again.

"Jessica, is it?" I turned to see Louis, smiling brightly up at me from the other chair across from Harrys desk. I nodded, "yes, good to see you again Mr. Tomlinson," I smiled nodding politely, as he stood to shake my hand.

"Nonsense with the formalities, call me Louis darling." blushing, I nodded at his request.

It was silent for only a second before Harry spoke. 

"Jess, this is Louis Tomlinson as you know, and Zayn Malik, two of our top clients, as well as my best mates." He finished. Zayn stood up after his formal introduction, surprising me by taking my hand in his and giving my knuckles a light kiss.

"plaisir ma jolie," (Pleasure, my pretty)

I had absolutely no idea what he'd said, my if possible my legs almost turned to jelly as the delicate French words rolled off of his tongue with ease. I could see both Mr. Styles and Mr. Tomlinson roll their eyes at their friend who simply smiled, and took his seat once again.

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