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I sighed deeply as Danielle and I ate. I knew she'd overreact to what was about to come out of my mouth, but she was my bestfriend. I had to tell her, I wanted to tell her. I pursed my lips, playing with the wine glass in my hand, sloshing the red liquid around. Closing my eyes, I just came out with it.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say I was falling for him."

"Are you?!" Danielle all but yelled, her eyes wide and dancing with excitement. The salad on her fork long forgotten at my words. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head while taking a sip from the wine glass I held in my hand.

"No, it's been like 2 months since I've worked there, and yesterday was the first date. I mean come on this is real life not some shitty romance movie." She glared at me from across the table, pursing her lips. I couldn't get Harry or our date out of my head and I couldn't understand why. I was still young, I wasn't thinking about the future right now. I was thinking about my career, being successful.

I was never that girl that pretended the pillow case was my veil, or planned out my wedding day using my barbies. I was always determined and focused on work rather than fantasy. I didn't care about being someone's princess. Yeah, I dated and dabbled, but it never got to the 'I love you's' or the 'where is this going' talks. I was unusual, I was weird, I always had been.

"He was very polite, and a gentleman." I shrugged.

Honestly it was probably the most innocent date in the history of ever. There was only a kiss to the cheek. But it's not like I didn't know what his lips felt like. I could never forget, how soft, and inviting they always looked and felt. I hadn't let him kiss me goodnight, or invited him up because I was scared. I was scared that I was turning into that woman.

That woman that wanted a husband and a big family and although they strive to be successful was always on the lookout for "the one". I was scared that if I kissed him again it wouldn't just be a kiss. My stomach would drop in a good way like when you're on a roller coaster. I would get nervous from the excitement of having his lips on mine again. All of that and then what would happen? Would it turn into me waking up naked with him laying beside me. Sleeping peacefully, while I kicked myself for being stupid and irresponsible.

I was changing. I was in denial, about what I wanted out of life. I was trying so hard not to be something that it was happening without my knowledge. Like when you try so hard not to turn into your mother, you end up turning into your father.

"Um, Jess?" I blinked, my eyes refocusing on my gorgeous friend sat across from me.

"Huh?" Danielle gave me a weird look, as I stared blankly.

"You kind of spaced out for a sec."

When I looked down, my previously full wine glass was empty as well as the Cobb salad I had been eating. I didn't remember eating or drinking while my mind wondered. I shook my head, gathering myself, as the waiter dropped off our tickets.

"Sorry, I was just thinking," I spoke, grabbing Danielle's check. She tried to grab it but I beat her too it, her eyes playfully glaring at me.

"Jesse, you got the last one, come on it's my turn," I just smirked, handing the waiter my card.


Like scary quiet.

The only noise I heard was the sound of my heels clicking against the marble floor of my office lobby. The receptionist gave me a kind smile, which she never did. People were more or less, working as normal but with more assertion, and seriousness.

Weird. I thought as I just made my way towards the elevator. I waited patiently, stepping into the small metal box, and pressing the floor button. When it arrived at my floor, I walked quickly towards Harry's office, knocking on the door. I could hear voices, assuming that Louis and Zayn were visiting, I didn't wait for him to say come in before I opened the door.

However when I stepped inside, it wasn't the brooding tan man, or the shaggy haired stud with bright eyes.

Instead an older gentleman with mostly brunette hair with a bit of grey sat in the chair across from Harry's desk. Only now he was staring at me with the most intimidating glare. Harry sat behind his desk, his head resting in his hands, as he shook his head. He looked up at me with a blank expression, my eyes darting quickly away from his now angry stare.

"Um, I- uh, I didn't mean- can--" I stuttered, looking down at the ground. I could feel my face heating up.

"Just leave Jessica." I cringed at Harry's use of my full name. I nodded quickly, glancing at the older man that hadn't said word, and closing the door behind me. Leaning my back against the door, I breathed out heavily, dashing into my office, and starting on any work I could find to do. 

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