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For the second time that day I was absolutely captivated by what stood before me. His hair actually looked as if he'd tried to tame the brunette mess.  The dark locks were pushed back on his head, small pieces that didn't want to stay in place falling in front of his eyes. The black button down hugged his arms just right, the slightly sheer fabric allowing me a wonderful view of his toned abs, and pecks, accenting his fit body in every way possible.

The dark blue jeans were tight on his long skinny legs, probably too tight, but he pulled it off better than any other guy I'd seen. His black boots didn't show a scuff or dent. Expensive and surely brand new I thought to myself as I brought my gaze back to his dancing eyes.



We both stood staring at each other.

I cleared my throat taking a step back gesturing my arm to the side to usher him inside.

"Um, come on in. I, I've got to get dressed," I let him in closing the door and walking quickly back to my room.

After settling on a pair of jeans and a nice blouse, I slipped on my maroon booties, and walked back out to Harry. He stood at one of the end tables by my couch, looking at a picture. He hasn't noticed me walk in so I take the opportunity to give him a taste of his own medicine from earlier this afternoon.

"That's my mom and I. I think I was 5 there." I couldn't hold in my laughter as his back straightened out and he turned quickly towards me. His face was red and eyes wide, as I doubled over in laughter. He grinned once he relaxed from the scare, shaking his head.

"Good one, very funny. Shall we?" He asked gesturing to the door. I nodded, with a smile.

"Lead the way."

The car ride to wherever we were going was awkwardly silent.  I still had no idea where he was taking me nor did I even remember agreeing to this. I could be driving to my death right now I thought, shaking my head at myself.

Pull it together Jessie, I thought sighing, as I watched as we drove down the street.

Harry glanced at me quickly, his eyes averting back to the road when we made eye contact. I nibbled on my bottom lip as the thick silence continued, the car slowing at a stop light.

"So where are we going?" I finally asked when the quiet space was just too much for me to handle. The radio wasn't even on to fill the quiet space.

"Mini golf," he shrugged, stepping on the gas to keep us moving. "I know it may not sound very fun, but I wanted to stay away from the cliche dinner on the first date. I don't know maybe we could do that on the second date." I hid my smile at his words, my heart swooning at the once very serious man I thought he was.

"Mini golf? That's why you asked if I like sports?" I laughed as he shrugged.

"What makes you think there's gonna be a second date?" I asked, knowing I would agree, but feeling like giving him a hard time just for fun would be a good laugh to myself. At the question Harry's eyes widened, then his cheeks turned a dark shade of crimson I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't staring right at him. He cleared his throat nervously, stammering out incoherent words. I had to admit it felt good to know I could fluster him like this.

"I, uh, well, I--" I stopped his stammering by letting out a loud laugh, causing him to shoot a glare my way.

"Why don't we get through this one first yeah?" He nodded, just as we pulled up to the mini golf place. The words 'Fantastica' sat on top of the building between two giant giraffes that stood on either side of the lit entrance as we entered the building. My eyes scanned the place as we walked into a sort of arcade room. Racing games, hunting, ski ball, jackpot, all lighting up and flashing for you to put coins in to play. Kids ran around yelling and playing the games.

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