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The next morning I picked out the baggiest pair of dress pants I could find which weren't very baggy. They hugged my waist and the style called for a nice fitting blouse which would defeat the purpose of me trying to defy Harry's request from last night.

The white button down hugged my upper body, my cleavage on full display. I rolled my eyes and sighed in defeat. This would have to do.

"I see you obeyed my orders." I jumped at the sound of his voice in front of me, my hand pressed to my chest and my heart racing.

"I like a girl that listens," he smirked.

"Harry, Christ you scared me," I glare at him, as he stands from my desk chair and makes his way over to me. His smirk is almost contagious, but I fight to keep a straight face. He's now standing directly in front of me, his frame towering over mine, the Polo Blue radiating off of his skin and into my nostrils.

"For your information I'm a woman, not a girl, and I did not obey anyone's orders. The dress code calls for business casual and I believe I did just that." I say sternly, attempting to move around him, and towards my desk. However, its futile as Harry only steps in the same direction stopping me from walking away from him.

I stiffen as he leans down, his lips at my ear, his breath sending an involuntary chill through my body. I suddenly regret speaking at all, as he whispers in my ear.

"I can see straight down your shirt, and I love it. It's a great view," he leans back, a wide grin on his lips.

I gape at his comment, watching as he nonchalantly walks past me and across the hall to his office. I grumble to myself as I slam the door behind him. Jumping sky high as my phone starts to ring, beginning my day of typing, answering calls, and at all costs avoiding the oh so charming Harry Styles.

My ankles cry in agony as I use all my weight to stand. I've been standing in front of Harry's office for at least 10 minutes. The day is almost over and there are two very important files he needs to see. I did so well today, no snarky comments since I came in this morning. Of course not seeing him had a lot to do with that. he must've been really busy today. I got lucky he was very busy in and out of meetings he didn't have time to bother me.

But I couldn't help but wonder why I was so against this again? The idea of Harry and I, I mean he was obviously irresistible, he had money, not that it mattered. He was, somewhat professional. What was the problem?

Um hello? Earth to Jess! Because he's your boss!

I roll my eyes at the resting bitch face my subconscious now wears. He is my boss, but he's also very, very, hot. Maybe I should give him a chance. I shake my head, ridding the thoughts from my head, as I finally find the strength to knock on the door.

There's no answer for a while so I assume he's left for the day. I push the door open, and a sad smile graces my lips as I take in the sight before me. Brown curly hair is strewn across the red oak desk, an expensive Gucci tie lay a few inches away. Harry's head is resting on a pile of papers amidst his desk, as soft snores leave his red lips. His computer screen is bright, and beeping as his email blows up.

His phone vibrates continually on top of his briefcase that rests on the couch across the room. I fold my arms across my chest as I watch him, smiling at the sight. I can't deny the fact that he looks absolutely adorable, all vulnerable and childlike.

"Are you watching me sleep?"

My heart stops, for the third time that day, his groggy voice, very deep, and slow, scaring me half to death. I can feel my lower region awakening at the sound, panting like a hungry dog.

I clear my throat, straightening up before answering.

"What? No," I glare, as he sits up, running a hand through his if possible more wild looking hair. His cheek is red, and indented lines from the contents of his desk imprint on his face. I hold in my amusement, as I watch him try and gather himself, and wake up.

"You're a terrible liar," he rolls his eyes, glancing at me quickly then back at his email that has stopped pinging. His fingers begin to type something quickly and my eyes can't help but watch the way they move. Analyzing every part of his body that I can see.

The way his chest is exposed through the two buttons left undone on his shirt. The vein that runs down the left side of his neck, protruding out, asking to be kissed and sucked on. I don't realize that my lip is in my mouth, drooling over the sight of the man I have to admit I want, but shouldn't have.

I'm too busy gawking over Harry, that I don't hear a word he says.

I blink once, taking me out of the trance I was in, meeting the confused stare before me.

"I, what?"

"Just one time? I promise, I'll behave, I'm actually quite the gentleman," he smiles.

My brows furrow, as I look around the large space of the office wondering what the hell he's talking about.


I utter the word without thinking. Harry's smile brightens at my answer, and I'm left utterly lost at what just happened.

"I'll pick you up at 8," is all he says before he rushes past me and out towards the elevator.

I groan as I look at the clock on my bedroom wall.

7:45 PM

It took me nearly 3 hours to realize that I unknowingly agreed to a date with Harry. It only took a text from him asking if I liked sports for me to get it.

I successfully, showered, did my hair and makeup, but as soon as I opened my closet I was stuck. I had no idea what I was gonna wear. He gave absolutely no indication of what we might be doing or where we might be going. Asking if I liked sports wasn't a very good hint. There's a whole list of things we could do.

I groaned loudly, as I heard a knock at my door.

Dammit he was actually on time.

I grabbed my black silk robe, quickly pulling it over my half naked body.

I swung the door open not even half expecting to see what stood before me.

Hercules? Adonis? Achilles?

Of all the handsome fictional and non fictional characters the mystery man that stood at my door could not be Harry Styles.

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