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I took one last final glance at my appearance in the full length mirror before nodding in approval. The black leather dress hugged my hips well. The hem falling just above my knees. A simple yet perfect choice for an office job.

I smoothed out the double layer of red lipstick to add a bit of color to my dark outfit and ran a hand through my brunette waves one last time slipping on a pair of patterned red heels that made my legs look magnificent, aiding in my short height. The thick but high heel made it the slightest to walk and stand for a long period of time. I gave myself of once over once more mumbling words of encouragement to myself.

"You can do this," I mumbled, taking several deep breaths.

Oh? Wait. I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. Jessica, Jessica Rae Michaels, or Jessie as my friends and boyfriend Cameron call me.

22, living in the city.

Today was the first day at my new job, and I had to make a good impression. I'd gotten the call last week Friday right after my interview. It was strange because it wasn't my actual employer that had interviewed me, but instead a close colleague by the name of Mr. Tomlinson if I'm remembering correctly. Apparently he and Mr. Styles were just that close and he knew exactly what he was looking for in an assistant. But hey, I wasn't complaining. I was newly employed the pay was great and God knows I needed the money.  I'd never worked in such a high-end place as a law firm, but it would definitely look good on my resume.

It's just that I was heading into this job head first with no experience with the law whatsoever. I mean, hell, I don't even know was Mr. Styles looks like. He's probably old and dying, I mean good lawyers weren't young these days.  But wait that Louis guy said he was friends with Mr. Styles and he couldn't be older than 25, maybe it's his son. No, they don't have the same last name. Oh! Maybe it's his stepson and he has his biological dads name? Yeah, lets go with that, but-I was interrupted from my thoughts by the loud ringing of my phone on my nightstand.

"Hello?" I answered, not bothering to look at the caller I.D. "Uh, hey Jessie, it's Cameron. Aren't you at work I hadn't expected you to answer-" I hadn't heard what else he said as I glanced at the clock on top of my dresser 7:45.

"Shit," I murmured grabbing my bag quickly. 7:45, oh fuck! I'm supposed to be there by 8. Fan-fucking-tastic, my first day and I'm late! I had to take a taxi, the office was 10 minutes away but I was pushing it.

"Jess? Hello, you there?" I zoned back in realizing I wasn't listening to a word Cameron was saying. "Yeah, yeah, look I'm running late, I'll call you tonight? Ok. Come over and I'll tell you how my first day went." He agreed quickly letting me go as I grabbed a light coat and flagged down a taxi on the street.

I took one last deep breath before stepping off of the elevator. I'd made it with about 3 minutes to spare. "May I help you?" A feminine voice asked. I realized I was staring in awe at my surroundings when she snapped me out of my trance. Everything looked so expensive. "Um, yes, sorry. I'm Mr. Styles' new assistant," I said in my most professional voice. The unnamed woman's eyes brightened at this revelation. "Ah, yes Miss Michaels is it? He's expecting you, you can go right in." She pointed down the hall. Well to the only door, save for a bathroom and another unknown door across from it. "I'm Lilian by the way," she held out her hand smiling warmly. I took it in mine returning the gesture. "If you need anything just ring me, dial '0' and it'll transfer you straight to me. Um, Mr. Styles is 1 if you ever need him. That'll be your office across from his, the other one is the restroom. The break room is the floor under us, and that's all I believe. Mr. Styles will tell you of anything else I may have forgotten," she smiled. "You can go right in," she finished before answering the ringing phone.

I nodded, walking slowly to the door. It was a lot to take in on my first day, but I was a fast learner and I knew I'd get the hang of everything sooner or later. As I approached the office door Lilian had directed me to it read H. E. Styles P.C. I could see slight movement through the tinted door, but it was quiet.

Relax Jessica, he's probably a precious aging old man, just breath. I knocked softly on the wood door waiting with anticipation. "Come in," a very deep husky voice answered. I stepped in sideways, my back facing away as I closed the door behind me, turning around I mentally moaned when I came face to face with my boss. I saw him chuckle, his bright eyes, dancing with humor. I moaned out loud didn't I, dammit.

Fuck. This man was beautiful.

He was sat forward in his chair, large hands clasped on top of the shiny mahogany desk. His dark suit fit him snugly, outlining his obviously toned arms and broad shoulders. His curly brown hair was pushed up on his head in a sort of quiff like style, and a sexy smirk graced his face. I couldn't tell you how long we both sat staring and assessing eachother.

Well he definitely wasn't an old bag, nor did he look like he had children. I quickly glanced down at his hands, nope. No ring. But that didn't mean he was single. What? Jessica why are you even thinking about this, hello remember your boyfriend, Cameron of almost a year? Oh, yes, him, I thought to myself mentally rolling my eyes

"Lou didn't tell me how hot you were. Just said you were funny, and seemed carefree, but still hard working." His deep voice made me jump as I came back to reality.

"Uh, thank you," I said recovering from what I guessed was a compliment. My eyes ran around the room slowly taking everything in. He had lots of books and pictures of what I assumed were friends and family. Certificates, lined the walls as well as very important looking awards. A name plate sat atop the desk that was scattered with paper. He had a switchboard, and a Mac laptop opened in front of him.

"Have a seat-" he paused, waiting for me to say my name. "Oh, sorry it's Jessica," I finished for him, plopping down in the plush chair, that sat across from his large desk. He nodded, "I'll call you Jess. Is that alright with you?" He asked pulling out a thick folder. I nodded, "my friends and family call me Jessie," I shrugged.

"Yeah, I think I'll stick with Jess, it's more," he paused thinking if a word, "intimate."

I gulped.

He smirked.

"So anyway, you'll jump right into work then. Starting by sending some emails and making calls to clients about consultations, and case progress and such. You'll also need to take down my personal number for emergency purposes, you never know when I might need you," he winked. Wait? Did he just hit on me? I mean yeah he's hot, but I'm in a stable relationship. "Also, you'll have an hour lunch everyday, whenever you want to take it, or you could skip doesn't matter. As long as you're only gone for an hour. You'll leave at 6 pm everyday save for Fridays when I close my office by 3. I'm sure Lilian has told you about everything else. Your line number is 5, if I or Lilian should call you our numbers will light up on the phone. Also, your checks will be delivered by a direct deposit to your account, every Thursday. So I'll you to fill out this bank form immediately and send it to Lilian so she can file it." he leaned over handing me a sheet of paper.

I nodded, as he continued talking, wishing I had brought in a pen and notepad, but I can honestly say I heard nothing. His voice was like sex, so smooth and lulling. I hadn't realized I was staring at him dreamily until a loud laugh rang through the room. I came back to earth sitting up quickly in surprise. He was now sat on the edge of his desk, smiling at me. I really needed to stop zoning out like that, it probably wasn't the best idea when my boss was talking to me.

"You can began work now Jess, your office is across the hall." I nodded quickly jumping up and grabbing the folder I needed for today's work. "Thank you Mr. Styles I'll ring if I need anything," he waved me off.

"Please babe, call me Harry." I nodded smiling before walking out and across the hall to my new work space.

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