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I rolled my eyes as my two best mates continued to gawk over my new assistant. We were sat in one of the most expensive restaurants in the city, the three of us nursing cool glasses of scotch.

"She is completely hot and you know it," Louis spoke shaking his head at me. I refused to even entertain the idea of coming on to Jessica. I had made a couple of questionable remarks to her on the first day. But they were nothing to rip and rave about. I was not about to go into another shitty relationship, especially after Samantha. That woman was a witch.

"Louis you know my rule, I will not be involved with any of my co workers." I said firmly, watching his eyes roll at my response.

Zayn remained quiet as usual, as we all continued to enjoy the night. Celebrating, my big win on the Ather case earlier today.


"Styles Law, this is Jessica,"

I listened, to her voice as she answered the phone, focusing very intently on whatever the person on the other end was saying to her. I watched as she reached for a pen, jotting down notes, and nodding her head to the information she was receiving.

My mind wondered to what Louis and Zayn had teased me about the previous night.

She was stunning, but I could never date an employee.
I jumped slightly at the loud ring of my phone, Jessica's number lighting up. I shook the thoughts from my head, clearing my throat before answering.


"Um," she stuttered timidly, "Sir, there's a Jeff O'Connor on the line. He says it's urgent?" she speaks in a questioning tone.

"Transfer him over, thank you Jessica," I hang up, watching her across the hall, as she begins to type something on her computer.

"This is Harry."

I sigh and rub my eyes, as I stare blankly at my computer screen. The bright light burns but I need to finish this file. It's well past closing and I'm alone in the office, or so I thought. I hear the clanking sound of heels meeting the shiny marble floors of my office building from outside the door. Soon after the sound quiets and I hear a knock.

"Come in," I look up to see Jessica enter. Her petite body is bundled up in a coat, a large bag hanging from her gloved hands.

"I saw the light from under you door, just wanted to let you know I was heading home for the night. Unless of course there's anything you need?"

"Why are you still here?" I asked, ignoring her previous comment.

Raising a brow, I waited patiently for her to answer.

"I've been familiarizing myself with all of the most recent cases." she replied, looking down. I was silent for a moment, nodding. I couldn't show her that I was actually impressed at this information. She stood, quietly in the doorway, both of us silent, and not quite sure what to say.

"So I-"
"Would you-"

We both spoke at the same time, making both of us chuckle.

"You first," she smiled, motioning for me to speak.

"Would you like me to walk you out?" I asked, standing from my desk. "I can finish this tomorrow I continued before she objected.

"That would be nice."

I quickly shut down my laptop, sticking it is its case and grabbing my coat and cell phone, following her out in the hall and locking my office door. The elevator ride was awkward and too quiet for my liking. I could usually be so relaxed around any woman but there was something different about her. I internally sighed when we reached the front door watching as she flagged down a cab.

I was confused at this, assuming she had a vehicle of her own.

The yellow car pulled up quickly, ready to take her to her destination. She turned to me, giving me a small kind smile.

"Um, thanks for walking me, I'll see you tomorrow?"

I nodded, "Yeah, tomorrow," and then I was walking away as her cab drove off in the opposite direction. I wanted to flag her down and tell her I could take her home so she wouldn't have to pay for the cab, but I could already feel my walls disintegrating when I was around her. I didn't want to do anything stupid and possibly lose the best employee I'd had in awhile, aside from Lilian who was an old family friend.

Shaking the thoughts from my head I headed in the direction of my car, and driving off.

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