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I was tense and irritated with my father sitting here criticizing my every move. Everyone in the office was on edge and making sure everything they did was perfect so that he'd have nothing to complain about when it was sent in. I knew I was an ass at work, but my father was a lot worse than me when it came to perfection and making sure everything big or small was just the way he wanted it.

I seriously thought he was OCD.

Jess was completely clueless when she'd come into my office earlier. She had no idea who he was and I felt so bad for dismissing her the way I did. She had given me that sad puppy eyed look. I thought she might cry when my dad glared at her the way he did when she walked into my office. He made me this way, ever since he handed the firm over to me. Him being in town was the equivalent of a woman's menstrual period for me. My attitude got shitty, I'd pull on my hair and I hated every part of it. It made me miserable, I wanted nothing more than to just lay in my bed and hide under the covers.

I looked at my watch, standing from my desk chair to walk across the hall. My eyes are already droopy and aching and I feel pissed for no reason at all. Jess is working hard when I enter her office and she doesn't hear me until I close the door behind me. She gives me a small smile that I can't even attempt to return, as she walks over to where I haven't moved from her door.

"Hey," her voice is calm and almost soothes my shitty attitude but not quite. She's clearly forgotten how I acted towards her earlier and she looks happy to see me. I want to hug and kiss her, but I'm just too overwhelmed.

I ignore her polite greeting and get straight to the point. "I've got court, I need the files for Dunlap." It comes out deadpanned and emotionless as she gives me a weird look. Its not meant to come out as mean as it does, but I have absolutely no control over my emotions right now.

My God, am I turning into a woman?

"Oh, right, ok. Hold on." I stand patiently while she grabs the file from the cabinet, walking back to her desk and slipping her shoes back on. She fixes her hair as well and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. She sees my face and her face scrunches up the same as mine.


"Uh, where are you going? The day isn't over yet," I speak even more confused at the fact that she has no idea why I'm confused.

"You said you had court. I mean I know it's my job to know when you do, and I'm so sorry I forgot. But I remember going over the case a few days ago, so I'm all caught up." She smiles, continuing to grab her things.

"Jess, the guy in my office is here, he'll be accompanying me today." I ignore her again just holding my hand out, leaving the part about the guy in my office being my dad. I almost don't hear the scoff that leaves her lips as she places the file into my hand.

"Please finish your work before you leave the office tonight. I should be back around 3." I turn on my heel without waiting for her to respond and slam the door shut behind me.


If it were physically possible, or if I was a cartoon, steam would be coming out of my ears at how mad I was right now. We were in my dad's car, his driver taking us back to the office. He had been rambling on for over an hour about the case I had just lost, unfortunately. I felt 10 again when he had lectured me about wanting to quit school at such a young age.

"You didn't have your evidence, where was the story. The questions were weak, you didn't trap him!" he yelled.

"Dad that's enough, can we just drop it," my teeth were gritted in anger as I spoke and my hands were shaking with rage.

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