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Her lips were just as soft as I had imagined them. I pressed against them with just the right pressure, moving slowly. Her hands hung limply by her sides, and I wondered if I was making her comfortable. After all I didn't even ask if I could kiss her. I just went for it. She hummed against my lips as I traced her bottom lip with my tongue, asking for permission that she immediately gave.

My hands reached down to rest at her lower back, pressing her petite body into mine. In that moment her arms wrapped around my neck, combing through my hair with her fingers. I pecked her lips a few times, enjoying the feel of them against mine before plunging my tongue straight into her mouth again.

I moved my hands from her hips up to her face, turning her head to get a better angle. If possible, making the kiss even deeper. I don't how long we'd been standing there but a booming voice made us both jump back harshly from eachother. I cursed silently to myself as she bit down on my lip, holding the bleeding bruise.

"What the fuck is this!" I cringed at the unknown voice. I remained silent, in too much pain to look up. When I finally did, there was a man with a red face, full of anger staring right at Jessica. I could only assume it was her boyfriend, he was way too young to be her farther. Or maybe a brother?

Lillian ran in looking flustered, surely startled by the mans yelling. Her eyes were frantic as she looked around the room in worry.  I spoke up at seeing her,holding up my hand as I spoke in a low voice.

"It's fine Lilian, leave us and cancel all my calls and meetings for the day. Thank you, and you can go home when you're done."

She went to protest, stopping herself as I raised my hand in authority again. Her heels clicking on the floor as she left us. The office remained silent, the awkward thick as fuck in the small space. Jessica cleared her throat about to speak, but I didn't give her a chance as I walked up beside her, hand still on my lip. She gasped at the red liquid leaking from my lip onto my hand and suit.

Turning towards me with a horrified expression despite the fact that her boyfriend currently stood frozen watching us. After having just witnessed us sucking face.

"My God Harry you're bleeding," She rushed towards my desk grabbing some Kleenex to stop the blood. She pressed the tissue to my lip when I dropped my hand meeting my gaze, as I stared down at her, smiling awkwardly. She blushed, breaking the eye contact, and I could see her expression change when her boyfriend spoke again interrupting the moment.

"Are you fucking kidding Jessica?" He growled, sending daggers at both of us through his eyes before he stormed out. She began to walk away as if turning to go follow after him, but I knew that would only end in a huge heated argument. So I grabbed to keep her still, her eyes giving me a questioning look, as I shook my head slightly.

"Just give him some time," I mumbled out the best that I could. My lip was swollen and red, the bleeding stopped but leaving stains on my hands and suit jacket. She nodded, an amused smile gracing her lips for a second.

"Why don't we go get you cleaned up forreal. We're gonna have to get that blood out," She whispered taking my hand in hers.

I watched her silently as she looked around my place. I could see the awe in her eyes as she took everything in. I could tell she was shocked that I lived here alone. Or maybe at how neatly decorated it was. I closed the door behind us as she stepped deeper inside.

"Wow." She whispered walking deeper into the place. She did a complete 360, around the room.

"You like? I could give you a tour?" She nodded eagerly as I led her up a few steps farther back and into my bedroom. It was fairly clean for a guys room, and my dark furniture matched what was in my living room.

"Its so beautiful," I nodded at her comment, taking off my suit jacket and laying it across the bed, I would have to get the maid to get the blood out.

"Yeah, I got it from my gran, she passed sometime ago."

She nodded in sympathy as I took off my shoes motioning for her to follow, leading her into my bathroom. I reached up in the medicine cabinet, grabbing the mini first aid kit it held. I sat myself on the lid of the closed toilet, handing the kit to her with a smile.

"Patch me up." She smiled, grabbing the small white box and opening its contents onto the counter. I watched as she grabbed an unopened gauze and a wet towel, wetting the top corner with water. She gasped when she looked back over to me, as I have her a confused look. I followed her gaze, watching as blood began to fall from my lip again onto the floor.

She rushed to place the towel there, soaking up the blood, as she opened the gauze. I was instructed to put pressure on it, as the towel was replaced with the gauze. We sat silently waiting for the bleeding to stop, her eyes looking anywhere but at me.

"Wait. How did you bust your lip?" She blinked confusion written on her face. I'd figured this question would come up, all in all hoping to avoid it. I chuckled, removing the gauze for a minute to tell her.

"When your um, boyfriend came in and scared us, you kind of um. Well you bit me, when we pulled apart." Her eyes went so wide at this revelation, her cheeks heating with embarrassment.

"Oh my god!" She yelled, throwing her hands up into her hair. " I'm so sorry, Harry." I laughed while she apologized repeatedly, trying to calm her frantic state down. I knew she would be embarrassed but it wasn't so bad.

"Jess, its fine. It's just a little bump," I reassured her as she knelt back down in front of me, cheeks still holding a light blush. It was silent for a while again, as I removed the gauze.

"I think the bleeding has stopped," I mumbled, my speech sounding jumbled, because of how swollen my lip had now gotten. She giggled, as I tried to stick my lip out to get a look at it, shaking my head at my failures.

"Maybe we need to get some ice. The swelling doesn't seem to be going down," I nodded agreeing and, following her out to the kitchen, as I took a seat on the couch. She found the ice and a towel to place it in easily, walking back into the living room and handing me the makeshift ice pack, and then taking a seat next to me.

The silence lingered between us again. Both of minds surely plagued my what had happened to day and what it meant. Which ultimately was nothing. I had kissed her but I didn't mean anything by it. I didn't want a relationship, and I hoped that she didn't take it that way.

I cleared my throat, eyes already on her as she turned to look at me.

"I think maybe you should try and find um," I trailed off not knowing her boyfriends name.

"Oh Cameron, yeah, I guess I'll just head out. I'm sorry again, for you know." She said motioning to my lip as I laughed.

"S'fine, good luck."

She waved, closing the door behind her, and I was left to decide what would happen next.

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