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Danielle's tight embrace makes me giggle as she squeals and hugs me jumping up and down. I'd met her for lunch which Harry had pouted like a little child when I told him that I wouldn't be joining him for lunch today. It was weird to think that we were dating now. It had only been about a week now since he officially asked me at the drive-in movie. But even in this short time, it was better than the entire year I was with Cameron.

It was fun, it was sexy, it was romantic. It was everything a relationship should be, and it was mine.

"Oh my god!" She squeals, finally let me sit down. There's a huge grin on her face, and its contagious. I can feel my cheeks reddening, and I cover my face with a laugh.


She only continues to smile at me. I had just told Danielle that Harry and I had officially labeled our relationship. I knew she'd be happy, but I didn't know she'd be this happy. I tell her everything after the waiter takes our order. She's hanging on to my every word and she gasps, and makes satisfied noises at some parts.

"You're so smitten." I furrow my brows at my bestfriend while we eat.

"What? I am not. He's just hot and successful, and sweet," I shrug, sipping on my glass of chilled wine. Danielle scoffs giving me a look. I know exactly what she means and she knows I do too. She shakes her head at me and I give her a clueless smile, changing the subject quickly.

"Speaking of smitten and you and Harry. You know what this means? Liam and I finally have a couple to hand out with!" I groan at Danielle's not so subtle insinuation and shake my head.

"What? Oh, no you don't. Its been a week D, and Harry won't want to. I mean he only has two close friends and they're well, you know. Its just weird and I know he'll say no."

Danielle rolls her eyes, then starts to pout her bottom lip like a child. I roll my eyes in return knowing I'm won't get out of this until I agree. So I do, saving us both the long argument that would've followed.

By the time I make it back to the office it half 1 but its still early in the day for me.

I am extremely tired, and even though I've been sitting all day, my feet hurt. I sigh as I sink into my chair, noticing a green sticky note on my computer.

I recognize Harrys writing before I even read the note and smile.

"I need to see you Miss Michaels."

I roll my eyes, imagining his serious face as he probably wrote this. I can picture him saying it, as I slip my shoes back on and walk across the way to his office. Knocking once, I can hear quiet mumbling, until I hear him say come in. I open the door slowly, closing it quietly behind me. 

Harrys face is scrunched into a scowl with his office phone is pressed to his ear. I wanna smile, because his lips look so puffy and cute. I ball up the green sticky note and drop it in the trash, kicking my shoes off as I make my over to Harrys desk. His face hasn't changed, and I wonder who he is talking too that's making his face so pouty. 

Without warning I sit down slowly onto his lap. His eyes widen at me as if he's just now realizing that I'm in front of him. Smiling, I let my hands run through his hair, and down onto his chest and under his suit jacket. He sighs at my touch, his head resting back against the headrest on his chair. I can hear an unfamiliar voice talking to him on the phone and all I wanna do is get rid of the lines ruining his perfect face.

I lean forward and start kissing all over his face and neck, watching as he tries to listen to whatever the stranger is saying to him on the phone. My hands run down his back, kneading into the tense skin there, and rubbing his shoulders over the jacket of his suit.

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