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"Oh my God!" Danielle, yelled, my hand immediately going to cover her mouth as a few passerby's stared, surely taken back by her loud outburst interrupting their day. I gave her a look, making sure she wouldn't scream again before removing my hand. She leaned in closer before repeating herself.

"Oh my god!" She whisper yelled, making me blush and shrug. It was the same day of the incident only later. I had taken a nap after Cameron left for work. Immediately calling Danielle after I woke up. I couldn't possibly wait to tell her this. It was too good, it was just too juicy.

"Damn, Jessie, you almost kissed your boss. That is badass," she smirked, taking a French fry into her mouth. I shook my head, groaning in frustration. It was so much more than that though, I thought deciding to say it aloud.

"It wasn't just a kiss though, D. It was, I don't know," I paused trying to rack my brain for a word to describe how he made me feel.

"I don't know this force. This magnet pulling us together. We both wanted it plain as day, and I wasn't going to stop." I said, realizing the words I had actually just spoken.

I wasn't going to stop him.

I saw him leaning in and I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to feel those full dark red lips against mine. I wanted to feel those big hands wrap around my waist, slowly gliding down to rest softly on my butt. Fantasizing all the wonderful things he could probably do to me.

"So do you like him?" Danielle asked bringing me back to reality. I looked at her, taking my time before answering her question.

Man if I was a guy I'd have a huge hard on right now.

"I don't know, I don't know if he likes me. I mean it was only just almost a kiss. But you know about a week ago I caught him staring at my ass," I mentioned, as she smiled again.

"Why do you keep smiling at me like that?" She shrugged.

"Because he's fucking hot and to be honest with you boo, I never really liked Cameron. He's sort of an ass." I gaped at her as she brushed it off as if it was nothing.

"But Harry's an ass too, only he's a sexy ass," we both laughed at the irony of that statement. Finally changing the subject and finishing our food.


I sit squished into the corner of the couch as Cameron scooted closer to me, his hand resting on my thigh. I rolled my eyes in annoyance as whatever movie we were watching played in front of us. I leaned slightly away as he began to kiss my neck, hand coming over to hold my waist. I sat still, the voices and movements of the characters on screen a complete blur in front of my eyes.

His arm curled around my back, trying to pull me closer, as I tried my best to ground my body into the cushions.

"What's up babe?" I cringed at the pet name, resisting the urge to roll my eyes again.

"Nothing." I replied shortly, hoping he would get the hint.

I was sadly mistaken.

"Are you sure? You seem sort of distant," he trailed off looking over my face for any sort of reaction.

"Oh my god! What are you a girl?" I resisted the urge to ask, and surely hurt his feelings or bruise his ego deeply.

"I'm on my period," I lied, smiling internally at my self for coming up with the very overused excuse to not have sex. Despite this fact men have yet to figure it out. But it is the one thing us woman have to ourselves.

That, and faking orgasm. I giggle out loud at the thought.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed. I've got a lot of work to do tomorrow so I sort of have to get in early," I push myself up from the couch. Not bothering to wait for a response from him as I make my way to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

I hear my front door slam shut minutes later when I'm finally getting into bed. I sigh, at the time on my clock reading 11:44 pm. At least I told the truth about having to get up early. I feel my eyes begin to close, giving into the exhaustion before hearing my text tone go off on my bedside table.

Harry 11:51 pm

Night. x

The message is only one word but somehow manages to make my stomach do flips and my heart beat rapidly in my chest. I shake my head at myself, as I feel a blush rising on my cheeks. How can a text message do this to a person?
I think to myself , rolling over to finally get some sleep, deciding not to respond.

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