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My hair was a crazy mess, after having run my hands through it repeatedly. I was still reeling over what had happened with Jessica and I didn't know how to handle any of it. My lips still tingled from where they met with hers. To be honest I hadn't wanted to stop earlier in my office. Even when her so called boyfriend had walked in. Honestly I would've taken her right there in the middle of my office with no regards to who was listening or watching. But I stopped myself, and controlled my urges.

 I trudged to my front door, sighing in relief at who stood in front of me.

"Ok, we got beer and Crown Royal. But that's really just for me," Zayn grinned, holding the 6-pack out to me, and walking inside, followed by Louis. They took a seat on my couch, lazily, having been here on several occasions. Zayn brought back three glasses from the kitchen, filling them all up, with the amber liquids. Louis quickly turned on my TV, not even showing that he was interested in why I'd called them over without any explanation.

It was silent as we all drank, aside from the noise coming from the television; waiting for me to speak on why I'd called them over so unexpectedly. I already knew how they'd react. They wouldn't be surprised, and they wouldn't be any help with deciding what I should do from this point on. But I'd called them anyway because I needed my guys. I wanted some sort of company if I couldn't have the company I really wanted.


I took a deep breath, my heart beating heavily in my chest, feeling like I was back in middle school when I'd told my mom I had sex on the living room couch with my homecoming date after she'd found the condom rapper under the cushions.

"So I kissed her, her boyfriend walked in. Then we came back--"

"Did you fuck her?" I stared at Zayn blankly, not at all shocked at his bluntness.

"No," I responded, dragging out the word, his eyes rolling as he took another sip from his drink. "If you would have let me finish. We had a little accident, she sort of bit me and there was blood. She came back here to help me clean up. Then I sent her away to go talk to her boyfriend and now, I'm fucking confused."

They both stared at me with blank expressions, before laughs bursts through their mouths. My mouth dropped open, as they fell all over my furniture. Slapping their knees and clapping like seals as hysterical laughter left their mouths. I glared at them, waiting for the laugher to subside.

"Are we like 15 mate? You're a grown as man, she's woman. A very beautiful woman I might add. You kissed her, so what? You obviously want her. The heat between you too was boiling hot when she came into your office that first day," Louis shrugged, fist pounding Zayn who nodded his head in agreement.

"Hell that's part of the reason I hired her for you," Louis admitted shrugging as he faced me. My glare hardened at his words, my mind momentarily drifting from the original topic at hand.

"You what?"

"I hired her because she was hot," I was about to burst with anger before Louis continued. "And," he dragged on noting my building anger. "She had a bitching resume, come on, you know I did good. She's a great worker," he grinned, as I relaxed knowing he was right about that.

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head.

"Anyway," I continued, getting back to the more important topic.

"It isn't that simple, just because her boyfriend walked in doesn't mean they're broken up and gives me the green light to try and pursue her officially." I said, trying not to frown at that realization. 

Did I just admit to wanting her? 

I slammed the door behind my two bestfriends, running a hand down my face. I knew they wouldn't be able to help me, but I also thought it'd help me relax to have them here to talk to.


The only advice I'd gotten from them was that you could see how much I wanted her and couldn't have her.

I shook my head as I made my way back to my room, deciding on the only option I knew of in a situation like this. I'd just act like nothing happened and go about my life. I pressed her name in my phone, waiting patiently for her to pick up. Her voice came through the speaker and I wanted to abandon the plan I had decided on. She sounded so nervous, and I could picture her lips moving as she spoke, but I knew this was the best idea.

"Um, hey,"

I was silent for awhile after hearing her greeting. I wanted to tell her to come back over so we could finish that kiss. But she was taken, not that it had stopped me before, obviously.

"I need you to be in at 7 tomorrow. I have a lot of important meetings, and I'll need you to pick up a few things to bring in with you." And just like that I was office Harry. I made sure my voice was stern and had no time for jokes or stupid comments.

"Ok, is everything alright? You sound sort of tense?"

"You'll be receiving an email from me shortly with all of the information, goodnight," I hung up rudely, hoping that this would work how I wanted it too.

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