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Christmas was never really a big deal in my family. So when I had told my parents the Styles had invited them to an early Christmas dinner they weren't the happiest people in the world. In fact, they had originally declined and I had to beg them to get over themselves and just come. My mother was being an absolute bitch about all of this, and I just couldn't understand completely why. Yeah, it was odd that Harry and I were dating even though he was my boss but there was no conflict.

Work was work, and home was home. We did a very good job separating the two, sometimes. It wasn't just some boss and employee fling, for office drama. It was a real relationship, it was more real than any other relationship I'd had.

I was falling hard for Harry Styles, and I wasn't going to let my parents dislike towards our relationship change that.

My head is in my hands and Harrys fingers are gently scratching at my back, rubbing up and down. The tension there is almost unbearable as we sit in the living room of Harrys parents house. My leg is bouncing up and down quickly, and I want to scream. I can feel Harry next to me, his lips kissing along my shoulder and my face. His hands are still rubbing at my back trying to help me relax. Normally it would help instantly but I'm so nervous I can't focus on relaxing right now.

I can't even focus on the beautifully decorated Christmas tree that lights up the entire room. The gifts stuffed under it almost overflowing into the foyer beside it.

"Baby just breath ok? You're thinking too much, it won't be so bad ok?" Harrys words are soothing and calm as he continues to massage and kiss my skin.

I shake my head, just about to respond when I hear the doorbell ring.

My eyes dart up at the sound, and I jump to my feet, Harry following.

The smile on my face is so fake its painful, when I see my parents standing on the front steps. Harrys parents are more than welcoming, but I can see the annoyance in my moms face. Her lips are pursed shrewdly, my dads eyes only widen in awe at the Styles Estate before him. My eyes meet my mothers from beside Harrys parents and we walk towards eachother embracing in a hug. Its cold and tense though, and I cannot wait for this night to be over. 

Dinner is awkward and silent, as everyone eats without a word. The only sounds you can hear are utensils clinking loudly against plates. Harrys hand rests on my thigh under the table, rubbing it softly, and I know he's trying to keep me calm. I can't even taste the food in my mouth, and my eyes are directed only at the plate in front of me. I can feel my mothers glare on me across the table, but I do everything in my power not to look up and meet her cold stare.

"So Mr. and Mrs. Michaels, I have to say its so nice to meet you."

I look up when I hear Harry speak next to me. His plate is empty in front of him, and reaches over to take a sip from his glass of wine. His face is calm and a small smile rests on his face as he looks at my parents. My dad nods, and my mothers stares without a word.

I swallow the food in my mouth, and clear my throat.

"Yea, um Mom, dad, Harry has really been looking forward to it. Its-"

"So you're Jesse's boss?" My mom interrupts me, and if possible the awkwardness in the room has thickened.

At this comment, Harrys dad then speaks up.

"You daughter is an excellent employee. My sons firm is skyrocketing, since she came on board." I smile, at Mr. Styles who returns it and gives me a polite nod.

However this changes nothing and I can see some smart or rude comment bubbling inside my mom and I've had enough. I slam my fork on my plate and slam my hand on the table, catching everyones attention.

"Look, mom, Harry and I are dating and there is nothing you can do about that ok? Yea he is my boss but 2 months with his has been better then 2 entire year with ! If you can't except the fact that I am a grown woman and that he is my boyfriend that I am falling so madly in love with then that's just too damn bad and you know what there's the door." My chest is rising and falling quickly, and my parents as well as everyone else at the table has wide eyes and gaping mouths.

I excuse myself from the table then, and walk to the bathroom.

I lean my back against the closed door, knowing Harrys is right behind me. He doensn't knock as he comes in, closing the door again behind him.  He doesn't speak though just wraps be in his arms and hugs be tightly. We stand there for awhile, I don't even know how long, but when we return back to the table our parents are both standing in the foyer.

My parents are dressed and ready to leave and I know that from this day forward I probably won't be seeing or speaking to them for a very long time.

The Styles still stand at the door watching, and I look over at them with an apologetic look.

"I am so sorry, my parents are usually so kind, and I just I don't know. I knew they were having issues with all of this, but I mean they're my parents."

The tears falls before I realize, and Harrys mom is now the one holding me and shushing me.

"Oh sweetie, don't you worry about it ok? Parents will be parents, they just want to protect you." She kisses my head, and then Harrys. "Ok you two we're off to bed. Get some rest alright, we've got alot of gifts to open tomorrow, and Gemma will be here early." She waves, as Harrys dad guides her away and down the hall leaving Harry and I alone.

I look up at him, with red eyes, trying my best to smile up at my beautiful man.

"You know whatever happens with them. I'm not going to leave you."

Harry nods, leaning in and kissing my lips.

"I know baby, lets go to bed ok? I promise tomorrow will be alot better when it just us, and my folks, opening gifts, with the woman I am falling for too." I blush at his words, taking his hand in mine and going up the stairs.

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