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I forget how long the drive is to my parents house everytime I make the trip. Its a long taxing drive, nothing but road ahead and lots and lots of land. My father of course is one of the wealthiest lawyers ever known and they live in a very expensive and gated community neighborhood. I sigh thankfully to myself as I see the large iron gates of the community, pulling up to the key box to enter the pin code.

The gate beeps once and the 10 foot black iron gated begin to part slowly for me to drive through. My eyes look over at Jess who sits next to me as I cruise slowly deeper into the community and her eyes are wide with amazement. A small gasp leaves her lips as we pass the large houses, probably big enough to fit her entire apartment into. I drive slowly through the streets, for Jess to be able to admire every house, until I pull into the winding driveway of my parents home.

"Holy shit." I chuckle at Jess's reaction to my parents home, turning off the car and looking over at her. I'm about to speak, but she doesn't wait for me, she instead opens her side of the car and jumps out. I follow after her, locking the car door behind me and catching up to take her hand in mine. She squeezes it once as we walk down the drive, past the several other cars that are already parked here. No doubt, colleagues, business partners, and a few family members.

I don't knock as we enter the house. The foyer is already filled with guests, mingling and drinking, everyone dressed in their best Christmas attire. Long expensive YSL and Gucci evening gowns, as well as Ralph Lauren tuxes fill the expanse of the house, myself included. Jess is still close beside me, as she takes it all in. No one notices we've even gotten here because everyone is so engrossed in their conversations.

But I hear her before I see her, and the smile on my face widens as she glides across the shiny marble floor towards us.

"Harry! My baby boy," she speaks happily, bringing me into her chest for a hug, and a kiss to my head. I release my hold on Jess's hand for this short second, before taking it back again. My mom notices her immediately and I can hear a squeak leave Jess's lips as my mother instantly pulls her in for a hug.

"Oh God mum. Don't scare the poor girl away." I laugh, as my sister comes waltzing over in a gold shiny material with a wine glass nursing her hand.

We greet eachother with kisses on each cheek, stepping back to watch the exchange between mum and Jess. Mum has released Jess from her hold, and is now smiling widely at her.

"I'm Anne, my goodness its so great to meet you. Harry hasn't told me anything about you, but my are you a gorgeous girl," she speaks, placing a hand to her chest in admiration.

"Uh, thank you so much, Mrs. Styles, you have a wonderful home."

"Ooh Thank you dear, maybe Haz here can show you around? I am the hostess after all. I've got some rounds, I'll see you kids later yeah?" She waves over her shoulder, waltzing away to greet more people.

"Hey, you ok?" Jess nods as I look down at her a smile on her face. She looks behind me at Gemma who is smiling.

"Hi, again," they both laugh, no doubt thinking about the last encounter they'd had with eachother.

"Hello, Gemma? Its nice to meet you properly, and more appropriately," Jess jokes, shaking Gemmas hand.


We talk among ourselves for a while until Gemma dismisses herself for another drink. Jess and I move slowly throughout the house, making small talk with a few familiar faces to me, and some not.

Hours later the party finally begins to wind down, until finally its such my family, Jess and I left in the house. We'd seen Zayn and Louis for a bit, and talked. Jess was more than happy to meet their girlfriends finally.

I sighed loudly as I stretched my legs out along the couch in the living room. My hand held a cool glass of whiskey and the bow tie on my neck was hanging undone.

"Hey handsome, tired?" I smile, with my eyes closed, as I feel her weight on my leg. I peek one eye open, and see my beautiful girl. I nod silently in response to her question, as I feel her lean all the way down until her head lay against my chest. My arm wraps around her, rubbing up and down her back softly.

"Oi, mum and dad have gone to bed. I'm staying the night. You too?" Gemma, stands with her arms crossed in the doorway of the room, waiting for a response from us. Jess looks at me questioningly. We hadn't discussed staying over, but what would the harm be. The drive home was extremely long and I was exhausted.

 I shrug, looking back and forth between Gemma and Jess.

"Mum said she made up your room. Anyway I'm off to bed, I'll see you at dinner next week. I might be gone before you get up in the morning," Gemma waves goodbye leaving us alone on the couch.

Jess is still looking down at me for an answer and I shrug once more before finally answering.

"It would be easier," I trail off trying to gage her reaction.

"Ok, darling whatever you want is fine with me." she smiles, kissing the exposed skin on my chest. At her answer I down the rest of the amber liquid in my glass and stand up. Jess follows, as I lead her upstairs to my room. It's almost just as I left it, aside from the fresh towels that lay at the edge of the bed.

"Your mom is the sweetest," I close the door behind us, walking slowly towards Jess who stands at the side of the bed.

"Hmm, wanna shower?"

"Babe, you have too, my mum will be heartbroken." I whine to Jessica. We were sat at a pizza parlor for lunch discussing her invitation to Christmas dinner from my mom.

"Harry, you can't just up and ask me. I have plans with my family, what about them?" I shrug not knowing how to answer the question. She rolls her eyes, reaching across the table to take my hand in hers.

"Harry, you know I would absolutely love to spend Christmas with you and your family. They are lovely and have been so kind and welcoming to me, but I can't just cancel on my mom and dad. I'm their only child."

"Maybe they can come to? I mean its not too soon right?"

At my suggestion Jess releases my hand, and a weird look crosses her face. I regret the suggestion then and it goes silent between us.

"Harry my parents don't even know that we're dating and you think our parents are ready to meet eachother?"

I shrug again at her question because its clearly the only answer that's working for me at the moment. She sighs, her head resting in her hands as her finger run through her hair.

"I don't, I just, ugh."

The frustration is clear on her face, and I taker both of her hands and kiss her knuckles as well as every finger on her hands. It doesn't take long for her smile to appear as he eyes looks back up from the table to meet mine.

"Listen, it'll be ok? Its just dinner, its not like we're announcing our engagement or a baby," I try to joke with her, but it doesn't work because her face turns pale.

"It was a joke baby, I'm sorry. But really it'll be fine ok?" She finally nods her agreement, as I kiss her hand again and we finish up our lunch.


My phone is on speaker resting atop my kitchen counter, but my mom is yelling so loud through the phone I can hear her form where I sit on my couch in the living room. My eyes are rolling so hard in the back of my head as she rambles on. I'd just informed her of my new relationship with Harry as well as his family inviting us over for dinner, and I thought she had a stroke.

The phone went silent for at least 3 minutes before she started screaming, and now here we were.

"Mom would you please relax," I plead grabbing the phone up to finally end her ranting. "Mom, its just dinner. Harry is great and so are his parents, it'll be fine. I'll see you this weekend."

I hang up the phone before she can start up again and call Harry.

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