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I mentally groan as I try to get Jess up the steps in her apartment. Why the hell did she have to have steps. My hands are holding her hips as tight as possible so that she doesn't go falling backwards into me. She is absolutely hammered and her legs are wobbling like Bambi. She's giggling the entire walk to her bedroom, and I want to kick myself.

I grunt as she stumbles backwards into me, a laugh leaving her lips.

"Ok, Jess, come on we're almost there," I mumble, trying to push her upwards. She only continues to giggle mindlessly and takes a step forward that seems to take every amount of energy in her body to do.

As she tries and fails to take another step, I have decided I've had enough and scoop her in my arms.

"Whoa!" she yells, surprised, her reflexes seem to be intact as she wraps her arms around my neck and squeezes her body into my chest. My legs carry us both to the bedroom, taking only seconds. I shake my head at myself when I realize I should've just carried her the entire way as soon as we stepped out of the car.

I gently set her at the edge of the bed, reaching over and turning on her dim desk lamp. The bulb illuminates the room with a soft glow, and I can see the brown reflecting in her eyes. She's already staring at me when I turn around, a small smile on her lips.

"Harry," she whispers to me, and I barely hear the words as they leave her lips because she's so quiet.

"Hmm?" I hum, as I take off my jacket and drape it over her chair in the corner.

It takes her awhile to respond to me, but when she speaks I'm hanging on every word even though I shouldn't be. She is completely and utterly drunk, and I would be taking complete advantage of her. She cannot possibly have any idea of what she's doing. I try not to seem to desperate for her to continue so I avert my eyes to anything other than her face.

I let my eyes wander over her room; a few bras and socks strewn on the floor. The closet that's cracked open, or the pictures of her and a very attractive tan woman smiling wide and laughing.

"Is it hot in here?" she asks, her hands moving quickly to the zipper at the back of her dress. I furrow my brows as her words register in my brain. I stand from the bed and take a step back watching as she begins to unzip the dress. I just watch her, and its like everything is going in slow motion. I quickly jump and place my hand on top of hers stopping her movements.

She gives me a weird look, removing her hand, and pouting.

"Hey, its hot," she stands up lifting her arms. A slow devious smile makes its way onto her lips, and she takes a step closer to me.

"Can you help me?" She all but whispers, blinking.

I swallow hard, and look away, fighting with my conscience. There's a war raging inside my head. Every part of my physical body is telling me to jump on her, but my mind is screaming for me to walk away. I count to ten after its been silent for a while hoping she'd passed out or something. Unfortunately, when I turn back to face her, the dress is lower on her chest and the wonderful swell of her breasts are exposed to me.

My brain is going haywire. This never happens to me, I am the seducer, I don't get seduced. No woman has ever been able to make me nervous and twitchy like I am now. I am completely at her mercy, and despite her intoxication she knows it.

She's good.

"Please?" She asks again batting her eyelashes. I look up at the ceiling praying that any minute she'll fall over and go to sleep. Sadly, it does not happen, and she steps closer to me. I nod slightly, watching as she turns around, her back to me. Its taking every bit of self--control for me to not just throw her onto the bed and rip the damn dress off.

Instead I fight my sexual urges, and gently graze my hands along her shoulder blades and down to her hips, letting them come back up slowly until my fingers rest at her zipper. I glide it slowly down her back until the fabric is practically falling off her body. When I see her bare back, I curse under my breath.

No bra, Jesus.

She doesn't even hesitate as she drops her arms from holding the dress up letting it pool at her feet. I shamelessly let my eyes trail down her body, to the black lace panties that hug her hips. Her head turns slightly to the side, moving her now slightly messy curls to rest over one shoulder. I can feel her staring at me over her shoulder. She knows exactly what she's doing. I exhale slowly, as she turns back around to face me fully.

"Harry," she breaths my name.

Our eyes are watching each other intently, waiting on each other to make a move. Our breathing is heavy and labored. She is standing almost completely bare in front of me. I'm beginning to cave and fall for her little game, my legs carrying me a step closer to her.

"How drunk are you?"

She blinks, "drunk enough that I know I really want you. But not drunk enough that you feel like you'd be taking advantage," she whispers, letting her hand rest on my clothed chest. She brings her other hand to rest there as well, her nails digging ever so slightly into the flesh there. She lets her fingertips glide along my chest until they rest at my neck, and begin to tug at my tie to loosen it.

I swallow at her answer, a smirk on my lips. She worded it perfectly, and I wanted her just as bad. I don't even let my conscience speak as I take that last step forward and place my lips on hers. Its so familiar, and it feels like I'm kissing her for the first time all over again.

Her lips are soft and full, and I let my hands hold the sides of her head as her hands run up my body to wrap around my neck and entangle her fingers in my hair. Her hands come back down and begin to undo the buttons on my shirt, and I help her, not once letting my lips leave hers.

My shirt is removed quickly, and as soon as she touches my bare skin, the heat there soars through my body. I hiss as her fingertips graze down my stomach and stop at the waist of my pants. I'm impressed at her ability to multitask. Her eyes haven't opened and her lips haven't left mine, as she expertly undoes the belt, button, and zipper to my dress pants.

Her hands work the material down my hips, the black fabric settling around my shoe clad feet. Its now that I back away, and reach down to remove my shoes and pants. I immediately pull her back towards me, our skin warm and soft against eachothers. We both stand still, with lust filled eyes in only our underwear, just enjoying the feel of skin on skin contact.

Her breast are pressed up against me, as I let my hands travel down to her pert ass, squeezing once, emitting a gasp from her lips. My thumbs hook under the band of her underwear, pushing it down and over her ass. I let the lacy fabric drop, as she steps out of it, kicking it to the side. I place my lips back on hers softly, moving them with hers slowly, enjoying the feel.

Not long after, my boxers are on the floor as well, my member erect and standing tall.

I pull her body even closer to me if possible and lean into her ear.

"You're not going to be able to walk tomorrow," I whisper, and I smirk when I feel her body physically shiver against me.

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