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My heart is hurting, and my head is spinning. I ignore the fact of Harry leaving with her and go my separate way heading home. I can't help but remember Samantha's words to me in the courtroom.

I was so busy making sure I had everything ready for Harry I didn't hear the tall woman come up behind me.

"So its you again?" I ignore her, continuing my run through of all the files. She doesn't care, she speaks again.

"Are you sleeping with him?" I don't respond again. "You don't have to tell me," I can see the evil smirk on her face without having to look up.

"He knows his way around a woman's body," I hear her heels clicking away, and she doesn't have to wait to see if I'll respond to know that she hit a nerve.

But why? Why did that bother me?

"It's too bad he called off the wedding ..."

And they were engaged!

Two things I did not need to find out in one day.

I sigh heavily as I release my feet from the leather prison they've been in all day. I also free my C-cups, dropping the bra, and my bag onto the couch as I make my way to my bedroom. I step out of the navy dress, pulling on an oversized t-shirt.

The walk to my kitchen is quick as I take the almost empty bottle of wine from my fridge and pour a glass. I reach to top of my fridge grabbing an unopened bottle and putting it inside to chill. The light, cool liquid runs smoothly down my throat all thoughts of Harry and the unsettling information I didn't ask for disappearing with each sip.

I silently thank Harry for letting me leave early again, grabbing my pint of ice cream from the freezer, turning on Netflix while I left the new bottle of wine to chill more.

Grabbing a spoon, and my family sized pack of Oreos. I grab my wine, and just when I'm getting settled into my couch to watch '10 Things I Hate About You' a classic; a knock sounds on my door. I groan, annoyed that I was interrupted and wondering who the hell it was. I opt not to put on pants, determining that whoever the intruder is will be sent away in a matter of seconds.

I ignore the peephole and regret it the instant my door swings open. I stare blankly at the man standing before me. His eyes run down my body, without shame. His eyes abandoning the bright green and being overcome by a dark black shadow.

"Harry? What the hell? How did, why?" I stutter over my words. I want to smack him and myself. Him for that stupid smirk on his face, and me for stuttering.

"I had to fucking see you."

We'd been sitting for at least 15 minutes. My knees were pulled tight to my chest, arms wrapped around them on my couch. Harry sat on the other side, his body practically molding into the cushions. We were silent, only the noise form the city could be heard through the room.

I'd let Harry in, expecting him to have something to say. I'd invited him to sit on the couch, after all, he said he had to see me. So that must mean he wants to at least apologize or tell me why he's been acting like a dick.

But instead he only sighed, and messed up his beautifully long hair running his hands through it repeatedly.

Another 5 minutes went by before I'd had enough. If he just came to sit on my couch and not say a word he needed to leave. I turned my body towards him prepared to yell but he beat me to it.

"I'm sorry?" He spoke softly. Only, the words came out as a question and not a statement as they should have been. He sighed, when I remained silent speaking again, louder.

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