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The smile that lights up my face when I wake up and see Harry asleep beside me is wider than ever. Watching him sleep brings back every wonderful memory from last nights adventures.

We'd had sex. Good sex. Harry was good.

The way he took control and satisfied me in ways better than ever before had my toes curling in this instant just thinking about it. The way he moved above me, his lips and his hands roaming all over my body. I sighed in content, jumping slightly at the feel of a slight sting on my body. I glance down to my bare chest, my eyes noticing a dark purple bruise on the top of my left breast. I wince again as I feel the same sting and I know there's one on my neck as well. I smirk at the love bites, trying to remember when they even happened.

Sitting up in the bed, I swing my legs over the edge and reach down to grab the dress shirt Harry had on last night. Its too big in an obvious way, but it falls just above mid thigh, and that's enough for me. I fasten the two middle buttons making sure to expose just enough of my chest but still leaving a bit to the imagination.

I start the coffee, and open my fridge to look for breakfast. I frown when all I see is apple juice, eggs and fruit.

Humming as I prepare the light breakfast, I turn around when I here the coffee pot beep, signaling that the dark roast is hot and ready. As soon as I get ready to poor myself a cup, two large hands grab my hips making me jump 6 feet in the air. I giggle when I feel his breath at my ear, his hair tickling the side of my face.

"You, last night, looked so good underneath me. Fuck breakfast if I can have you," I hum in satisfaction at his words, as he spins me around to face him. I wrap my arms around his neck, playing with his messy bedhead, a smile on my face as I gaze into his eyes.

"As much as I would love to do that again." I turn around and go back to pouring myself some coffee. "I need a bit of rest. However my lips are well rested," I smile, as I sip the dark hot drink in my hands. Harry laughs and puts his lips on mine, jerking back with a sour look on his face.

"What?" I ask, looking at his face frantically.

"How do you drink that bitter shit?" I roll my eyes when I realize he is talking about the coffee. I turn away from him, taking a strawberry from my bowl and plopping it my mouth.

"You are being dramatic," I point at him, taking the bowl of fruit and sitting at my table.

He shakes his head, as he begins to rummage through all of my cabinets. I watch as he grunts and slams each door when he doesn't seem to find what he's looking for. After failing to find his prize he turns to me with a scowl.

"Don't you have any bloody tea?" My stomach does a full flip at the words that left his mouth. His accent has never been so thick until this moment and my legs are ready to spread for him right now. Sore or not. I laugh at his pouting lips, as he slumps his lanky body into the chair across from me.

I shake my head, offering him some fruit to which he takes happily, all of a sudden forgetting about his need for tea.

As soon as I stepped into my office Monday morning, my shoes came off. There was a huge stack of paperwork resting on my desk, with the word 'URGENT' stamped in large red letters. Sighing I sit down in my chair, signing into my computer, annoyed at the pinging sound that emits as soon as I log on. Tons of emails begin to flow through with requests to have Harry take their case. I frown as I glance at the cases, knowing I'll have to turn at least more than half of them down.

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