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I paced my bedroom floor, in the pitch black of my bedroom. The clock read 3:00 AM, but every time I even attempted to fall asleep, I saw her.

It was like I had tattooed her face under my eyelids. I couldn't close my eyes without seeing her. I couldn't focus or do my work without thinking about her. We hadn't even had such an encounter to where she should cloud my mind like this. I couldn't understand what was happening. I didn't know how to stop this.

My hands raked through my hair, legs tired from walking back and forth as I sat at the edge of my bed. My eyes stung from being forced to stay open. My body screamed at me for sleep, but my mind was wide awake.

I groaned, laying back, knowing it would be of no use.

I lay still for no more than a minute, before jumping up and heading into my bathroom.


When I glanced at my watch, it read 4:00 AM. It was still dark outside, as I swiped my keycard to enter the office. It was eerily quiet, the air biting at my face from the lack of heat from the bustling employees that would normally be running around.

As I made my way towards my desk, I set down my briefcase, and started a pot of coffee. I squinted at the bright light that emitted from my computer. Taking a seat, and beginning any work I could get done since sleep was out of the question.

When my fingers finally stopped typing, I noticed the time. It felt like I had been typing for hours, but to my dismay it was only an hour later. I sighed, irritated at myself. I leaned back on the chair, running my hands over my face and through my surely messy hair.

My ears perked up when I heard the elevator ding, signaling someone had gotten off and was coming my way. I glanced at the clock on my computer screen once more, making sure my tired eyes read the time correctly. The footsteps were silent, as I sat still in my desk. Unable to move, confused as to who might be in the office at this time other than me.

Her small head poked in and around the door, scanning the room before her eyes finally landed on me. They widened in surprise, then relaxed as she saw my unmoving figure in the chair. When I still didn't speak she stepped all the way inside with a soft smile on her face.

"Oh, hi I didn't know anyone was here. I just saw the light from your lamp and I thought you might have forgotten to take it off earlier today before you left. So I was coming to turn it off because I couldn't sleep, and I was going too catch up on those cases some more. I'm sorry you were probably working-" she paused.

She looked up at me, head tilted to the side as she examined my expression. I hadn't realized how quiet I had been. I was mesmerized by her. The way her lips moved as she spoke, feeling the need to explain her reasoning. Even with the messy bun that sat atop her head, legs hugged in black tights, and a large USA sweatshirt. She was still the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

She was still staring at me, now with a confused look on her face. I blinked for what felt like the first time in hours gathering myself before I spoke.

"Um, yeah, no me either. I couldn't sleep I mean, so yeah I'm here catching up as well. I- wait why couldn't you sleep?"

I asked, hoping the question wasn't too personal. Her cheeks turned Crimson as seemed to be racking her brain for what to say.


My lips turned up in a smile as his hands ran down my legs. His lips leaving small kisses down my body, as my fingers tangled in his hair. Tickling my skin as it grazed the sensitive area of my stomach.

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