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Harry rolls his eyes, running a hand through his hair as I stand in horror in the middle of his overly large bedroom. He stops pacing and finally stops to stand directly in front of me. My lip is trembling and I keep bringing my hands up to wipe the tears trickling down my cheeks.

After I'd gotten the email while we were at the club with Liam and Danielle I showed it to Harry. As soon as he saw it his face turned red and he deleted it. I was completely embarrassed and ashamed of the fact that someone had taken that picture of us. After reading the email, and showing Harry he dismissed us from the table and I mouthed sorry to Danielle explaining that I would call her later.

My eyes were suddenly opened as I realized how this all must look. Me, the new girl that hadn't even been working for half a year was already dating the CEO of the firm. Of course people are jealous, I'm practically a slut. My mind was racing with thoughts on how to handle the situation. Harry hadn't spoken in a while and I was too ashamed to say anything. I jumped suddenly when a loud bing sound rang out throughout the room.

"Baby, stop freaking out its ok, they're just jealous that's all. They're jealous that I want you and they can't have me." Harry finally says smiling slightly as his hands rub up and down my arms. I stick my lip out childishly, leaning into him. I sigh, looking up into his eyes.

"I'm a slut," I joke, making Harry chuckle.

"Well, at least you're my slut," he laughs, as I hit his chest playfully. "Come on, we have work tomorrow and I just wanna hold you." I nod, taking his hand as he leads me to his bed. We both strip down to nothing but our underwear and I curl into Harrys large warm body, letting sleep take over.

"Its fine Dani, I'm fine ok? I swear its just some jealous little girls." I giggle at my worried bestfriend. We had been on the phone for about 10 minutes now as I tried to reassure her that Harry and I skipping out early was about nothing serious. I explained everything and she went off agreeing that it was childish and stupid.

The lined beeped in and I saw Harry's number blinking on the phone board.

"Ok I've gotta go, but I'm sorry we'll do it again soon ok?" We say our goodbyes and I click Harrys number answering.

A shiver runs through my body when he answers the phone. Its so deep and the drawl is so slow and sexy. He still has a bit of morning voice and I can hear the exhaustion in his words. We'd gone to bed at a decent time last night but Harry decided it'd be fun to have a nice little breakfast adventure in bed this morning.

My private area tingles just thinking about it and I smile.


"Baby--I mean Miss Michaels, I need to see you in my office," I giggle at his slip up. After last night Harry had decided that since our relationship was officially public information we should act more professional. So he says.

"Ok, I'll be right there sir." I hear him intake a sharp breath at calling him sir and then he hangs up. I know what that word does to him, the darker side of him that we haven't exactly explored sexually.

I make my way to his office, knocking once, going in when he says come in. I hear voices before I see them but I already know exactly who it is. Louis and Zayn both sit very comfortably on Harrys couch chatting amongst eachother. I smile and wave at them, as Harry smiles and motions me over to him.

I begin to wonder if these too actually do any work for their companies because they always seem to be here. I guess that's the perk of being the big boss.

I yelp as Harry grabs my hand when I'm close enough to him, making me fall and land on his lap. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck to hold myself up, staring at him shocked. He only laughs, kissing my cheek and then going down to my neck and up to my lips. I moan, letting my head fall back until I remember we aren't alone.

I jump up straight, relieved to find that Louis and Zayn are paying us no attention. Harry only grins, and I feel his hands glide down to rest against the curve of my ass. I hum in satisfaction, Harry leans in to whisper his my ear, his hand doing pulse squeezes on my butt.

"We didn't get to finish the other day, and I would very much like too spread--"

"Ayy! Styles! Are we about to get a live sex show or what?" Louis yells and I hear Zayn laughing, Harry joining in. However I am absolutely horrified, and I can feel my face heating up in embarrassment. I lean into Harry, hiding my face in his chest that's vibrating with laughter.

"Aww, Come on Jessie, I was only joking. But you are hot, I'm sure you'd be great to watch."

"Alright Lou!" Zayn yells, as he and Harry begin to laugh louder.

Harry kisses my temple, hugging me into his body.

"Come on baby he's only kidding," I laugh slightly still sort of embarrassed. Harry kisses my head once more as he jumps into conversation with his friends.

I stand up as their conversation begins to get so interesting Harry has forgotten that I'm sat on his lap. I pull up a chair to his desk and pull up my email. Tons of spam invades my inbox from coworkers that apparently now hate my guts for being with Harry. I flag and delete them all, checking the emails from current and potential clients.

There's a knock on the door and I look over to Harry to see if he heard it but he's too engrossed with whatever they're talking about. I shake my head at the three entrepreneurs and yell for the person to come in. I glare hard when Elaine steps through the door. She returns a burning glare, and I look over at Harry who hasn't noticed her presence. She rolls her eyes at me, sauntering over to Harry and the other boys, stopping beside them.

"Good morning Harry."

Harry only frowns finally looking up.

"It's Mr. Styles to you."

She looks shocked at his response but recovers quickly.

"Sorry Mr. Styles, Joe needs you to look into this case urgently." Harry grabs the file and hands it over to me. I'm about to open it before Elaine yells, "No!"

Everyone looks up at her confused at the outburst.

"Is there an issue?"

Elaine shakes her head clearing her throat once.

"No sir, it's just that it's confidential." Harry rolls his eyes and I can tell he's annoyed. He turns to look at me, and I stand, him following as well as Elaine to the door.

"Jessica is my assistant she's allowed to see these files. I decide that. Do you need anything else?" Harry's tone is straight and professional. Elaine blinks, a devious smirk forming. She takes a few steps closer to Harry placing her hand on his chest.

"I'm having a small get together at my place. I'd love it if you came," Harry blinks once, motioning me over to him.

He turns away from Elaine, grabbing my chest until I'm slammed into his chest. His lips smash into mine, his hand tugging at my hair. His hand rounds on my ass squeezing hard. He pulls away, winking with that sexy smirk nodding.

"Go back to work beautiful," he says swatting my ass as I walk away flustered and mildly satisfied. But not before getting a look at the devastating look on Elaine's face. She storms out of the office dramatically, grunting angrily as I wave her goodbye.

I couldn't want Harry more than I do now. I really wish Louis and Zayn would leave already.


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