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I tensed and suppressed a scream as the steaming hot cup of tea fell off the edge of my desk and into my lap. I gripped the arms of my desk chair as the stinging burn from the scalding water seeped through my dress and onto the skin of my legs.

It was now 9 in the morning and I had been in the office since 7. Catching up on work and using the alone time and silence of the office to ease my nerves. I'd heard Harry come in about 30 minutes after me, the familiar voices of Zayn and Louis heard outside my door as they entered his office. I'd assumed he didn't know I had gotten here early since I'd kept my door closed to avoid talking to him after what happened yesterday.

I was still reeling from the effect he had on me and I couldn't explain it.

I stood from my chair once the initial shock of the pain was gone walking quickly towards my office door. I practically jogged to the women's bathroom, thankfully not running into anyone on my way there. I sighed once I saw my soaked appearance grabbing handfuls of paper towels to try and dry my dress.

"Way to go," I mumbled to myself, dabbing at the cotton fabric as best I could. I stood in the restroom for nearly 15 minutes before giving up and deciding I would just have to ask Harry if I could go home and change. I pushed my way through the bathroom door making my way down the hallway and towards Harry's office.

Instead I was greeted with a red face man whose ice cold soda had now found its way out of its can and right onto my chest. I gasped loudly as the cold liquid hit me. Wondering what on earth I could've done to deserve this. My mouth dropped open in shock as I looked up at the now stuttering and completely apologetic man.

But before he could speak I held up my hand signaling that it was alright and I'd take care of it. I could feel the cold soda and hot tea mixing on my skin beneath my dress. The entire front of my body soaked completely as I walked slowly to Harry's door even more embarrassed than I was before. The two liquids were starting to mix and my skin was starting to feel really sticky. I felt so gross.

I took a deep breath, preparing myself before knocking, and turning the knob after hearing a muffled "come in," followed by hushed whispers. I stepped inside the big space slowly, the heat on my cheeks hotter that fire as the six eyes staring at me widened in surprise at my appearance.

Harry cleared his throat, adjusting himself in his seat before speaking first.

"Um, you're all wet," he said seriously, but I could hear the dirty undertone in his voice. Not to mention the quiet chuckles coming from a very amused looking Louis and Zayn.

As if it was bad enough I had to come in here like this in front of Harry, but his insanely attractive friends were here too. I cleared my throat awkwardly, my heart hammering rapidly against my chest. I was utterly embarrassed and wishing this conversation would end already.

"I just, I spilled my tea, and then some bloke gave me a cold shower." I replied, gesturing to the very obvious explanation I just gave. It was silent for way too long after I finished talking, Harry just looking me up and down. I cast my eyes away shyly, as he stared.

"So what do you need?"

My eyes widened as I locked eyes with him in bewilderment. Was that a serious question? What the hell did he mean, what do you need? Damn you Styles must you always be such a jerk, I wanted to say. Instead, opting for the simpler reply. I did after all love my job.

The smirk on his face told me he was very much enjoying this.

"If I could just, um, get your permission to run home and change. I just live right down the road. Well you know that, but it won't take long at all. I just--"

I stopped speaking as he held his hand up to silence me. I could've sworn I saw a light pink blush on his cheeks as I awaited his response. I felt like the new kid at school. No friends, shy, and just waiting for someone to talk to you.

"Yes, go ahead, I'll have someone take your calls and messages. Be quick, you have work to do." I nodded, quickly making my way across the hall and into my office to grab my purse and coat.

I arrived at my place in under 10 minutes the embarrassment from moments ago still lingering. I quickly brushed my hair up into a tight bun deciding it was hopeless for now until I got home later. I stripped down to nothing getting a wet rag and spot bathed myself quickly, to rid my skin of the sticky feeling. I dressed in a hurry, running out and flagging down a taxi. Had I not been rushing I might've noticed the text from Cameron.

Cameron 10:00 am

Hey, hope you're hungry! Im bringing lunch, see you in a bit.

I walked quickly down the hall, knocking on the door to Harry's office. I peaked my head in, noticing his friends had left for the day, saving me from further embarrassment.

"Um, hey, I just wanted to let you know Im back and I'll be in my office," I said gesturing across the hall to my closed door.

He gave me a slight nod in acknowledgment, indicating that I could to leave.

"Im sorry Mr. Kyle but it's 12:30 and Mr. Styles doesn't like to be bothered on his lunch break," I said to the very frantic gentleman on the phone. I zoned out as he continued to yell and rant about what? I have no idea. I thanked God silently when I saw Harry's phone line lighting up. He was trying to beep in.

"Mr. Kyle I've got another call but I'll have him call you at his earliest convenience." I hung up before he could respond, answering Harry's call.

"I need you." He spoke shortly, hanging up as I got up to walk across the way to his office.

"Come in," he answered after my short knock. When I walked in he was standing in front of his desk. The silence was weird, as I watched him fiddle with his hands but only for a moment, because before I knew it my back hit the wall behind me.

His hands gripped my waist as his lips met mine in a hard but still sweet kiss. I relaxed into him, without even thinking, my hands raising up to run through his hair.

I moaned as he pulled me closer to him, his teeth sinking into my bottom lip. I was so into the kiss, his lips as soft as I had imagined. So into it I didn't hear the voices just outside the door.

"Yes sir, I believed she stepped into Mr. Styles office, she should be just about to take her lunch break."

Too into this kiss that I didn't hear the office door opening and the last person I wanted here to be opening it.

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