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Angel's eyes opened slowly, blurry from sleep and too tired to function correctly, and they began to dart around the light-less morning room. Valentino was in a good mood (probably picked up some random whore or fucked Vox the night before, whatever you want), so that meant that Angel finally got a day off to just relax and spend time at the hotel with Husk and everyone else. He was looking forward to this day and it was already off to a great start. His eyes decided to operate properly after a moment of consistent blinking and his body, still heavy with sleep, allowed him to lift his head up ever so slightly to see Husk, still asleep as Angel lied on top of him, listening to his heavy breaths that were familiarly soothing. Angel sighed contently and laid his head back down on his resting boyfriend's soft chest and reached one of his arms out to pet an also sleeping Fat Nuggets who lied beside the pair.

After a while Angel fell back asleep, peacefully, to the consistent rhythm of Husk's breathing and the stroking motion of his hand across his pet. The same did not apply to the spider's lover, as the cat had just awoken and was still quite groggy, but still, he adjusted his head so he could see the softly breathing Angel that rested on him and smiled to himself, remembering that he got his partner to himself for the whole day. But then the smile faded as he glanced at a clock that resided on a small bedside table. Husk groaned when he read the red colored 7:13 A.M. on the face of the digital time keeper, not wanting the responsibility of tending to the usually empty bar today, only wanting to spend the day with his often occupied lover.

Husk's eyes darted down to Angel, as he started to run his fingers through the spider's soft, and ironically silky hair, the repetitive motion, slowly waking him up. "Angel..." Husk cooed as he lifted Angel's head, cupping it in his hand so their eyes could meet.

Angel responded with a grumpy moan and buried his head back into Husk's rising and falling chest. "Nooo..." Angel groaned tiredly and stubbornly.

"C'mon, baby," Husk attempted to coax him fully awake. "I have a job to do."

"Too bad." Angel wrapped all four of his arms around Husk's torso.

"Fine five minutes," Husk sighed. This plan turned out to be a lie, as he fell back asleep with Angel, who, when Husk re-awoke, had still not gotten up and had remained peacefully cuddled into his partner's chest.

"Angel... Good God get up," Husk groaned, running his hand down his face, lightly shaking Angel in an attempt to get him off. Husk was not in the mood at despite how adorable Angel looked, the cat was getting to the point where he was ready to shove the persistent spider off of him.

Angel lifted his head up to meet Husk's and huffed, "Make me."

"Oh really?" Husk raised an eyebrow, his eyes narrowing a small smirk creeping across the cat's face.

"Yeah." Angel brought his face closer to Husk's. Husk closed the distance between the two, locking both of their lips together in a deep kiss. Their eyes closed and all the two sinners could hear was the sounds of the other's breathing. Husk ran his hand up Angel's spine and to the back of his head, his fingers getting tangled in his hair.

The two didn't break the kiss, letting it deepen instead and allowed the feeling to linger. Angel felt his face heat up slowly as they leaned further into the kiss, which was slowly escalating.

When the door flung open abruptly, and the showy Radio Demon stood dramatically in the doorway.

"Hello my spidery fellow! Have you seen our good friend Husk- oh what the fuck," Alastor announced loudly, his face suddenly displaying a look of utter horror.

Husk and Angel pulled away quickly, startled by the sudden appearance of the deer.

"I'm going to go rip my eyes out," Alastor muttered, his smile not fading, but his voice rising slowly with each word.

Angel stared at Husk, who was now very red and returned the look. They waited before the deer's footsteps had faded away down the hall before they broke eye contact and began to laugh uncontrollably. Angel could barely breathe from his crazed giggles and was now being bombarded by a frightened Fat Nuggets, who was unsure if his owner was actually okay.

They finally stopped their laughter and headed downstairs to meet the others, who they found sitting on the couches in the parlor, staring in a concerned manor at Alastor, who immediately left the room as soon as he saw the two sinners.

"What's wrong with him?" Charlie asked, raising a questioning eyebrow at Angel, who had joined them on the sofa and Husk, who had taken his regular position behind the bar.

"I don't know, he's Alastor," Angel shrugged, sending a small smile at Husk. The cat returned the gesture before going back to his work.

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