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For the past three years, you've been in the training corps working your butt off so you could be one of the best and join the scouts.

The hard work had finally paid off. You managed to graduate as one of the top ten recruits.

At the recruitment drive you were standing among your friends and comrades. Commander Erwin Smith was giving a speech about your fallen comrades at the battle in Trost earlier this week, also he mentioned the branches that you could join.

Most of your comrades too frightened to face the Titans again left, deciding to join the other regiments.

After most of them left, you looked around, you were pleasantly surprised to see all your friends still standing in the so-called crowd. Shortly after the Commander finished his speech and left.

"You're still here, Horseface." you approached Jean. You were trying to lift up the mood because everyone was looking so done with life.

"I thought you were joining the MPs what happened?" you slightly nudged his arm.

"After what happened in Trost I don't think I want to be a MP anymore." he explained looking dead at the fire in front of you.

"Fair enough." you replied not knowing what else to say.

After the recruitment drive you were all moved to the headquarters. You were sharing a room with Sasha, Mikasa, Ymir and Krista. You were sharing a bunk with Sasha, Ymir and Krista were sharing one and Mikasa was lucky to get a single bed.

No one was in the mood to talk so you called it an early night. Anyway everyone needed some rest and a good sleep because tomorrow you would finally join the scout regiment.

This week has been a shitshow. Coming face to face with Titans wasn't as impressive as your sister Hange used to tell you. It was rather  traumatising.

Terrifying memories of Trost district were foreseen before your eyes. Watching as your comrades get eaten alive and not being able to help really crushed your soul.

Now there really was a reason for you to fight. Before you just wanted to be brave and more like your sister, but now that you have seen the terror that the Titans bring, you wanted to help humanity and prevent more comrades from dying in the mouths of the humanoid monsters.

Eren being a titan was confusing and the fact that he could turn titan whenever he wanted to wasn't helping the case. Perhaps there were more humans who could turn into titans among you.

At least there was something to look forward, tomorrow you would finally see your sister. You haven't seen her in a long time and now you could work with her.

It was hard falling asleep but somehow you managed to do so. Your mind was a mess and sleeping was the only escape from the frustrating thoughts.

In the morning you collected what so little you had and along with your friends you sat in the wagon ready for your first day as a scout.

You were confident in yourself. You graduated as second best right after Mikasa. Your kill count was already 8 after just one fight in the Trost district.

"Hey, why so quiet?" Sasha nudged your elbow.

"What do you want me to say?" you turned to your best friend.

"Anything would help right now. Not gonna lie, I'm kinda scared. Becoming a scout sounds like a big deal and I don't know if I'm worthy." the potato girl said nervously.

"Of course you are worthy, Sasha. After what we have achieved in Trost no one is more worthy than us." you said confidently somewhat comforting your friend.

"You're right." she smiled.

After a bit you finally arrived at the castle where you were going to stay and train along with the other more experienced scouts.

"I'm really looking forward to meet Captain Levi." Jean whispered to Connie "Who?" he whispered in return.

"Captain Levi is leading the Special Operations Squad within the Survey Corps and is widely known as humanity's strongest soldier." Armin explained, attracting everyone's attention.

"He's nothing but a coward." Mikasa mumbled.

"What do you mean?" Jean turned to her.

"She doesn't mean that. She's just mad because the captain beat Eren in the court." Armin called before Mikasa could say anything.

"Sounds cowardly to me." you finally joined the conversation "Sure he might be a great solder, but beating up a 18-year-old isn't very brave nor is it right."

"Quit the chit chat cadets." Eld Jinn shouted attracting your attention. He went on explaining the room arguments, the tasks that you were all given, the training and studies that were ahead of you in the next week.

You were lucky to be in a room with Mikasa and Sasha. Right next to your room was the dorm of Connie, Jean and Armin.

"I can't believe that our first task is to clean up this place." you complained as you left your suitcase on top of your bed.

"At least we don't have to clean the stables." Sasha said "The guys aren't very lucky, are they?" she laughed.

"Yea you're right. It could have been worse." you started arranging your things in the little wardrobe next to your bed.

Your bed was on the left side of the window and opposite you was Sasha's bed. Mikasa's bed was next to the door and the three of you had a wardrobe for your stuff. There was also a small desk in front of the window and a chair.

"Why do we have to clean anyway? It looks pretty clean to me." you said as you were opening the window.

"I heard that captain Levi was some type of a clean freak. " Sasha answered your question.

"He sounds like a pain in the ass." you rolled your eyes at the thought of that captain. "Have you seen him?" you sat on your bed.

"No, but I have been told what he looks like." Sasha sat down as well.

"I have seen him." Mikasa followed your example and sat on her bed. "He looks like an average guy nothing special."

"When do you reckon we will finally eat?" Sasha asked more herself than anyone else.

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