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The next morning you woke up with a severe headache. You stretched out your arms and sat up in bed.

"Drink up." Levi shoved a cup of tea in your face "It will help with your headache." he insisted for you to take it.

"Thank you, captain." you took the cup and sipped from it. No wonder why he was always drinking tea, it was bloody amazing.

"Wow, for a grumpy old man you make amazing tea." you joked around trying to break through Levi's walls, but he didn't even acknowledge you.

"Don't take too long. Be on time for breakfast." he gave you one last look before leaving you alone in the room.

You left his bed and only now you realised that you weren't wearing the same shirt as when you were leaving for the pub. You just hoped that you didn't do anything stupid last night.

You really wanted to know more about Levi. At the end of the day you were now a member of his team and you deserved to know something about your captain.

You looked through his bookshelf and you wasn't surprised when you saw bunch of crime themed books. He looked like the type of a guy to like that mysterious stuff.

You tried to go through his desk drawer but it was locked. "What is it that you hide? Your diary?" you mumbled to yourself and left the room before he came back. You really didn't need him to see you going through his stuff again.

You quickly went to the dining room and sat next to your friends. Connie and Jean were looking at you with big smirks on their faces.

"So where were you last night?" Connie playfully asked.

"What do you mean where was I? I was here at the HQ." you took a bite from the bread in front of you.

"You didn't come back to our room. We were worried about you, Y/n." Mikasa remarked.

"Oh, about that." you nervously scratched the back of your head.

"You were with the captain, weren't you?" Jean slightly nudged your arm with his elbow.

"Huh?" you could feel your cheeks burning.

"Oh, don't play dumb. Tell us everything." Sasha excitingly was talking with her mouth full of food.

"Stop talking with your mouth full. It's gross." Connie turned to her.

"Not as gross as your face." she hit his arm.

"Oh, guys stop that." Jean rolled his eyes "Go on, Y/n. Tell us everything!" he turned to you again.

"There's nothing to tell." you were trying to enjoy your breakfast as much as you could.

"We saw you coming in." Armin joined the conversation "And the captain was carrying you." he stated.

"He was?" you didn't remember that part of the night "Look, I don't remember much, but all I know is that I stayed at his room and this morning he gave me tea. That's it so now drop it!" you were starting to feel irritated.

"You stayed at his room!?"Sasha couldn't be any louder "Did you do anything?" she whispered after realising that everybody in the dining room was staring at you.

"What? No! We didn't even sleep in the same bed." you sounded quite disappointed because of that fact.

"Then why the hell were you in his room?" Jean raised his eyebrow, confused.

"I don't know. I just was." you lifted your shoulders up.

"Nice shirt, by the way. Is it new?" Eren said out of the blue.

"Wait. Does that shirt belong to the person I think it does?" Sasha asked with a big smirk on her face.

"Maybe." you said and hurried out of the dining room. You didn't want to be questioned any longer.

"Oh, sorry." you said as you bumped into someone.

"Tch, watch it, brat." Levi shoved you away from him "Where are you going anyway? Back to your table now." he walked away before you could refuse.

Embarrassed with your cheeks burning you went back to the table and sat next to Jean.

"Your little boyfriend is not in the mood?" Jean teased you "Ouch." he grabbed his head as someone behind him hit him.

"Yes, I'm not. Eat your food and after you are finished do 10 laps around the field." Levi scared the shit out of Jean. You spit out the water you drank on Sasha. Levi didn't deny that he was your boyfriend. What was going on?

"Yes, sir." Jean's eyes widened and he turned white as a piece of paper. It was like he had just seen a ghost.

Levi looked down at you for less than a second and walked away.

"So you are dating the captain now?" Connie asked confused.

"No. I hate him. What are you talking about?" you just wanted to run away and never return.

"That's fucked up." Sasha was wiping away the water from her face.

"Yea." was all you could manage to say.

Mad About You (Levi Ackerman X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now