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You were walking along the narrow stone pavement next to Jean, Sasha and Connie. In front of you Armin was explaining something about a giant salty lake called the sea. Next to him were Mikasa and Eren.

It was the first time that you could act like normal teenagers. Also, the first time that you were doing something as a group without putting your lives at the line.

You were going to the nearest pub to try alcohol for the first time. You felt so happy, being able to spend some time with your friends without some commander breathing down your neck.

Maybe if there were no Titans all of your nights could go like this, but that was just a silly dream of yours.

"Oi, how did they let us go outside without a commander or something?" you asked as you walked in the pub.

"I guess they didn't." you followed Jean's gaze to the bar were the captain was sipping on his whiskey.

"Okay, I'm calling it a night." you turned around and tried to walk off, but Jean grabbed you by the shoulder.

"Come on we are his squad now. You can't run everytime you see him." Connie stated.

"And he isn't that bad." Eren defended the guy who literally beat him up to the point he was spiting blood.

"As long as we don't sit next to him." you lifted your arms in defence.

"Sure. Let's sit here." Armin found an empty table.

You sent a dirty look towards the captain who in return lifted his glass. You rolled your eyes and sat with your back turned to him.

"What should we order?" you asked your friends feeling very thirsty.

"I'm ordering chips." Sasha waved at the waitress.

"I meant to drink." you said.

"How about whiskey? I see the captain over there drinking some." Jean reminded you that you were being watched all the time.

"Why is he here anyway? We are old enough to go out without a babysitter." you rolled your eyes annoyed.

The waitress finally came to your table and took your order. All of you decided to drink whiskey and Sasha ordered her chips.

Your friends drank two glasses, but you thought it would be a good idea to drink more than your body could handle.

"Let's dance!" you stood up so fast that your chair turned over crashing on the floor. You managed to grab the attention of everyone in the pub.

"Y/n, you are drink. Sit down." Eren grabbed your arm and tried pulling it but you backed away.

"Come on. Anyone who wants to dance with me?" you were now talking very loudly. You turned around looking at the unfamiliar faces around you.

"Who am I to say no to such a beautiful lady." a man old enough to be your father stood up from his table and approached you.

"May I?" he stretched out his hand to you. You didn't think much of it and held his hand.

The man pulled you closer to himself and wrapped his other hand around your waist. He was holding you so close that you could feel his eraction. You looked over his shoulder and noticed Levi who was staring at you. Somehow he managed to look even angrier than normally.

The man squeezed your butt. It finally hit you that this wasn't so safe and you tried pulling away but he was holding you too tightly.

Levi drank his whiskey in one breath. In the blink of an eye the captain was standing behind the man and kicked him to the ground.

Next thing you knew you were in the arms of Levi, leaving the pub. When you were outside he let go off of you and you fell flat on your butt.

"What do you think you are doing, brat?" he scolded you.

You noticed that your friends were all standing behind the captain looking at you.

"I just wanted to dance." you lifted your shoulders up like it wasn't big of a deal.

"That stupid wish of yours wasn't going to end very well if I wasn't there." he rolled his grey eyes.

Then he turned around to face your friends "Go back to HQ, cadets. That's an order." your comrades walked away immediately.

"Tell me how many times I have to save you?" he turned back to you with a belligerent tone.

"No one asked you to save me." you tried standing up, but tripped and almost fell back down, but Levi grabbed you by the shoulder preventing you from falling.

He made a 'tch' sound and you could swear that he almost cracked a smile. But Levi quickly pulled himself together and looked at you with his  emotionless gaze.

"Why were you even here? We don't need a babysitter." you snapped at him pulling away from his grip.

"We can argue about that."

"You are so lonely, aren't you?" you started walking and the captain followed you.

"And why do you think so?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Because you're always on your own. Even sitting at the bar by yourself." you looked at his eye "What is it? You can't find a girlfriend?" you chuckled.

"Perhaps I do have a girlfriend." he replied.

"You wish, captain." you laughed. You were way too drunk to think about the consequences of your words.

"To bad I scared away your new boyfriend." he was looking less annoyed.

"Thank you for that." you playfully nudged his arm "Let's get another drink here." you pointed at the pub in front of you.

"You had enough drinks. We are going back to HQ." he rolled his eyes once again. You found that quite attractive, but you wouldn't admit it even to yourself.

"You can go ahead. I am getting another drink." you said and walked towards the pub.

"Oi, wait here." Levi forced you to sit on some stairs in front of an apartment and he went inside the pub.

Mad About You (Levi Ackerman X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now