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You were feeling better by the next morning. Luckily, your injury wasn't so serious.

You couldn't help but wish you could stay at the medical wing a bit longer. You really didn't want to face Captain Levi's punishment.

You made your way to his office and knocked on the door. "Come in. " you heard Levi's monotonous voice.

"I'm here for the punishment, sir." it had finally hit you that you couldn't have an attitude towards the captain.

"Tch, you had finally dropped the attitude. Perhaps hitting your head helped." he looked you up and down.

His room was very tidy. Every pepper work was organised, there wasn't a single spider web and the room was smelling like bleach. He really was a clean freak.

"Let's start with cleaning my office." he had stood up from his chair as you were observing the room.

"Isn't it already clean enough?" you said without thinking. He shot an disappointed look at you and tossed you a broom.

"Do what you have been told, brat." he said and left the room.

"Do what you have been told, brat." mocking his voice you propped the broom against the wall and sat on the desk.

You started looking through the paper work that was on his desk. On the first page there was written "104th Training Corps" you were very curious and looked at the next page.

On the top of the sheet was written Mikasa Ackerman. It said she was the best cadet from the 104th. On the sheet below wrote all her qualities such as speed, strength, how she handles ODM gear, etc.

On the next page was written your name. You smiled when you read that you were second best. There was information about your abilities too.

You scrolled trough the pages and saw the names of Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Eren, Jean, Connie and Sasha. The pages were sorted from the best to the least best.

You wondered why Levi had this pages. What was he going to do?

"Digging into other people's belongings is obscene. Hasn't Hange told you?" Levi pulled the sheets out of your hand.

You immediately jumped off of the desk. He had managed to get into the office without you noticing, and he'd caught you not cleaning.

"You didn't even do the work I said." he looked around the room with a disgusting look. You didn't dare to open your mouth and say something.

"Fine, cadet we are going outside." he rolled his grey eyes "Hold that for me." he handed you a backpack and left the room. You quietly followed him.

You went outside to an open field. The day was sunny and warm, too warm to go outside. The only shadow was under a tree where Levi sat.

"Go on then, start running." he snatched the backpack out of your hand. Then he pulled a cup and a bottle of the bag.

"How many laps, sir?" you tried your best to don't roll your eyes.

"Just run. I'll tell you when to stop." he smirked and took a sip from whatever he was drinking.

How the captain held the cup made a strange impression on you. He held the cup with only his fingertips from the top.

"Weirdo." you mumbled as you were way too far from him to hear.

You had run for two hours when Levi motioned you to approach him. You wiped the sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand and stopped in front of him.

"Yes?" you were out of breath.

"Go and bring me more tea." he passed you the bottle "Be back in 5." he ordered.

"Seriously?" you raised an eyebrow annoyed. Without waiting for a second invitation, you went to the castle.

You quickly made your way to the kitchen and was happy to see Hange there.

"Oh, Y/n you look like shit. What happened?" she said when you approached her.

"That short, weird prick happened." you rolled your eyes.

"What did Levi do?" she laughed.

"He made me run for two hours in this heat while he sat under a tree drinking tea." you were slowly losing your temper.

"You deserved it. Don't you think?"

"Deserved it? I didn't do anything to deserve it." you were in denial.

"Yea, expect you called him an old little man with an attitude bigger than him." your sister was annoying you.

"Whatever. Do you know how this prick likes his tea?" you were way too tired to argue and you knew that you were in the wrong here.

"He likes black tea, no sugar, no nothing." Hange answered your question.

"It shows." you began making the tea.

After you were ready you made your way back to the field. On the way to there you wondered if you should spit in his tea. And you did.

"Finally, Y/n." he hissed when you gave him the bottle "You didn't put poison or something in it, did you?" he said sarcastically.

"Of course not, sir." you cracked a smile.

"Good, drink then." he poured some tea in a cup and gave it to you.

"I'm not really thirsty, sir." you looked down at the cup which was laying in your hand.

"Tch, after that many laps I thought that you would be thirsty. Fine, then go on, run." he smirked and took the cup out of your hand.

It was with great sorrow that you made your feet run again. You looked at his siluet in the distance and you hated him even more.

He left the tea you had made and took another bottle of tea out of his backpack. He asked you in vain to go back to the castle and make tea.

Levi's pov

The blue sky was getting its honey orange color. The light of the setting sun hit Y/n's face, making her eyes glow, the outline of her face very beautiful even with the grimace that she was making.

She was lazily running around the field. Her hair was in a ponytail that was falling apart. She was looking like a mess, but for some odd reason I found that really attractive.

She looked at me with a pitiful look to stop running. I made her run all day maybe that was enough. And I couldn't say no to her puppy eyes. Shit, I was growing weak. I shouldn't sympathize this girl. We live in a world where there is no room for love. Also when I care about anyone they end up dead, I can't afford to care about her.

"That's enough, brat." I shouted and she stopped running. She slowly made her way to me.

"With all my respect, sir. I fucking hate you."

Good, that way she wouldn't get hurt. I successfully manged to make her hate me. I couldn't let her feel anything but hatred towards me.

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