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"You did what you were supposed to." the tall man put his hand on your shoulder.

"Come on we have to clean up this place." he helped you stand up. You were still shaking.

"What will happen now?" your voice was very wobbly. You were afraid of what was coming. You had killed a man, there were a dozen children who needed help, and you were very far from the people you loved.

"First we will get rid of the body and erase all evidence of murder." you wondered how he spoke so calmly. But then it hit you that this was hardly the first time this had happened to him, he was probably already used to it.

"Oh, sure." was the only thing that you manged to say.

"Actually." he noticed that you were still out of your mind and was trembling.

"I'll do this job, you rest." he said and you nodded "Kids follow me. You are safe now." he made his way up the stairs and you followed.

He took you to a room with a large bed and two sofas that could turn into beds.

"You'll be able to prepare the sleeping places, right? If you are hungry, you can take whatever you want from the kitchen. Now I gotta get the job done, I'll see you later." he turned around an walked out of the bedroom.

"Are you hungry lads?" you turned to the kids who were looking at you with admiration and little bit of fear in their eyes.

"Yes, we haven't eaten anything in days." a boy about eight years old said.

"I'll prepare something for you. You can wait for me here if you want." you hurried to the kitchen.

The house you were in was relatively large. There was a living room from where you entered, of course, there was the basement, there was a small corridor, on the left side there were two bedrooms, and on the right kitchen and next to it a toilet.

You made sandwiches for everyone and went back to the first bedroom where the kids were. You gave them the sandwiches and prepared the sleeping places.

After talking to them, you assured them that everything would be better now on, but you yourself were not sure of this fact.

You wasn't able to fall asleep for a long time tonight. You snuggled up in Levi's jacket and inhaled his scent. With all these problems that you had, the only thing you thought about was him. You hoped his leg would be better tomorrow. You missed him so much and it wasn't even a day since you haven't seen him.

"Why don't you sleep?" the tall man had walked into the room without you realising.

"I couldn't." you whispered trying to don't wake up the children.

"Want to talk?" he asked and you stood up and followed him to the living room.

He sat on the sofa and lit up a cigarette. You sat across from him on a chair and hugged your legs. He nodded to the cigarette pack and you shook your head, indicating that you don't smoke.

"I'm James by the way. I didn't get the chance to introduce myself to you earlier." he inhaled the smoke.

"I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you." you smiled trying to be friendly. You didn't know if you could trust him. At first, he seemed very insecure and cowardly, but after you killed his boss, he suddenly became very confident in himself.

"Yea, I know." he chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.

"So what's the plan? How are we getting out of here?" you didn't want to waist any time.

"We can't." his smile dropped.

"What do you mean we can't?" you raised an eyebrow.

"We have to pay to go through the guards to get out of the Undergrounds." he explained.

"Okay we will. That's not a big issue." you tried keeping your mood up. At least there was a way to get out.

"No, it's a big issue. We don't have that type of money. It will take us a year to collect the money for just one person, and besides us there are a dozen more children. Also we need to buy citizenship for those kids." he finished his cigarette and left it in the ashtray.

"Isn't there a way to get out without being caught?" you asked.

"If there was, I wouldn't be here." he rolled his eyes.

"Then our only choice is to start collecting money."

Levi's pov

Early in the morning I left the hospital and immediately went to my study. I had to do the job I was going to do yesterday, but I couldn't because of

I had been working on a plan all day when Hange entered the room with a bang.

"Have you seen Y/n?" she asked as she sat on the sofa.

"No." I said without taking my eyes off of the paper work in front of me.

"Strangely, no one has seen her. Mikasa told me that she didn't come to the HQ yesterday evening and today she didn't come to breakfast nor did she show up for practice." Hange was starting to worry.

I looked up at her trying to keep my cool.

"I'll send someone to go look for her." she stood up.

"Leave this to me, you go back to the scouts we have important mission coming up." I stood up and walked out of my study.

I was so worried but I couldn't let anyone know. The uncertainty of not knowing where my Y/n was, the feeling of helplessness, and the overwhelming desire to find her safe and sound was incredibly distressing. My mind was racing with thoughts of what could have happened to her.

Where was this girl? I shouldn't have let her go back to the HQ alone. If something had happened to her, I would never forgive myself. Once I find her, I'll be more careful and protective.

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