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"Y/n!" you turned your head to the other side and there he was standing in all his glory.

"Levi!" you smiled lightly for the first time in what seemed like a decade.

His limp was gone and he was in a perfect shape except a big scar on his face. He had listened to you and looked after himself.

James had walked out of the pub and at the sight of you smiling at another man his own smile faded.

You dropped the knife "I'm so happy to see you." you mumbled still in shock.

"I'm so sorry Y/n. I shouldn't have made you go back to the HQ alone that night." his gaze softened.

"It's okay. The only thing that matters is that you are here now." your eyes watered.

"They would be so cute together." Connie whispered to Jean, who agreed.

James couldn't stop himself and jumped on Connie. He started punching him in the face. Jean reacted quickly and pushed James away from Connie.

"James stop." you shouted at your friend and he listened to you "Why did you do that?" you yelled at him.

James couldn't come up with a reply, he was just standing there embarrassed.

"It's okay." Connie stood up and wiped the blood away from his mouth.

"Come on let's go home." Levi grabbed your arm above the elbow.

"I can't." you said your voice filled with agony.

"What do you mean you can't?" Jean raised and eyebrow.

"There are kids I promised to save from here, I can't just leave them behind and go." you explained.

"We will take them with us." Rainer suggested.

"What is he doing here anyway? I thought he was a traitor." you sent a dirty look toward him.

"A lot has changed in the past five years." Mikasa said "He is on our side now."

"What? How?" you were so confused.

"Long story short, the war with the titans is over, the walls have fallen and we are free." Jean explained.

"Wow, really? I wish I had been with you when all of this was happening." you and the others had started walking toward your house.

Levi was walking silently next to you, not letting go of your arm for even a second. He looked very thoughtful and devastated.

"What is it?" you asked him.

"I didn't expect that someday I would come back here ." he explained looking straight forward without any expression on his face.

"You have been here before?" you asked curiously.

"I was born and raised here in the Underground." he was avoiding eye contact.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that." you really ment it.

"It's okay. I just can't wait to get out of here." he finally looked at you when you stopped in front of the house.

"James help them inside and made them something to eat." you ordered and he nodded. When everyone went inside you turned around to face Levi.

He realised that he was still holding onto your arm and let go of you.

"So um." he scratched the back of his neck not knowing what to say. For the first time you saw him unsure of himself.

"I thought you'd forgotten about me." you nervously chuckled trying to start a conversation.

"Y/n, not a day went by when I didn't think about you and I didn't look for you." he put his right hand on your cheek and stroke it with his thumb.

"I should have told you this a long time ago, but I-"you started but James didn't let you finish.

"Are you coming or what?" he had opened the front door and shouted at you.

"I, uh." you'd forgotten how to speak.

"Let's join the others." Levi made it easier for both of you and you followed him inside.

Everyone was sitting around the table in the living room. You sat down next to James.

"How are the others?" you asked with a smile on your lips "I wonder what Hange is doing now that there are no titans to obsess over."

"Y/n." Jean started "Hange is" he was finding it hard to break the truth to you.

"Don't say it." you were smart enough to figure out what he was training to say.

"Sasha? She is okay right?" you were trying so hard to don't start crying.

"I'm sorry." Connie shook his head. He wasn't over that fact ether.

"Eren is gone too." Mikasa dropped down the spoon.

"Oh." you were looking deep into the nothingness. You couldn't believe that you had lost so many dear people to you. You wished you had spent more time with them.

"It's okay." James whispered to you as he was stroking your back.

Levi wasn't happy at that sight. If looks could kill James would be dead.

"We should all get some rest. Tomorrow we are going back." Levi said and everyone stood up.

"Let me help you to your bedroom." you stood up and walked to the first bedroom.

Connie and Jean slept on one of the sofas and Rainer slept on the other. You and Mikasa shared the bed and Levi sat on a chair and said that he didn't feel like sleeping yet.

You were feeling everything at once. You were sad about the loss of your sister and your friends. On the other hand, you were glad to see the rest of your friends.

Mad About You (Levi Ackerman X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now