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Most of your friends, along with the commander, the captain, and your sister, were still in the capital, while you and the rest were sent south of Wall Sina.

You were sitting at the table next to Sasha and Connie. You were dying of boredom. Near you sat Reiner and Bertholdt playing chess.

"How much longer do you think they will keep us here?" Krista asked Yimr "Who knows." they were sitting few tables behind you.

"You know, my village happens to be just a little bit south of where are we now." Connie was resting his head on his hand.

"Huh, town where I'm from's pretty close, too." Sasha shared.

"Why can't I go and see my people? Maybe I'll sneak out after dark." Connie sighed.

"Connie, I'll help you if you really want to go." Reiner offered.

"Yea? Why would you?" Connie turned to look at him.

"Doesn't this feel strange? We're on standby in our plain clothes. They won't let us wear our uniforms. We can't even train." Reiner stood up and went to look out the window "What's even more suspicious, our superiors are armed to the teeth. We aren't at the front line. So who exactly are we fighting?" he turned to us.

"I dunno, man." you were trying to don't fall asleep.

"Uh, guys? I think I'm hearing foot steps." Sasha gasped.


"Knock it off, Sasha. So what you're trying to tell us Titans are here?" Reiner spoke.

"Look, I'm not kidding. I hear something!" Sasha was now freaking out.

You heard the window opening and turned to look that way. You saw Nanaba "Is everyone here?" she asked and you nodded.

"We've got company. 500 meters to the south and closing. Titans are headed this way. There's no time to suit up with your ODM gear. I want everyone on a horse. Stat. Evacuate every village in the area. Get to it. Now!" she was speaking very fast.

"The south? But my village?" Connie turned pale.

"There's no time. Let's go." you pulled him by the arm because he was too stunned to move.

You quickly made your way to the stables and found your horse. You climbed onto it and started riding after your commander Miche.

"The second the Titans reach the woods we'll split up." he started explaining the plan "I want four separate teams. When I give the signal, we'll split in different directions. Get the word out to the civilians. Do not engage the enemy!" he shouted.

Miche went on asking who was familiar with the region and Sasha replied.

"They reached the woods." you said to the commander and he gave the signal for you to scatter. You were in a team with Krista and Ymir.

You were riding for a while now when your squad commander decided that it would be best if you head to the south.

"What? There will be crawling with Titans. And we here don't have our ODM gear." Ymir wasn't very pleased with the idea of the commander.

Of course the commander didn't care about what Ymir thought and you were riding along the wall searching for the breach.

You were sick of listening Krista and her girlfriend fighting about what was best for her. You needed a break.

It already got dark and you couldn't find anything except that you bumped into Reiner's team. It got even weirder because their team couldn't find the breach too.

Your horses were very tired by now and so were you. You got lucky because you found an old castle where you decided to spend the night. You didn't have any other choice anyway.

Levi's pov

I had to focus on the mission, but I couldn't stop thinking about Y/n. If I couldn only see her for a minute to make sure that she was okay.

If she died all the blame would be mine because I sent her away from me along with the others. I had to keep her close to me, but I was too afraid of my own feelings. I hated myself for that. I was going to lose her before being able to understand what I felt for her.

"Levi, are you listening to me?" Hange waved her hand in front of my face.


You had curled up in a corner and almost fell asleep when one of the soldiers told you to get to the tower because the Titans were here.

You went up and saw that you were surrounded by Titans.

"How can they move? The sun sent down hours ago?" your eyes widened.

"Hey, guys? The hell is that?" Connie pointed at something in the distance "Have you ever seen a Titan that big?" he asked terrified.

"And hairy?" you added.

"It's headed towards the wall."Krista cried.

While you were distracted by the Beast Titan the Titans who were around you began to attack you.

"That's it we are dead." you stated.

"Not so fast." the squad commander jumped off the tower and switched to her ODM gear. The other soldiers that were geared up followed her risking their lives to protect you.

You felt sick to your stomach watching them struggle while you were just standing at the tower not being able to help. You wished you had your ODM gear with you.

Some of the Titans manged to broke the door and you had to find a way to stop them. By doing so Reiner almost lost his arm but at least no more Titans were coming in.

You went back up only to see that the soldiers ran out of gas and one by one were going out.

"Remember our promise." Ymir said to Krista and jumped out of the tower transforming into a Titan.

"She is one of them too?" you watched as she was jumping from titan to titan biting off their napes.

"Who cares she is risking her life to save us." Krista defended her.

"It would have been nice if she had told us that she was a Titan." you stated.

"You really wanna go out while arguing?" Connie asked you and you just rolled your eyes.

The tower was at the verge of collapsing when Ymir saved you one more time by telling you to grab onto her. You didn't wait for a second invitation and held onto her hair.

The problem was that Ymir was alone against two dozens of Titans and soon enough she was beaten.

You probably would be dead in the next minutes and you could think of many different things but the only thing that came to mind was Levi's stupid face.

"Please, come and save me again." you whispered with tears in your eyes as a Titan was approaching you.

Mad About You (Levi Ackerman X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now