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For the next few days, you avoided Levi. You missed him, but you were angry with him because he didn't even try to understand you. He tried to talk to you several times, but you ignored him.

"Hey, let's go try the new food that came from the other side of the sea." James came up to you.

"Sure." you agreed so James wouldn't start grumbling.

You walked along an alley in silence. You looked left and right, everything had changed. Soon you reached the market, where there were now many more stands.

"Let's try this." James pointed to a stand and pulled you by the arm. "Two of these things." he told the seller.

"That's ice-cream." the seller handed him two funnels with white cream on top.

"Here you go." James handed you one of the ice-creams.

You looked at the ice cream and bit it. You made a grimace out of the cold. Your teeth hurt, but it was worth it because of the amazing taste.

"That's the best thing I've ever tasted." you said happily.

"I'm glad you liked it." James smiled at you.

"Thanks." you started, but you were cut off. Someone from behind you had lifted you up and had threw you on his shoulder. You didn't expect this and dropped your ice cream.

"If you want to stay alive, don't come after us." the monotonous voice made you realise who the newcomer was.

"Levi put me down! Now!" you punched his back.

"Shut up. Will you?" he asked and you hit him again.

He had been carrying you for a few minutes now and you had moved away from the market quite a bit.

"At least tell me where we're going." you frowned.

"You'll see when we get there." he finally put you down.

In front of you stood a long and sleek metal vehicle that seemed like it travelled on tracks.

"What's that?" you turned to Levi.

"That's a train." he answered you and grabbed you by the hand "Come on." he started walking toward the train.

You went inside and sat in a cabin. You sat across from Levi and immediately glued your eyes to the window. The train started moving and you didn't say a word all the way to your destination.

When you arrived, you walked for about ten minutes, and soon the green grass was replaced by yellow-white sand.

You stopped for a moment. Levi stopped a few steps in front of you and turned to look at you.

"What?" he raised an eyebrow.

"You really kept your promise." you ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "Come on." you pulled away from the hug and took his hand.

You ran to the water. Shortly before stepping into the water, you stopped and took out your shoes and folded your pants. Still holding hands, you entered the sea up to your knees.

"Wow." you sighed, looking at the horizon.

You were enchanted by the sea that stretched out endlessly, its waves were gently embracing the shore under the warm sun. The water was sparkling like diamonds, reflecting the light in a mesmerizing dance. The sea whispered stories of faraway places with each wave, inviting you to discover its hidden treasures and peacefulness.

"Hey." you were brought out of your trance when Levi splashed you with water.

You laughed, splashed him back and started running. Levi smiled and started chasing you. He continued to splash you with the salty, crystal clear water. He came close to you and immersed you in the water. You quickly stood up and removed the hair that was in front of your eyes. You were ready to scold him, but when you saw him overflowing with laughter, it was as if your heart warmed. You saw him laugh for the first time.

After playing a little more in the sea, you decided to go out. Only now did you notice that Levi had prepared a picnic area. A cozy blanket spread out on the warm sand was waiting for you. Delicious sandwiches, fresh fruits, and cool drinks laid out for you to enjoy.

You both sat down looking at the sea.
The sun gently was kissing your skin as you took each bite, feeling the soft breeze play with your hair. The perfect blend of nature's beauty and delightful treats created a memorable beach picnic experience.

"Thank you." you said after you finished eating.

"No need." he replied.

The sun was already setting. The sea, reflecting the colours of the sky, looked like liquid iron. The waves were getting bigger and clouds were gathering in the sky. The light breeze had intensified and cooled down. It looked like it was going to rain at any moment.

"We should get going." Levi suggested and started putting away the empty plates.

"Let's stay a little longer." you weren't ready to part with this beauty.

"It will rain at any moment." he said.

"So what? We are not made of sugar." you rested your head on his shoulder.

"You might be." he whispered faintly. You barley heard him.

"Y/n I'm sorry. I know that sometimes I can be a pain in the ass." he leaned his head on top of yours.

"No problem, I love you because of that." you said without thinking. When you realised what you have just said, you backed away.

"I, um." you stuttered, trying to explain yourself.

"Don't worry, me too." he smirked.

You didn't say a word more to each other because there was no need. Your eyes spoke for you. His gray eyes were full of nothing but love.

Suddenly it started raining heavily. Within seconds, you were both soaked. You got closer to each other and joined your lips in a passionate kiss. You put your hands on either side of your beloved's face. Levi ran his fingers through your wet hair.

"You will get sick." Levi mumbled in between kisses.

"It's worth it." you said breathless.

Mad About You (Levi Ackerman X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now