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Because of the sun's rays that entered the room through the window, you woke up. You stretched and realized that Levi wasn't lying next to you. You got out of bed and wrapped the blanket around your naked body.

You poured yourself water and just as you were sipping it the door opened and Levi came in.

"Tch, why aren't you ready yet? Come on, get dressed and I'll take you somewhere." he left a box with a ribbon on your bed.

"What's that?" you sat on the bed and put the box on your lap.

"See for yourself." he said.

You opened your gift. From the inside you brought out a white sun dress. The dress matched with the white suit that Levi was wearing.

"Do you like it?" he asked curiously.

"I love it. Thank you!" you stood up and hugged him.

"I'll wait for you outside." Levi said and left the room.

You quickly put the dress on along with white sneakers. You quickly straightened your hair and went outside in front of the building where Levi was waiting.

Levi was talking to the rest of your friends who were also coming with you. As you headed for the station, James was running behind you.

"Wait for me. I'm coming too." he shouted behind you and all of you stopped and turned around to face him.

"No, you're not." Levi frowned.

"Perfect." you said at the same time as him, smiling.

"No, he's not coming. I have a bad feeling about him." Levi pulled you aside.

"Oh come on Levi. Yes he could have kidnapped me, but that was a long time ago. Besides, he's a changed man. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have stayed a day alive in the Underground." you said in one breath.

"Oh, so he was the son of a bitch that kidnapped you?" Levi got angry.

"Yea, but he didn't have a choice. If he hadn't done it, his boss would have killed him." you explained, trying to calm him down.

"Now I'm going to make him regret that his boss didn't kill him." he stormed off to James.

Levi caught James off guard when he punched him in the face. James fell to the ground and his nose began bleeding.

"Stand up, brat." Levi grabbed James by the collar of his shirt and pulled him to his feet.

"The fuck is going on with you brother?" James was confused.

"I'm not your brother." Levi punched him again.

James fell backwards and hit his head. Levi approached and kicked him in the stomach. He continued kicking him till James started spitting blood. Rainer decided to do something and pulled Levi away from James.

"Someone take him to the hospital." Mikasa said rolling her eyes. She wasn't very found of James ether.

"Sure." Gabi and Falco ran up to James who was now unconscious.

You were in shock and just looked like a stuffed animal. The train had come and you got on. All the way you looked at your feet and didn't talk to anyone.

You got off the train on the beach and a ship was waiting for you. Without looking at Levi, you got up after Armin, who was leading.

You wanted to be alone and separate yourself from the others. You went to the front of the ship and leaned against the railing. You watched the ship split the blue water and the little waves that formed. Nearby there were fish unknown to you that jumped over the water and dived to jump again.

"These are dolphins." Levi hugged you from behind.

"Leave me alone." you frowned.

"Y/n, I'm sorry." he kissed your shoulder and let go of you.

"I'm not the person you should apologize to ." you were avoiding eye contact.

"That brat doesn't deserve an apology. He deserved that beating. He took you away from me. We lost five whole years because of him." Levi said.

"Yes, but." you were going to protect James, but you realised that Levi was right "Actually, never mind let's not talk about this."

"As you wish."

In the distance you saw the other shore. Tall buildings were visible. Armin had explained to you everything related to this country Marley.

You got off the ship and began to walk along the beautiful streets of the unknown for you country. Everyone else had already come here several times.

"Are you hungry?" Levi asked and you nodded.

Levi gave instructions to the rest of the group where and at what time to meet, and the two of you separated from them.

You went to a small stand in front of which there were small tables and sat down. Levi ordered you sandwiches with fish and soft drinks.

"This place is very advanced. On our island, it is as if we have remained far behind in time." you said and took a big bite from your sandwich.

"Here they even have what was the name of this transport machine?" you took a sip from your drink.

"Cars." Levi answered.

"Oh, yes cars." you nodded excited "I want to take a ride in one."

"Sure." Levi smiled slightly.

After you were done eating Levi grabbed you by the hand and took you to a place where cars were sold.

He told you to wait a while and you leaned against the fence and he went inside. While waiting some boy came and spoke to you.

"Are you from here?" he asked.

"No, why?" you raised an eyebrow.

"'Cause if you were, I'd remember you. Such beauty is not easily forgettable." he was clearly flirting with you.

"Oh, um I suppose." you got uncomfortable.

"I'm Stan, by the way." he reached his hand out.

"Levi." luckily for you, your boyfriend had come back just in time.

"Darling, is he bothering you?" Levi wrapped his arm around your waist and sent a deadly gaze at Stan.

"No, he was just asking for directions and was leaving now." you tried to get the boy to leave. Fortunately, he understood the hint and disappeared.

Levi looked viciously behind Stan. He tightened his grip around your waist.

"Someone is jealous." you chuckled playfully.

"Never." Levi was avoiding eye contact.

"I think you're very cute when you're jealous. Of course, when you don't run into a fight." you leaned your head on his shoulder. Levi didn't reply anything he just kissed your head.

A worker brought the car and Levi opened the door for you to the passenger seat. He got behind the wheel and drove off.

"When did you learn to drive?" you asked amazed.

"A little while ago." he said without taking his eyes off the road.

"Wow, you're awesome." you leaned back in your seat.

Mad About You (Levi Ackerman X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now