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~5 years later~
Levi's pov

The war was finally over. I lost a lot of friends and comrades on the way to victory, but we were free now. There were no walls anymore that prevented me from seeing the night sky, but without Y/n next to me there was no point.

There was no trace of her. For five years I continued to look for her while we were trying to save our people with the scouts. I had not given up and there was no way I would.

My insomnia had gotten worse because I didn't know if she was okay. In fact I didn't even know if she was still alive.

The rest had resigned themselves to the fact that she was gone and accepted her as dead. But I would never accept it. Not a day went by without me thinking about her. I had made a promise and I would keep it no matter of the cost.

Through these long and painful years, my feelings for her only grew and I was sure that I loved her. I was a fool not to tell her while I had the opportunity.

"We are ready, sir." Connie said after I came out of my study. He was geared up and next to him stood Jean, Mikasa and Rainer.

"You don't have to come with me. Coming to a mission that you think is meaningless will only lead to failure." I started walking towards the exit and they followed me.

"We want to help you, sir. One last time." Mikasa said.

"Fine." I had no choice but to accept their help.

We made our way to the secret passage to the Underground. On the way, I had explained to them the plan and the dangerous ways in the city.


James and you had done a great job raising the children. The first time you saw them, they were eight years old, powerless, cowardly paws. Now they were thirteen, they could defend themselves and they were ready to do anything to stay alive. All of you had come to terms with the fact that you lived in a world where you had to be ruthless, kill and do everything possible to stay alive.

You had taken over the Underground and everyone was afraid of your gang. Well, those who guarded the exit were still stronger than you and had killed several of your friends in your first attempt to escape.

You still wore Levi's jacket to remind yourself the world above. Every night you prayed and hoped they were okay. You missed them all and you really wanted to see them. The thought of them kept you on your feet and stimulated you to continue with James' plan. You had already collected more than half of the money.

"Let's go to the pub tonight." James suggested after the mission you had today.

"We have collected more than half of the money, we need to celebrate somehow." he moved a broken plank on the floor in the basement.

"It's just a waste of money." you started putting the money from today in the hole.

"You shouldn't be so serious all the time, Y/n. Relax only for one night." he put the plank in its place, hiding the money.

"As if I have other choice." you rolled your eyes.

Over time you had become a cold-blooded killer who cared only about one person in particular. You wouldn't blink an eye if you had to punish someone from your group or see him lose his life. With the exception of James, you would give your life for him.

"Come on just tonight. From tomorrow we return to the usual." he begged.

"Whatever." you agreed with him. Your voice was now pretty much like Levi's monotonous one. You didn't smile anymore it was like you had forgotten how to do so.

You and James made your way to the pub. Inside the place it was stuffy dark and there was a large cloud of cigarette smoke.

You approached a table and immediately the men who were sitting on it got up to make a place for you.

"Whiskey and a pack of fags." James told the waiter who hurried for your order.

In less than a minute he came back and served you. You took a cigarette and James lit it for you.

"Are you happy now?" you took a sip from your whiskey. You couldn't help but remember the first time you tried alcohol.

"If you smile I'll be happier." he smirked.

"Don't overdo it." you frowned even more.

You drank two glasses of whiskey and you decided that this was enough of fun for tonight.

"I'm going home." you stood up.

"Okay, I will follow you in a bit." James said as his third whiskey came.

"This is your last glass." you left the pub.

It was cold outside and you huddled tighter in Levi's jacket. You noticed a blond familiar guy flying with ODM gear towards you.

You quickly put your right hand in your pocket and when he was close enough with your left hand, you pressed him on the chest and glued him to the wall. You had pulled a knife out of your pocket and pressed it against his neck.

"Move and you die." you warned him.

Rainer had changed a lot since you'd last seen him. He was even taller with a beard and looked like he was fed up with life.

"Y/n, let him go." you heard Mikasa's voice coming from behind you.

You just turned your head to look at her. You saw Connie and Jean standing next to her.

"You are alive?" Jean mumbled.

"I suppose." you raised an eyebrow. You never imagined that your next meeting would be like this.

"Y/n!" you turned your head to the other side and there he was standing in all his glory.

Mad About You (Levi Ackerman X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now