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Eventually, you made your way to the forest with the giant trees. You were ordered to keep the Titans out of the woods. You along with your comrades settled in the branches of the giant trees.

"Hey, Y/n. We need to keep the Titans out of the forest, we don't have to actually fight them, right?" Jean was looking down, terrified.

You followed his gaze only to realise that titans were surrounding you.

"Right." you were shaking in your boots.

Sure, being a scout was your dream and you were brave, but seeing that many titans was more than scary.

All of a sudden loud noises came from the depths of the forest.

"Was this canon fire?" Sasha looked really pale.

"Suppose so." Connie responded to her question.

After a bit a terrifying scream was heard and all of the Titans bellow you marched in the forest. Then a lighting striked. The type of lighting that appeared when Eren turned into a titan back at Trost district.

"What was that?" Sasha was now visibly shaking.

"Eren!" Mikasa flew in the forest without a second thought.

"No, Mikasa wait." you followed her.

She was really fast catching up with her was very difficult. And she probably wouldn't listen to you, Eren was in danger and she didn't care about anyone more than him. So you decided not to stop her, but watch her back.

"What are you rookies doing here? Go back before you turn into toothpicks for the titans. " Levi ordered.

Mikasa didn't even glance at him just went forward to where the Female Titan and Eren were fighting.

The captain rolled his eyes and went after Mikasa. Unsure about yourself you followed them. At this point they needed all the help they could get.

Mikasa was attacking the Female Titan. Just as she was going to cut her nape it hardened and her blades broke.

You decided to help her by taking the Titan's eyes out. It wasn't hard to do so in less than two seconds you took her eyes out. As you pushed yourself away from the titan somehow she manged to heal only one eye and she was able to see again.

She grabbed you and threw you straight into a tree. You hit your head and the last thing you saw before passing out was the stupid face of the captain.


Levi's pov

These new rookies had a death wish or something. Especially, Hange's sister. From her first day as a scout she manged to caught my attention with her stupid attitude.

An old little man. She was legit shorter than me so basically had no right calling me little.

I was watching as Y/n successfully took the Female Titan's eyes out. For a rookie she wasn't so bad with those blades, quite impressive actually.

But she wasn't careful enough. Within seconds she was flying straight towards a tree. I quickly made my way to her and managed to catch her before she could fall down. She'd be done if she had fell. I couldn't let anymore scouts die.

My entire squad was wiped out these rookies stood no chance against the Female Titan. Then, again they were brave enough to try and fight her.

"Great." I rolled my eyes as she was laying unconscious in my arms. Now I had to carry this brat.

When she wasn't yapping she could be quite bearable, I thought.


When you woke up, the expedition was over a long time ago. You had a bandage wrapped around your forehead and could feel sharp pain in that area.

You looked around and guessed that you were in the medical wing of the castle.

"You're finally awake. Sure took you some time." on a chair next to your bed was sat Captain Levi.

Now you wished you hadn't woken up.

"For how long was I unconscious?" you asked your voice flimsy.

"Just a bit over a day." he answered.

"Did we successfully finish the expedition?" you had so many more questions ready to be asked.

"No." he replied, his voice robbed from any emotion.

What a weird guy, you thought. He always looked so angry. You wondered when was the last time he smiled. Or, had he smiled before.

"Well, that's depressing." you mumbled.

"Try getting better sooner. Just because you are injured that doesn't mean your punishment is off." he stood up from his chair.

"Sure," you said "jerk" you added when he turned his back.

"I quite literally saved your life, brat." he turned to face you. "I'm not expecting you to thank me or something, but behaving would be your best choice." he had a short temper that was for sure.

"Understood, sir." you decided to don't play with fire when you were at this state.

"Huh, so I'm no longer an old little man?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe not old, sir." you tried your best to hold your laughter.

"Shut your mouth, cadet and get some rest. Tomorrow will be a hard day for you." he smirked and left you on your own.

You were beginning to dislike Levi more and more with every interaction that you had with him. In your eyes he was arrogant, gloomy and insensitive. This guy loved nothing, you supposed.

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