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During the mission a lot of things had gone down hill. Commander Erwin had died along with all of the rookies.
But at least you managed to take back Wall Maria.

Now you were sitting in the medical wing on a chair beside Levi's bed. He wasn't hurt bad, but you insisted for him to get a check up and some rest.

The doctor had told him to stay in the medical wing overnight. You were so tried and wanted to sleep so bad, but you didn't want to leave Levi alone.

"I can't believe I'm here." Levi frowned.

"Stop complaining." you rolled your eyes.

"I have work to do. I don't have time for this." he tried to stand up, but you pushed him back onto the bed.

"Stay right were you are. You can't work all the time." you crossed your arms before your chest in defence.

"Besides, we have things to talk about." you brought back the conversations from last night. He just raised his eyebrow.

"Why are you acting like this? One night you almost kiss me and the next you act like you don't know me." you wanted to get answers.

"It's complicated, Y/n." he said with a sigh.

"Right." you said and somehow you didn't want to talk about this anymore.

"You should go back to the HQ and get some rest." it was like he could read your mind.

"No, I'm not leaving you alone." you insisted on staying.

"You are tired, just go. I can handle myself." Levi was trying so hard to don't smile. You were the first person who hadn't abandoned him and didn't want to do so.


"Go! It's an order." he clenched his jaw.

"Promise you won't leave this bed." you stood up.

"I promise." he said.

"Take my jacket. It's cold outside." he tilted his head towards the black jacket on the hanger.

"Take care." you left with great hesitation.

It was already dark outside and the streets were empty. You decided to don't hurry to the HQ.

You turned the corner into a darker alley and all of a sudden someone grabbed you from behind. He put one of his arms around your waist and the other around your neck. He was choking you.

"Let go." you gasped for air. After realising that he wouldn't let go you bit his arm and he pulled it away. You kicked him between the legs and you were free.

"Bitch." he groaned in pain "Don't just stand there. Catch her!" he yelled at someone you couldn't see.

You turned around just in time to see a tall, skinny man who was coming towards you with a gun in his hand. You were quick enough to kick him behind the knee. He groaned and fell down on one knee.

The short and fat man behind you had moved without you realising. He grabbed you by the arms and put them behind your back, holding you still.

"Move your ass." he yelled at the man in front of you.

He stood up and hit you with the back of the gun. You felt hot blood streaming down from your head, right were he had just hit you. Your vision blurred and you passed out.


When you finally woke up you had a severe headache. You opened your eyes and saw that you were tied up. You were laying in the back of a wagon going God knows were.

You saw the skinny man sitting beside you still holding onto his gun.

"What are you going to do with me." you hissed at him.

"Oh uh." he scratched the back of his neck "I'm not supposed to tell you." he said anxiously.

"Right." you were trying to find a better approach. This guy looked like he could easily be fooled.

"Where are we going." you asked after few minutes.

"To the Underground." he said carelessly.

"Where?" you hadn't heard of this place before.

"Oh, shit! I wasn't supposed to tell you that ether." he looked so scared.

"Hey, I won't tell your boss if you tell me what you are planning on doing with me." you tried to outsmart him.

"Oh, really? Okay then. I'm so sorry but we are going to sell you. I don't want to do that but my boss will kill me if I don't do whatever he tells me to." it was clear that this guy was in no better position than you.

"You don't want to work for him, right?" you asked and he nodded nervously.

"I promise you, I'll save us." you felt sorry for him.

The wagon stopped moving and the fat man rushed in. He picked you up and pushed you out of the wagon. You fell onto the ground and hit your head.

"On your feet, bitch." he grabbed the back of Levi's jacket and pulled you up.

He was holding onto you when you walked into a house. He walked you to some stairs that were going down. The tall guy opened the door door. The boss pushed you down.

You fell in a basement. You looked around and saw bunch of scared kids sitting in the corner. They were all covered in bruises and looked like they haven't eaten in days.

"Prick." you mumbled under your breath. The tall guy came up to you and began untying you.

"It's now or never." he whispered in your ear while putting a small knife into your hand which was still behind your back.

"Hey, fatty. What are you going to do with me." you called him and he walked down the stairs towards you.

"Look, beautiful. I was planning to make you my wife." he stroke your hair "But now that I'm thinking about it. You'll make a great prostitute." he grabbed your chin making you look at him.

"Oh, yea?" you laughed and he looked confused.

Without wasting anymore time you held the knife tightly and stabbed him in the middle of his belly.

"Bitch." he let go off of you.

You stood up and and stabbed him again right under the collar bone. He tried to punch you, but you dodged it and kicked him behind the knee. He fell down to the floor and you stabbed him again and again. You had lost yourself, seeing those scared kids was the last stroke in you glass before losing your cool.

"I think that's enough." the tall guy pulled you away from his boss "He is dead." he said.

You looked down at your hands and dropped the knife. Your hands were covered in blood.

"I just killed a man." you started shaking uncontrollably "I killed him." you fell down on your knees. "I'm a murderer." you were talking with no emotion in your voice.

"I'm a monster." tears started rolling down your face "I'm a fucking monster." you started laughing and crying at the same time.

"You did what you were supposed to." the tall man put his hand on your shoulder.

Mad About You (Levi Ackerman X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now