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"Oi, wait here." Levi forced you to sit on some stairs in front of an apartment.

He went inside the pub and after a few minutes came back holding a bottle of whiskey. He opened it and handed it to you.

"Sometimes you are likeable." you took a big sip from the whiskey. Levi sat next to you and snatched the bottle out of your hand "Barely" you added.

"Tch, you are still very unlikeable." he tilted his head to the side.

"So what you strongly dislike me?" you laughed.

"Indeed." he nodded.

"O captain, my captain we both know that you are lying through your teeth." you leaned towards him, poked his chest and looked up to make an eye contact.

He didn't reply anything. Levi just raised the bottle and took a big sip.

"Wow, you just drank from the same bottle as me. You do like me, captain." you leaned back and rested your head against the wall.

"What does me drinking from the same bottle as you, has to do with me liking you?" he handed you the bottle.

"From what I have seen you are a clean freak" you took a sip "so it's very unlikely for you to drink from the same bottle as anyone else. But you just did so I suppose you like me." you took another sip of the whiskey.

"Nice theory you have there, brat."

"It's Y/n." you were sick of him calling you brat.

"I know, brat." it was like he enjoyed annoying you.

"Don't call me that." you shook your head.

"Tch, you don't give the orders here." he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Whatever old man." your eyelids started feeling heavy and you found it hard keeping them opened.

"Let's get back." Levi noticed that you were tired and stood up "Come on. On your feet." he ordered you, but you were already asleep.

Levi's pov

"Great." I sighed, took the bottle out of Y/n's hand and left it to the side.

"Now I have to carry this brat." I picked her up, bride-style.

She was sleeping peacefully in my arms so I couldn't bring myself to woke her up. Perhaps I really did like her. At least a bit. Just sympathy nothing more.

When we arrived at the castle I made my way straight to my room, with Y/n still sleeping in my arms, before anyone could see us. I had enough tonight dealing with annoying people.

I went to leave the girl on my bed when she opened her eyes and puffed her cheeks.

"Don't you dare throw up. That's an order." I commanded but Y/n couldn't hold it and within seconds we were both covered in vomit.

"Sorry." she whipped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Tch." I let go of her and she lay down. I took off my shirt and cleaned up myself.

Normally I would be so angry, but for some reason that I couldn't understand, I wasn't angry at all.

"Put that on." I tossed her a clean shirt of mine then I truned around to give her some privacy.

"All done, captain." her eyes were glued to my abs once I turned to face her.

"Like what you see?" I raised an eyebrow and she quickly looked away.

Damn it my shirt looked good on her. No, I shouldn't be thinking about her that way. She was now in my squad and I never had a relationship with someone working for me and never will. It was just wrong.

It looked like tonight I would be sleeping on a chair. That wasn't something new, as I was already used to falling asleep on the chair in my office. Not that I slept much anyway.

I wrapped the girl with the blanket and settled in the chair.

"You can sleep on the bed if you want." Y/n suggested with her eyes closed.

"There's not enough room for both of us." was the only excuse I could come up with.

"Sure there is." she shifted closer to the wall opening space for me.

"Just go to sleep already." I closed my eyes and pretended like I was comfortable on the chair.

She didn't say anything else and turned her back at me.


After the battle at Trost you started seeing nightmares. They weren't so bad and you could handle them, but tonight because of the amount of alcohol you drank the nightmares were much worser.

Few hours before the sunrise you woke up covered in sweat.

"What is it now?" you had manged to woke Levi up "Everything alright?" he asked when he saw the terrified expression on your face.

"Yea, just a nightmare. Sorry for waking you up." you put a few strands of hair behind your ears.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he seemed genuinely interested.

"I'll pass." you smiled awkwardly.

"Go back to sleep then." he insisted.

You nodded, but truth was you were way too scared to fall back asleep.

"Don't be scared it was just a stupid nightmare." it was like he could read your mind.

"Right." you laughed nervously.

"Besides, humanity's strongest solder is here to protect you." he said sarcastically.

"Where?" you jokingly looked around.

"You're so funny." he rolled his grey eyes.

"I know, sir." you cracked a smile even though you knew he didn't mean it.

"Now go back to sleep." he continued bossing around.

You closed your eyes and an image of a Titan appeared before your eyes. You hugged the pillow trying to comfort yourself.

Mad About You (Levi Ackerman X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now