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You had come back from the beach and were standing in front of your room's door. You were still wet and a puddle had formed in the place where you were standing.

"You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen." Levi put a strain of hair behind your ear.

"Oh, so you've seen other pretty girls?" you made yourself look like you were offended.

"Y/n." he tilted his head to the side.

"What?" you decided to play dump.

Levi decided not to bother with words and glued his lips to yours. He lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist. Without interrupting the kiss, he opened the door and entered your room. He went to the desk and with one hand pushed the things on the table to the ground. He let you sit down.

"You're going to clean up this mess." you wrapped your hands around his neck.

"Sure." he looked down at the papers and pens that were all over the floor.

After a second, he looked back at you. Levi started playing with the end of your blouse. You put your hands up in a sign to pull it out and so he did. Then you quickly pulled out his T-shirt. You fixed your eyes on his abdominal muscles.

"Like what you see?" he smirked.

You were ashamed and quickly looked away. You felt your cheeks burn red.

"I'll take that as a yes." with two fingers he turned your head so you would look at him.

You didn't know what to say so you just kissed him. He bit your lower lip making you gasp. Then he continued kissing you on the neck, leaving purple blue scars behind himself. He reached your collarbone and while kissing his way down to your breasts he opened your bra.

While he was leaving hickeys all over your chest you were playing with his hair. He took off your trousers along with your panties. Then he kneeled down, burying his head between your thighs. He kissed your privet area and with his thumb started making circular motions around your clit.

"Oh!" you moaned, arching your back.

He inserted two fingers into you and began to pump them in and out.

"So wet already?" he smirked and gave you a peck on the lips.

He continued fingering you and at this point you were a moaning mess. You were so close to reaching your climax when he stopped making you gasp dissatisfied.

"Can't let you finish just yet." he picked you up and left you on your bed.

He took off his pants and then climbed on top of you. He looked at you waiting for permission and after you nodded, he slowly inserted his member in you. He slowly began thrusting into you.

"Levi, faster. Please!" you begged, breathless.

He listened to you and quickened the pace. You arched your back out of pleasure. He kept thrusting harder and faster. You wrapped your arms around his back and started scratching him, leaving red wounds behind you.

"Oh, Levi." you moaned his name very loudly.

"Yea, go on, let everyone know that you're mine." he grabbed both of your hands with one hand and pinned them above your head.

Your legs started shaking out of pleasure. Levi pulled out and you unable to hold it anymore let yourself finish. Your eyes rolled back and you moaned his name out loud.

"Okay, it's my turn now." you flipped yourselves over and now you were on top of him.

At first, Levi didn't want you to be on top, but after you slowly lowered yourself onto his member, he was more satisfied than ever. He grabbed your ass with both hands and started squeezing it. He helped you move up and down.

"Wow Y/n!" he groaned loudly.

You leaned over and started leaving hickeys all over his neck. After a few minutes Levi flipped you again and pulled out. He came on your belly and breasts. He gave you a little peck on the forehead and stoop up.

A minute later he came back with a towel in hand. He cleaned you up and laid down next to you. You moved closer to him and rested your head on his chest. Levi hugged you tightly and kissed your head.

"Y/n." he said after covering you with the blanket.

"Yes?" you replied.

"Why don't you marry me?" he said out of the blue.

"I think there's nothing stopping me from marrying you." you propped yourself on your hand so you could look at him.

"So that's a yes?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." you chuckled and hugged him again.

Mad About You (Levi Ackerman X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now