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The first thing you did in the morning was pack your bags. You couldn't wait to get out of the Underground. You missed the sunlight gently caressing your skin, the wind ruffling your hair and the smell of flowers.

On the way to the exit, Levi assured you that there will be no problem with letting you out of the Underground. He had also come up with a plan for the future of the children. Initially, they would go to the orphanage of Historia until they reached the age of 18, and then they would start working as MPs.

Everything went exactly as Levi had told you. At noon you were already settling into the new HQ. Your stay there was temporary, of course. Now that the war was over and there were no more Titans, there was no need for scouts.

"Here is our room." Levi grabbed one of your bags.

"Our?" you raised an eyebrow confused.

"Huh, no, our room is this one." James grabbed your second bag.

"Tch, Y/n will stay with me, brat." Levi turned towards James angrily.

"Who do you think you are? She's staying with me!" James towered over Levi.

"Be careful how you talk to me or." Levi started.

"Or what?" James interrupted him.

"Or you will go back to the Underground." Levi dropped the bag to the floor.

"Oh, you scared me a lot, Captain." James mockingly lifted his arms up in defence.

Levi didn't reply with words instead, he kicked James behind the knee. James fell to his knees groaning in pain. He looked up at the captain who was smirking. With a groan James stood up and tried punching Levi, luckily he dodged it.

"Stop you two." you had had enough of their childish fight.

"I'm not staying with either of you." you took your bags and walked in the room between the two boys' rooms.

You slammed the door and sat on the bed. You couldn't believe that Levi and James were fighting over nonsense when you just had found out that you had lost important people to you.

After you took a shower and settled into the room, you asked Mikasa to take you to the graveyard. She didn't refuse and took you to the graveyard also, she didn't refuse you when you asked her to leave you alone.

You first visited Hange's grave. It was very sad for you to find out that there was nothing left of Hange. Therefore, she had only a memorial shelf in the part of the cemetery, which was set aside for scouts.

Then you visited Sasha's grave. You were sitting there roaring and talking to her. You felt her presence and you knew that she was there with you.

When you returned to the HQ, Mikasa and Armin were talking to a little brunette girl.

"Oh, you look a lot like Sasha. What's your name little one?" you smiled at the girl.

"Gabi." her eyes widened when she heard the name Sasha.

"Before we lost Sasha, did Gabi have the opportunity to meet her?" you turned to your friends.

"Um, kind of." Armin turned pale and looked as if he was going to faint at any moment.

"I'm so sorry." Gabi mumbled and her eyes filled up with tears.

"Why?" you raised an eyebrow confused.

"I killed her." Gabi was speaking very quietly, you barely could hear her.

"Hah, very funny." you laughed, but when you realised that she wasn't joking your smile dropped.

"I'll kill you." you yelled at the little girl.

"Y/n calm down." Mikasa grabbed you by the arm so you couldn't do anything to Gabi.

"What do you mean calm down. She killed my best friend."you pointed to the place where the girl had been standing until now, but now she was on the threshold of the building and next to her was Armin.

"Calm down. She's just a little girl. Killing her won't bring Sasha back." Mikasa wasn't letting go of your arm.

"You knew! You knew that this little devil killed my best friend and you did nothing." you started crying out of anger.

"She was scared and-" Mikasa started explaining, but you cut her off.

"If she had killed Eren would you still do nothing about it?" your words sent Mikasa in shock.

"Huh." she gasped and let go of your arm.

"Y/n that's enough." Levi grabbed your arm just as you were turning toward the building were Gabi and Armin had went in.

"You don't have the right to tell me what's enough." you hissed angrily.

"Okay, that's it." he lifted you up and started caring you over his shoulder.

He walked into the HQ making everyone inside stare at you.

"Let me go." you were screaming and punching his back.

Levi walked in a closet and locked the door. He put you down and leaned back on the door.

"Let me out of here! That little bitch needs punishment for what she had done. And if none of yall can bring yourself to punish her, I will." you yelled at him.

"You've changed." Levi's voice was tremble and you could see the disappointment in his eyes.

"What?" you anxiously ran your fingers through your hair.

"The Y/n I know would never hurt a child, no matter what they have done." he crossed his arms before his chest.

"Don't forget that child killed Sasha!" you were getting angrier and angrier at the fact that no one cared about the thing Gabi had done.

"Yes, but don't forget that she is a little girl who had been pushed in the middle of the war and was trying to save her loved ones." Levi was talking calmly while you were screaming.

"And what when she killed Sasha, did she save them?"

"You weren't there when it happened so drop it!" Levi was starting to get frustrated.

"And I thought I knew you." you mumbled.

Levi tried to get closer to you, but you backed away. You went to the door and started banging on it.

"Someone get me out of here!" you screamed.

"Y/n stop. You won't get out of here until we get everything clear." Levi tried grabbing your arm.

"Don't touch me." you shoved him away.

"Y/n come on, don't be this way." he rolled his eyes which made you only angrier.

"Fuck off Levi. Never speak to me again." you spoke without thinking twice about what you were saying.

"I can't. We have a promise I can't fulfill it without talking to you." he was trying so hard to keep his cool.

"Forget about the promise. Just stay away from me." you said and continued banging on the door.

The door open and before you stood James.

"What are you doing here with him?" his soft gaze quickly changed to angry one.

You shoved him away from the door frame and quickly walked away without saying a word.

Mad About You (Levi Ackerman X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now