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You had plenty of time to kill while waiting for the scouts to return. Levi decided that it would be a good idea to teach you a few lessons with ODM gear.

"So where do we start?" you asked after you put out the fake titans.

"I'll teach you my special technique." Levi shifted his stance so that he was holding his right sword backhanded with the blade facing out.

"Right." you grabbed your swords and tried to copy him "Like that?" you asked.

"Shift your hand outward more." he grabbed you by the wrist and fixed your stance "This way you can blade cut in circular, spinning motions." he explained, but you found it hard to concentrate while he was standing so close to you.

"Watch carefully." he walked away and cut the nape of the fake titan with ease. He was using his ODM gear so gracefully "Got it?" he returned to you.

"Yea." you went towards the next prop and tried copying Levi. You couldn't cut the nape from your first attempt. You got tangled in the wires of your ODM gear and fell to the ground.

"Uh." you quickly got up and tried again. This time you successfully cut the nape.

"Not bad! Not bad at all." Levi ruffled your hair.

"Thanks, captain." you smiled, proud of yourself.

You trained for another hour, and after both of you thought that was enough for today, you climbed onto the roof of the main building.

You sat down and looked in front of you. The view was beautiful but the walls prevented you from seeing everything.

"Someday I want to be able to look at the sky without seeing these walls." you sighed knowing that this was just a stupid wish that probably would never come true.

"Once Armin told me about this thing called the sea. It's basically a giant salty lake that doesn't end. Sounds stupid, I know, but I want to see it with my own eyes." it was nice talking about your dreams with Levi because he really listened to you.

"I promise you, one day I will take you there. No matter of the cost." Levi pulled away strands of your hair that covered your face.

"Pinky promise?" you held out your hand to him.

"Pinky promise." he intertwined his pinky finger with yours.

The loud sound of the bell announced that the scouts were returning. Levi and you switched to ODM gear and made your way to the gate.

A crowd had already gathered when the gate rose upwards. When you saw the soldiers, your smile disappeared. Most were injured and Commander Erwin didn't look so good.

"What happened?" you ran to Sasha.

"We were able to bring back Eren." she explained "But Ymir chose their side." she continued.

"Oh, well I wasn't expecting her to leave Historia behind?" you noticed Historia riding silently on her horse.

She looked devastated. You didn't judge her. The love of her life left her and chose the enemy's side. Must be hard.

The mission was successfully done, but no one was in the mood to celebrate. Tonight your nightmares were more terrifying than usual.

You quietly walked out of the room trying not to wake anyone. You went out onto the big common terrace and sat on the stone parapet. You were swinging one leg and you had hugged the other one.

Despite everyone's sadness tonight was beautiful and quiet. The moon was full, the sky was full of stars, a light wind ruffled your hair. Looking up at the sky, you realized that there was still hope for humanity.

"You'll get sick." you felt someone putting a jacket on your shoulders.

You turned around and saw Levi sitting next to you. You smiled at him and rested your head on his shoulder.

"How's your leg?" you remembered him limping today.

"Don't worry about it." he avoided the question.

"I think you should see a doctor." you looked up at him "Your state will get worse if you don't do something about it."

"I'm fine." he clenched his jaw.

"You are humanity's strongest soldier you should be taking care of yourself. Without you we are screwed." you sat up so you could see his face more clearly.

In the moonlight, his grey eyes shone.
Reflecting the night's silent grace,
Revealing a world in his gaze.

You both looked at each other without saying a word. At the same time you began leaning towards each other and you were just about to kiss when Levi pulled away and said "It's getting late. You should get some sleep."

He was looking somewhere in the distance, avoiding eye contact.

"Right." you tried not to sound disappointed, but you failed. You stood up and went back to your room.

You couldn't sleep that night. Not because of the nightmares, but because of Levi. You were sick of his mixed signals. It felt like he liked you one second and the next he wanted nothing to do with you.

Mad About You (Levi Ackerman X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now