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The next day after breakfast everyone was geared up and had a horse ready to be ridden.

For some reason, though, you weren't leaving just yet. All of the rookies including you were stood in a line with Hange in front of you along with the short annoying man that you grew to dislike.

"I have been informed that one of you rookies has been wondering around late at night when they should be sleeping." Hange began "Care to tell me who it was?" she asked.

The crowd became noisy as no one knew who it was. You decided not to waste precious time and stepped forward.

"It was me." you confessed. Hange seemed highly disappointed which broke your heart.

"Since it was your first night here you will be forgiven. Make sure to follow  the rules in the future." Hange said and stormed off. The little brat left after her with a smirk on his face.

You rolled your eyes and turned to your friends, ready to be questioned.

"Why weren't you sleeping, Y/n?" Jean smirked.

"I just couldn't." you replied annoyed.

"How did you manage to get caught?" Reiner asked.

"Uh, I walked straight to that little old man with an attitude bigger than him." you rolled your eyes.

"Umm, Y/n." Sasha's eyes widened as she looked behind you.

"What?" you didn't get the hint.

"Care to turn around, brat?" you heard his voice and froze up for a second. Then you turned around carelessly.

"Yes?" you looked the guy up and down.

"Hange may have went easy on you because you are her sister, but I won't." he said "If you manage to come back alive after the expedition you will be punished, rookie." he turned around and left to join his squad.

"Who is this guy anyway?" you asked as you were climbing onto your horse.

"That my dear is Captain Levi." Jean winked at you.

"Oh, fuck me." you hit your forehead with your palm. How embarrassing was this.

You finally left the wall and got in formation. Now you were all alone. The closest person to you was Jean who was out of sight by now.

The good thing was that you had all the time you needed to get over the embarrassing situation that you got yourself into. How did you manage to start beef with Captain Levi himself? Well, him being humanity's strongest solder didn't make him less of a jerk that was for sure.

You felt kind of free riding on your horse through the lowland. The light wind ruffled your hair and made you feel alive. Your good moment was interrupted by the noisy footsteps of the huge titan behind you.

"What is that?" you were amazed of the titan, it's size must have been around 17 meters. It was clear that the titan was female, she had blonde hair and blue eyes. She kinda looked familiar you just couldn't tell how.

You quickly fired a smoke signaling the abnormal titan. You didn't know what to do. Alone you couldn't put up much of a fight, but you couldn't let it get further in the formation too.

Luckily for you, you saw Jean, Reiner and Armin in the distance. With them by your side stopping the titan didn't seem so impossible.

"Y/n, move." Jean shouted at you as he switched to ODM gear. He tried to cut through her ankle to slow her down, but he was swept away like a fly.

"Jean!" you cried and went to where he had just fallen. "Are you okay?" you asked.

"Yea, I'm totally fine. I wasn't just kicked by a 17 meter titan." he said sarcastically.

"It's not the best time for your stupid jokes." you frowned at him.

"Come on we have to stop it." Reiner shouted at you two and you quickly got back on your horses.

"This is not an abnormal. It's a human controlling a Titan body." Armin started explaining.

"Wait. What?" you couldn't believe your ears.

"I'll explain later." Armin cut you off.

"The right-wing has been wiped out. Don't know how, but the spotters didn't have time to react." Jean said.

"Could she have led the Titans here like a commander?" Armin was onto something.

"Why the hell is she running from us?" you asked confused.

"I think she is looking for someone. She isn't eating humans like a normal titan would. She just kills them and moves on. That's why I think she is like Eren." Armin began with his theories once again.

"So she could be looking for Eren?" you suggested.

"Eren? He is with Levi's squad. They are spearheading the right-wing. Or, they were." Reiner told you.

"Levi's team? I'm sure you are wrong there, big guy. My copy of the plan had them in the left team." Jean wiped away some sweat off of his forehead.

"That's odd, because my copy of the plan had them at the front of the right-wing, too." you were getting only more and more confused.

"That doesn't make sense putting them there." Armin was thinking out loud.

"Then where exactly are they supposed to be?" Reiner seemed strangely too interested in where Eren was.

"The safest position in the formation - rear of the center rank." Armin answered his question with no doubt. Then again why would he doubt him, he was like a big brother to all of you. You were sure he was just worried for Eren.

"Put your hoods up, she won't kill you if she doesn't know who you are. Or, at least I hope so." Armin gave you instructions and you followed them.

"So relaxing, thanks." you said sarcastically.

Reiner tried to attack her only to get caught in her fist.

"I never thought this was going to be the way he'd go out." you said sadly.

You smiled timidly after Rainer jumped out of her hand, cutting her fingers off. You felt stupid at the thought that he would go out so easily.

The titan didn't attack you, though. She just went on running right towards the center rank.

Mad About You (Levi Ackerman X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now