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                             someone stepped through to their side. The portal no longer shook as Ganondorf strode out from the darkness, but his presence carried the gravitas of it all the same. The world shifted as his evil was made material once more.

"Persistent little brat," he growled, the trident back in one hand. In the other, a blade like the one Deopon had been given. Rolling off his back came waves of the phantasmic magic that had persisted from the portal.

The chanting around the edge of the Sealing Grounds grew in volume as Ganondorf advanced on Link and Endeavor at the center. Magic blazed to life, launching out as white-gold chains towards the advancing Gerudo.

And then he smiled.

Link didn't respond until it was too late. Couldn't respond. A surge of magic erupted from Ganondorf in a great wave that flooded the dais. It collided into him before he had time to dodge, knocking him off his feet and to the ground.

As Link began to rise again, he saw the Sages collapsed as well. He counted them all, each pinned to the floor by a weight he could see and not feel. A field of lightning ebbed over them, causing an outcry in pain somewhere around the circle every few seconds from each of them.

Still half dazed, Link managed to pull himself back to standing as Ganondorf held his ground, head dropped back, laughing yet again. The sound reverberated through the space as thunder broke overhead.

"Did you really think you could capture me?" Ganondorf asked as his laughing fading. "How pathetic!"

Endeavor rose beside Link, a vice grip on her swords. A trail of blood appeared at her side from a reopened wound. She turned to Link, nodding tightly before readying herself into a defensive stance.

Ganondorf lowered his gaze back down to them and pointed the flat of his blade towards Link. "This ends here, Hero. This time, you die."

Link steadied himself, shifting into a ready stance beside Endeavor. His shield in front, his sword out, he stared down Ganondorf's blade and into the Demon Lord's glare. He narrowed his eyes, rolling the hilt around his wrist to flourish.

The smug grin on Ganondorf's face faded as he brandished both weapons. Scowl deepening, he stalked forward.

In his periphery, Link saw the light of the circle flicker. It fought to shine again, though the prismatic glow had faded out to only leave the core golden light. Behind him, Link heard Zelda's sharp breath in pain, before her slow chanting returned.

Ahead, Ganondorf continued his slow advance. Link grit his teeth. He needed to keep Ganondorf away from Zelda if she had any chance of restoring the sealing ritual. That he could do.

There was a moment where his legs felt like lead. Not in dread, but some deep sense of anticipation. Like the last moment before the world changed forever.

And then he was running forward, and there was nothing that could stop the momentum. The clash was inevitable. This was simply the newest stanza to an eons old performance.

One that he knew how it was going to end.

Ganondorf swung with the massive ebony blade, a strike meant to cleave stone. But he'd made a mistake letting Deopon use it. Link knew what that weight felt like now.

The Master Sword parried the sword, catching in the uneven grooves on the side and held it still. Ganondorf clearly hadn't anticipated the strike to be countered. The surprise faded quickly from his face as he twisted the trident in his other hand and swung it around.

[EDITING] The Legend of Zelda: Goddess of SecrecyWhere stories live. Discover now