Nighttime thoughts

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(Alastor's POV)

I layed down in my bed coving my self with my blankets and rest my head down on my pillow. I pondered on the actions that took place less than 15 minutes ago. Rested my hand on my chest and looked up and stared at the ceiling.
Was it really worth it? I am a slave to the king of hell for 6 months! That miserable basterd, he thinks he's so powerful. Then again he is, he could kill me instantly if he wanted to. He could do anything he wants to me.

Then again he seemes rather naive, his emotions seem to drive his actions. Perhaps I can use this to my advantage. I stared at the ceiling and then looked to my left wall only to see my shadow. He swirled into the celling and split into two one looked like me and the other looked like Lilith. I got mad at my shadow for a moment before I realized what he was implying.

Yes perhaps, she was a bitch. He can't be worse than her.
I said to my shadow rolling my eyes and smiling. At least I'm free from her. Our deal was going to catchup to me. She is pure evil, for someone who can be overpowered by Lucifer she sure dose talk a lot of stuff about how powerful she is. I wonder what will happen when she realizes I'm free. *Kinda*
Then I saw my shadow make me and Lucifer. He was doing some kind of movements trying to tell me something. I looked at him confused and then It hit me. I sat up quickly and smiled evilly. I chuckled and then laughed out loud.

Oh dear shadow I must say, what an idea! It's so perfectly done. Hm, oh wise shadow thank you old friend.
My shadow smiled and laughed before fading out of sight. I smiled and layed back down.
Oh Lucifer you don't know who your messing with.
I closed my eyes as I knew the future was full of opportunity

(Lucifer's POV)
I closed alastor's door and began walked downstairs. I saw everyone passed out on the couches,chairs and even on the floor. I knew that Charlie would have to clean all this up in the morning so I decided to help her out.

I snapped my fingers and everything was spotless instantly. I then quietly clapped my hands together and teleported everyone into their rooms. Then I sighed as I walked up to the second floor, the new hotel was just built I wanted to make sure everything was good. The second floor was mainly for the staff, but because angel wanted to be close to husk he slept on this floor too. I decided I was tired now I did have a long day. I also used a lot of magic.

I teleported to my room once I was in there I got into my pajamas. A white T-shirt with blue duck sweatpants. I crawled into my bed and began to think about why had happened today. Hm, owning the radio demon. He won't be so cocky now, ha! He looked so stupid in that room. I wonder why purple got mixed into our magic the only magic that should hav been there was me and alastor's. The chain, THE CHAIN! How did I not realize this earlier! Someone owed his soul before I did! When I made that deal with him, his previous deal was broken, but who! And how?! Why!?

My mind was racing a million miles an hour. I'm the only one who can erase and re make deals well me and Lilly. I wonder were she is. Dose she still love me? Oh Lilly, why did you leave me!? Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. I closed them and tried to think of anything else but her. Ducks, baby ducks,Charlie. Charlie with her girlfriend,Charlie happy,Charlie talking to alastor. Alastor and his dumb smile, alastor's fluffy ears, his somehow adorable smile. Smile, I smiled at the thought and blushed creeped on my cheeks as I thought about how alastor looked kinda good without his shirt on. Damn, he looked really hot. WHAT THE FUCK AM I THINKING RIGHT NOW!? I shot up and my eyes got wide,I began to pant, I ran my fingers though my hair and grabbed onto a big chuck on hair.

No! No no no! Why!? WHYYY! What about Lilly, And Charlie what would she think?! Everything was spinning as my mind was going crazy I felt so many emotions all at the same time. Lilly left a long time ago, at this point I don't think she'll ever come back. I sighed as I layed back down and pressed my fingers to my nose pinching the bridge. I let my hand fall , I closed my eyes hoping that tomorrow whatever this was would just go away.

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