Drunken desire

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Alastor sat Lucifer down on his bed And took off his hat. Lucifer watched alastor very closely, as closely as a drunk person could anyway. Alastor was doing the same as he snapped his fingers and changed Lucifer into pair of Pajamas he found in his drawers. The ducks everywhere in this room was making it difficult to move around really. Lucifer was blushing as his heart pounded in his chest as he felt the warmth of alastor close by to him while helping him get settled into bed. Suddenly he felt really sick, as he sat on the bed in the middle waiting for alastor to help him.

"Al, *hic* I~ I don't feel good." He groaned out as his head began to swirl at the same pace his stomach was. He placed a hand on his forehead as the dizziness was very painful.

"You drank two bottles or red wine your majesty, thats more than half your body can handle even for the mighty king of hell."
Alastor said chuckling in a taunting manner
As he layed a blanket over Lucifer and layed him back.

Lucifer watched as alastor tucked him in. His gentle eyes and hands that warmed every surface he touched. Lucifer lost himself observing alastor's features. Mesmerized by the little things, his eyes that had different tents of red and black that faded into each other in a magical sense, similar to something you would see in a movie. Before he could think about what he was doing he acted on impulse and emotions Lucifer raised a hand and brushed a stray lock of hair out of alastor's face, catching alastor off guard.

"Lucifer, what are you doing?" Alastor said looking directly in his eyes.

"Your *hic* eyes, they're ~so *hic* pretty, I don't know how you *hic* always ~look so nice."

Alastor chuckled at the comment, and Lucifer finally lost it. He grabbed alastor's face and brought him to his lips, kissing him. Sitting up and Wrapping his hands on alastor's hair bringing him closer, alastor sat down on the bed amused. He smiled widely as Lucifer kissed him, he wanted to see how far he would go,he slowly parted his lips giving Lucifer an opportunity, and Lucifer took it. Slipping his snake like tongue inside alastor's mouth, contacting his with alastor's. The taste of wine and soft hints of whisky danced on their tongues, the tender kiss was escalated into a more heated and powerful kiss. Lucifer moved his hands down alastor's body and stopped at his waist. The contact of his body so close was driving him mad with desire.

"Oh~ Al," he moaned out kissing him deeper.

Alastor watched the scene of Lucifer losing himself in his mad desire, it made alastor smile wickedly as his plan was now in action. He knew the risks of it all, the king of hell could kill him instantly if he wanted to. However the fact of the matter was plain and simple, Lucifer was driving on his feelings it was that, that was going to be the reason this had to work. The lack of oxygen began to catch up to Lucifer as he broke the kiss and panted as he caught his breath, he looked at alastor who seemed unfazed by it all, he wanted him to say something, do something.

Alastor saw that in his eyes, he wrapped his hands around Lucifer's waist and he watched him melt from the contact. Lucifer leaned into alastor's chest and wrapped his tail around his waist, he fell back dragging alastor with him. Alastor knew that if he wanted this to work he had to sell it, and he had to sell it good, luckily for him that was never an issue. He pulled Lucifer close to him wrapping him in a hug as they cuddled, he snapped his fingers changing his day clothes into his own pajamas. Lucifer looked up at alastor and nuzzled into his chest while watching alastor shift and look back at him.

"Your *hic* warm."
He said closing his eyes enjoying the warmth of alastor close by. He slowly fell asleep his slow breath hitting alastor's chest. Alastor's smile dropped into annoyance as he realized the reality of this situation. He was trapped in this cuddling position if he moved he would most likely wake Lucifer, but he couldn't exactly teleport because Lucifer was attached to him. If he teleported right now he was just drag Lucifer with him.

There was no way out of this , he layed awake staring at the door and the wall ,all the ducks inLucifer's room. He used his magic to make sure the door was locked out of fear if anyone saw him like this with Lucifer he would lose it,His reputation would die. It took alastor a while of starring at the wall and listening to the fan before he got very bored and he finally just decided to sleep. He didn't have to but it was a good way to pass time, he closed his eyes and fell asleep instantly.

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