Set plan and Drinks

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(Alastor's POV)

Pffft, haha,hahaha, haha,ooh. Oh that susceptible moron, he's almost making this to easy.
I chuckled out loud as I heard Lucifer leave my room. I saw my shadow appear on the side of my tower wall. He seemed annoyed at me moving and signaling to me. I got annoyed of his gestures I snapped my fingers granting him his voice back. I had taken it away recently because Carlie had complained of him scaring vaggie at night.

"Just what are you doing?" He said almost snapping a tone at me, I looked at him summoning my staff. Im afraid Im not quite sure what you mean by that. I said back "you almost had him, you were so close." He said annoyed Oh my good friend, don't worry I've already got him hooked on the lure. It's only a matter of time he gives into his desire. Have patience my dear friend, all good things come to those, who wait. After all I did mange to get out of my deal with Lilith. Sure it may have its downsides but it has now set the seal of my new plan. I chuckled madly as I looked at my shadow who laughed with me.

Everything is going just how I want to to. Now all I need is for it to stay that way. I took out my watch a looked at my mothers photo. Oh how I miss you mother, if I could see you one more time. Would you want to see me? My mother was a saint to say the least. She was the kind of woman who people always could rely on, unfortunately it was that aspect of her personality that led to her death. You truly are a saint dear mother, even if you don't know it you just have helped me greatly. I smiled as I sat down and started my broadcast.

(Lucifer's POV)
WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!?!? Blushed was spread wide across my face as I remembered everything that just happened. Alastor my sworn enemy! Out of all the people in hell it had to be him! I can't believe that I nearly kissed him! Something about seeing him so sentimental was making me attracted to him more. Before I assumed it was just the wine I had the night I healed him. I can't believe this, we, I. What if we did? What if I did? What would have happened?

My mind raced with thoughts the "what ifs"and "what could" was killing me right now. All these questions ran through my mind. How could I fall for someone like him? Why did I fall for him? Is it my mind playing with me? Am I just crazy? He's the radio demon! A sinner! I felt extremely overwhelmed by it all, as I went downstairs to the lobby. I sat at the barstool when I heard a low voice ask.

"You need a drink?" It was husk, he was alastor's slave for a while. Not anymore, to be honest a drink sounded perfect right now. What the hell fuck it.
"Yes please, I'll take a shot of whisky and a glass of red wine."

"Coming up."
I watched husk prepare my shot, he slid it to me and I downed it in a second. I looked back at him as he poured my wine and handed it to me. I looked down at the wine glass debating if I should just not drink it, but the questions came back and I decided that I didn't want to face them.

I grabbed the glass and downed the thing in under a minute. I could feel the affects of me drinking it so fast kick in. I waved to husk signaling I wanted more, husk sighed and grumbled I heard him mumble under his breath. "Oh boy, it's gonna be one of those days." As he poured my drink.

(No one's POV)
Two glasses turned into four and four turned into five. Pretty soon Lucifer was wasted,Drunk off his ass rambling.

"~Why dose he look at me *hic* like that? I'm Lucifer fucking *hic* Morningstar! The~*Hic* king of hell~! God he's so beautiful *hic*, I ~hate him sooo much~ ! How am I supposed to deal with him *hic* when he keeps messing with me!"

Husk looked so annoyed as he listened to Lucifer ramble about this mystery person he liked. He zoned out half of the time Lucifer was talking while everyone else was busy. Angel was working, Charlie and vaggie were off talking about new ideas for the hotel. Alastor was god knows where. Nifty was off killing bugs, which resulted in husk being stuck with a wasted Lucifer.

Husk heard the elevator ding, he turned around to see alastor step out and begin to walk towards him and Lucifer. Husk saw the opportunity and went for it.

" hey boss, husk said a Litte unsure of how this was going to go. "Lucifer is drunk of his ass and I can't find princess anywhere. Could you Maybe take him to his room?"

Alastor looked at the sene and smiled
"Why of course husker! Wouldn't want to worry Charlie now would we?"

Husk looked at alastor unsure of what he was planning right now. He wouldn't just agree unless it benefited him in a way, husk looked down not wanting alastor to see that he was onto him. Alastor picked up Lucifer who turned into a blushing mess realizing who's arms he was in. As alastor got into the elevator and the door closed Lucifer looked up at him.

"~ why is that *hic* cuute deer man~ *hic* touching me?" He asked out of it completely.

" oh you poor thing you have no idea what you are getting yourself into" Alastor said as the elevator reached the top floor. Alastor opened the door to Lucifer's room

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