woken kisses

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-coma dream-

"By god I don't think I've been this nervous since I first became a radio host."

"You'll be fine boss, you look good Lucifer will think so."

"I suppose your right, I just, I don't know."

"Oh come now alastor he loves you and besides the crowd is already here Lucifer will be here soon too." 

"Ok,I can do this."

"Come now, it's time."

"Thank you my good friends."
Alastor stirred a bit as his dreaming came to an end, he opened his eyes slowly regaining all of his composure.

He sat up slightly observing his surroundings, he was in his room with his pjs on, what happened how am I alive? He asked himself confused.

The last thing he remembered was saving Lucifer, Lucifer! Alastor panicked for a second but calmed down as he heard Lucifer's voice. Is fluffy ears twitched at the sound.

"I think Maybe, I guess we'll see."
He heard him say before his door opened. Lucifer saw alastor

"Alastor! Your awake!!!"
Shocked and filled with excitement he ran to him, holding him in a hug. Alastor hugged the angel back as he felt tear drops fall on his lap. Lucifer wiped the happy tears away and looked at alastor with a smile, alastor smiled softly at the angel.

"How long was I asleep dear?"
Alastor asked as he was very confused about the whole situation.

"Just a couple days but that was expected, especially because you got hit so bad."

"How am I alive?"

"My brother saved your life alastor, I'm sorry I couldn't, I wanted to and I tried to but my power wasn't strong enough to, I'm so sorry Al."
Lucifer apologized as he felt bad he couldn't save alastor tears fell down his face but alastor just wiped them away and pulled Lucifer close.

"Dear do not apologize for what was out of your control, I knew full well what I was doing. I didn't expect to come back from that, I'm grateful I did however."
Alastor said as he held Lucifer in an hug, Lucifer nuzzled into alastor's chest as he calmed down.

" I'm so happy your alive alastor, I don't know what I would do if you died."
Lucifer said as he looked up at alastor, alastor smiled softly at Lucifer and held his face up.

"I'm happy I get to have you here with me."
Lucifer smiled and chuckled at the comment as he blushed a bit from it.

"And why is that?"
Lucifer asked as he was still laughing. Alastor leaned down closer to Lucifer's face catching Lucifer off guard.

"So I can do this." With that alastor leaned forward and captured Lucifer's lips in a kiss, Lucifer was shocked from the sudden act normally he kissed alastor.

This time alastor had kissed him and by god did he love it. The feeling of the angels plush soft lips on his made alastor drive more forward as he kissed him deeper, he loved this man and was going to make sure he showed it.

Alastor ran his hands down Lucifer's sides as the fabric underneath his hands crinkled from the touch, Lucifer held onto alastor's hair as he sat up to kiss him better. He ran his fingers though alastor soft hair while alastor caressed his waist with his thumbs.

Lucifer moaned softly into the kiss as he felt alastor's hands travel underneath his Shirt to touch the warm skin underneath. Lucifer kept rubbing alastor's hair when he got an idea, he very slowly reached his hands up to feel the deer's ears.

Alastor gasped at the feeling of Lucifer moving his hands up stopping at the base of his ears. Lucifer smirked as he heard the small noise alastor made ,he then began to rub the base of of his ears and alastor lost his composure completely.

He grabbed onto Lucifers waist harder digging his nails into his skin, Alastor pulled Lucifer closer to him sitting him down in his lap holding him still as he soothed and rubbed all over his ears.

The taste of the angel was driving alastor mad as twisted and intertwined his tongue with Lucifer's. The two finally pulled away from the kiss gasping from the lack of oxygen both breathless after the heated moment. Alastor pulled Lucifer close to him pressing his forehead against his.

"I love you alastor."
Lucifer whispered in his arms.

"I love you too my angel." Alastor said as he put his hand on Lucifer's head holding him close never wanting to leave.


"Ha! I fucking knew it. Told you whiskers."
Angel said looking up at the two smirking as he held his phone in his hand. He reached his hand out to husk who was right next to him in the door frame.

Husk sighed as he handed angel a stack of bills.

"Thank you."
Angel said as he flipped the bills.

Alastor and Lucifer both became an angry flustered mess as alastor had his demon from out. While Lucifer blushed and hid in a pillow. He summoned a tentacle from the ground that wrapped around his ankle.


"What was that?"
Charlie asked as she heard angel scream.and rushed upstairs with the rest of the group.

angel yelled as he was being dragged closer to alastor. Alastor's tentacle held angel upside down as he pulled him closer.

Alastor commanded his voice filled with static.

"Ok, ok OK OK! HERE LOOK!"
Angel very quickly deleted the photo and alastor let him go, a thump was heard as the group rushed into the doorway.

"Well, he's awake."
Husk said as he pointed to angel on the floor. And then to alastor. at angel on the floor.

"What happened?" Charlie asked, before anyone could answer alastor and Lucifer both yelled out


Lucifer teleported downstairs and alastor sat there for a moment before snapping his fingers closing his door on the group.

"What was that?"
Cherri asked looking at angel who was upside down on the floor.

"Husk lost a bet."
Angel said as he stood up smirking.
Cherri and vaggie very quickly figured out what happened, but Charlie stood there confused.

"Huh? I don't get it?" Charlie said as the group walked away, vaggie put a hand on Charlie's back as she walked with her.

"Don't worry about it hon." Vaggie said smiling.

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