Broken Glass

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It was the middle of the day and nothing was really happening at the hotel. Angel was at work, niffty was around killing bugs in the hotel somewhere, vaggie and Charlie were out doing something for the hotel. It was just alastor,Lucifer,husk and niffty at the hotel for now. Alastor was sitting at the bar while husk had made him a glass of whisky. Lucifer was on the couch near by reading a book over ducks. Husk noticed how alastor seemed to be lost in his mind, fumbling with the glass that was barley sipped on.

"Hey boss, I know your not exactly one to talk but, you seem.. I don't know, out of it." Husk said hesitantly

"Oh don't worry about me husker, just thinking over some things, that's all."
Alastor said holding up his glass and taking a drink of it. Lucifer looked over at alastor hearing his voice noticing how he did seem out of it.

Lucifer got up setting his book down and walked over to alastor. Alastor stood up adjusting his bow tie as he was about to turn around he bumped into Lucifer dropping the glass in his hand losing his balance. Lucifer thought quickly grabbing onto alastor's hand trying to pull him up so he wouldn't fall and land on the broken glass.

While doing so he lost his own balance, reacting quickly he used his magic to switch the position they both were in causing him to fall first onto the ground. When he tried to catch himself using his hands his hand landed on the broken glass. It all happened so fast the sound of glass shattering and the thud of the fall. When alastor opened his eyes after the fall realizing he fell on top of Lucifer's chest, he looked up at Lucifer who simply smiled at him.

"You alright there Bambi?"
Lucifer said chuckling as he saw alastor's face wide with shock.

"I, I'm alright."
Alastor responded standing up and dusting himself off. He reached out his hand to Lucifer to help him up, as Lucifer reached his hand forward and tried using his other hand to stand up he was reminded of the glass he landed on. He winced as he stood up observing his hand, alastor's ears dropped upon realizing what Lucifer just did. He had taken the fall and got hurt while doing so, his hand had small glass shards in it as blood oozed out of the wounds and dripped onto the floor.

"Your, your hand."
Alastor said reaching out to Lucifer's hand, gently alastor observed the damage with guilt in his eyes. Lucifer looked up at alastor seeing how he reacted and he was a little shocked at it.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine it's just a scratch."
Lucifer said chuckling as he used his magic to clear the glass and then heal the wound. Alastor's face washed over with relief as he saw the injury disappear before his eyes. Lucifer smiled as he saw alastor ease up, he relaxed entirely as he let go of Lucifer's hand.

"Why did you do that? I would have been fine."
He asked Lucifer with deep concern.

"Well, I guess you could just call it a, care reflex ."
Lucifer said smiling at alastor looking at him waiting for a response. Alastor's ears perked back up as he realized what Lucifer just implied. His eyes focused on Lucifer as he felt that strange feeling in his stomach, and his tail started wagging under his coat. Lucifer looked so calm and happy as he smiled leaning forward a bit.

" AHeM!"
husk cleared his throat cocking an eyebrow at the two, who both shot back away from each other embarrassed and flustered.

"So like, are you two.. you know?"
Husk asked as he pointed to the two of them. Lucifer panicked looking up at alastor who was flustered. Alastor just disappeared, and Lucifer panicked even more. He ran off to go to the elevator only to realize he went the wrong way, so he ran the other way and then just gave up and teleported, then teleported back.

"NO?!" He yelled hiding hiding face in his hat before teleporting away again. Husk took a swig of his beer unfazed by it all before he sighed and began cleaning some bottles.

"God I owe Anthony so much fucking money." He mumbled.

Alastor and Lucifer both teleported to the same place outside their room doors. Alastor heard Lucifer pop up on the other side of the hallway. He turned around to see Lucifer looking at him with curios caring eyes, he was about to go into his room. Alastor turned back around opening his door to enter his room, but he couldn't, his mind raced with questions and uncertainty about what just happened.

He heard Lucifer opening his door and he immediately slammed his own door shut and ran down the hall to Lucifer. Lucifer turned around at the sound of the door his eyes widened as he saw alastor run to him, alastor grabbed Lucifer bringing him close into an embrace. His eyes tightened shut as he held Lucifer tightly, Lucifer was caught off guard with the sudden embrace from alastor but still he closed his eyes and reciprocated the embrace. Alastor let go of Lucifer placing his hands on Lucifer's shoulders shaking and panting he whispered to him.

"w...~wh~ why do you care for me?"
He asked trembling looking into Lucifer's eyes watching as they widened at the question. He looked down debating what he should say. Lucifer took a deep breath looked directly into alastor's eyes and said

"Because, because I love you."
Lucifer grabbed alastor's hands off his shoulders and held them. He waited for an answer, a sound, a reaction, anything. Alastor's ears dropped as he finally lost it, small tears fell out of his eyes.

"W~wh-what? Why would you? The king of hell love a messy broken sinner like myself? How does it benefit you?" He asked and he held himself, looking away from Lucifer confused. Lucifer saw how broken alastor was, underneath it all he was a sweet man who had his problems and that was fine. Lucifer reached his hand out touching alastor's cheek lifting his face to make him look at him.

"Oh alastor, who hurt you?" Lucifer whispered as he put his other hand around alastor giving him a hug.

"We are all "messy and broken" in own ways some more then others, I don't love you because it gives me a benefit Al, I love you because you make me happy."
Alastor felt stringed with guilt as he heard those words come out of Lucifer's mouth. All this time it was just a game to alastor, it was only recently that he realized the truth about his feelings.

All these secrets that he hid from Lucifer made him feel sick, he knew that if Lucifer found out he would leave him. The guilt of not telling him the truth however was extremely large. Alastor took a deep breath and remembered what Rosie had said once.

"It can be difficult to admit to things your not proud of, especially if those things hurt the ones you love. But hey, if  your just honest with your partner then things will end up ok in the end."  Alastor took a deep breath and looked at Lucifer his ears fell down once again, he took Lucifer's hands and stood before him.

"Lucifer, there are some things I need to tell you about, and I need you to understand that. What I'm about to tell you isn't going to be easy, but I love you too much to not tell you."
Lucifer looked up at alastor worried and scared, alastor looked the same way. Alastor snapped his fingers teleporting both him and Lucifer to his room were they both sat down on his bed. Alastor too a deep breath as Lucifer anxiously waited for him to speak.


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