Saving what was broken

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Lucifer was surrounded by fire as he badly inured his brothers. Raphael was stabbed by a sword that was thrown behind him, azrel rushed to his aid but Raphael regenerated quickly he was lucky it missed his head or heart.

Lucifer looked down at Gabriel the one who was leading this and shot hellfire at him. Gabriel was thrown back against a wall, he put a hand to his face and clutched onto it as blood seeped put everywhere, it very slowly regenerated.

Angels can regenerate any part of their body very quickly if they catch the injury fast, not to mention that if they don't they can heal the wound to leave a scar, however the faces of an angel were different.

They regenerated very slowly causing a scar, Lucifer stepped closer seeing how he was distracted using his powers to heal himself, Lucifer began to aim a direct attack on Gabriel one that could possibly kill or very badly injure him.

As he was about to fire the sky lit up with glowing white light, Lucifer looked up and squinted with anger as he was about to fire.

Michael yelled down as he flew to them with anger displayed on his face. All of his brothers froze at the sight of him knowing they were all in serious trouble now. Michael stood before Gabriel and eyed him.

"I left you in charge, and this is the madness you leave for me to clean up."
Michael said extremely angry at Gabriel.

" AND you! ALL OF YOU! What were you thinking!?"
He yelled out his voice bombed over as he looked over his brothers.

"Michael watch out!"
Azreal yelled as he saw flames being shot behind Michael. Michael dodged the flames and looked up astonished, he had been so caught up in anger with his brothers he failed to see a very disturbed Lucifer. It took a second him to realize that it was his brother, he was astonished at the sight.

"Call off this madness and return home, I'll handle this."
Michael said to Gabriel quickly as he flew up towards Lucifer. Gabriel did what he was told and called it off retreating from hell. Charlie saw as all the angels returned to heaven. She then looked up at her dad with fear, it was over now he didn't need to hurt anyone. And alastor, his wound was still bleeding he could die.

Lucifer saw the angels retrieve and he calmed his demon form down, His normal form returning. Lucifer took the shields down as he ran over to alastor. He tried healing the wound some more but his power was not a match for such a holy weapon.

Lucifer sobbed as he removed his jacket and wrapped the wound up trying to stop the bleeding, it wasn't helping. He felt alastor's breath hitch and then become even weaker.

"Al, no no no no, No! NO, you can't do this to me! YOU CANT LEAVE!"
He screamed out watching him slowly die. He sobbed as he held up alastor in his lap holding him close. The group slowly approached the two, Charlie and niffty were sobbing with Lucifer, vaggie angel Cherri and husk all looked down with remorse for Lucifer.

Michael saw his brother run to the body on the ground and landed far away from the others watching as his Litte brother tried to heal the wound and scream.

He very slowly aproched the group, stepping between all of them the group looked up at him as they whispered in shock. Lucifer herd the whispers of the others and turned around, his entire body was shocked to see none other than Michael.

The group backed away from the scene in case they fought, Lucifer looked at him with rage as Michael slowly approached him and alastor.Michaels demeanor remained calm as he stopped and knelt down next to Lucifer

Lucifer yelled as tears streamed out of his face, he pushed Michael to the side. Michaels expression softened at the sight of alastor's body and then seeing the tool that was used to cause the damage right next to his body.

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