Early troubled awakening

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~In the morning~
(kinda it's like 4am so the moon is still out but it's like setting or whatever 🥴)

(Lucifer's POV)
I woke up to my head pounding rapidly, hangover~ yay~. I looked at my Apple Watch to see what time it was. (4:35) I tried to move my body but realized I was hugging something. No, something was hugging me? I opened my eyes to see none other than alastor. He was illuminated by the moonlight from my window. My eyes widened at the sight, he's in my room! We are cuddling, did we fall asleep like this? What happened last night!?

My heart began to race as I tried to remember what happened, I looked around seeing that we still had clothes on. Pajamas not our normal entire, but still clothes. I used my magic to heal the hungover headache I had, I have to remember what happened last night. I closed my eyes desperately trying to find any memories of last night. I remembered drinking wine, I remember husk and talking to him. Not quite sure what I said, I hope it wasn't anything bad.

I looked up at alastor he was still fast asleep. He's so warm, by god I wish We could stay like this forever. I leaned back into his chest savoring the warmth of him when suddenly a memory of me and alastor came to me. All of the sudden I remembered everything. Alastor carrying me to my room, him taking care of me. Me brushing his face and the kiss we shared.

I couldn't remember what we said, what I said! quickly I sat up not caring if I woke up alastor, at this point it didn't matter. We kissed , (correction) I had kissed him last night!
kiss is an understatement! We completely had a full on makeout! Shit! Shit shit! SHITTTTT! I panicked as blush ran to my checks, I began to pant as my breath became thin. What about Lilith? What would happen if Charlie ever found out?

Why do I always do this to myself? I felt tears run down my face not from sadness, just from pure fear. I knew what was happening this happened to me all the time, it wasn't anything new. For some reason though this one was much worse than any of the ones I've had similar to to the one I had when Lilith left me.

My name brought me back to reality I turned my head to see alastor, he looked up at me confused. It was so early in the morning he looked so tired. I felt even worse for waking him, but then his face changed when he saw how distraught I was. He sat up and looked directly at me, I was afraid of him yelling at me, or at the very least being mad at me for what happened.

He surprised me, he reached a hand forward and wiped a tear from my face. I was shocked he wasn't mad, he wasn't yelling, nothing. He instead looked at me with those beautiful eyes of his, a sense of confusion and wanting to comfort washed on his face. It surprised me even more I had never felt this sense of comfort ever, it was my spiraling depression and panic attacks that made Lilith leave. Why was alastor staying? Why wasn't he mad about how broken I was.

"Lucifer, are you ok?" Alastor asked me as I was trembling, crying and just a mess.

I.... I'm, s~s~s-orry. I managed to stumble out, as more tears streamed down slowly.

"Whatever for?" Alastor asked tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy, this made me smile he looked so adorable with that face. I chuckled lightly and wiped a tear from my face while looking back up at alastor,My panic attack started to settle.
I'm, just so *sniff* surprised, your not angry with me? ?

"Why would be angry my dear, you have emotions there's nothing wrong with that."
"I must say last night you humbly displayed those emotions, hmmm?"
Alastor's comment made me feel relieved and then completely flustered. He laughed out loud when he saw my face turn bright yellow. He put his hand on my shoulder and brought me close, I smiled as nuzzled into his chest my panic attack now completely gone. I looked up at alastor, god, even in the morning this man looked so hot.

I got lost in looking at his features, he was in a red sleep shirt with matching pants to it. Not a tight pajama shirt it hung low showing his shoulder, he had adorable tan fur on his shoulder that mixed in with black and white spots, they were deer spots. He also had different shades of red in his hair some of it even looked pink.

"My dear? Has something caught your eye?" Alastor said looking down at me amused, he ran his hand up off my shoulder and traced my jawline. I gasped from the sudden moment as looked up into his eyes, pure with anticipation. Did he really want me? Do I really want him?

Yes. I do.

Hello my lovely people! The next chapter will contain very suggestive stuff 👌🏼💅🏼✨ ( it's not smut ) y'a, this is my first time writing this kind of thing and I'm not doing that! So enjoy what you get :3

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