Mine forever

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Thirty minutes later alastor walked across the hallway up to Lucifer's door. He took a deep breath in and out.

"Here goes, everything."
He said to himself as he knocked on Lucifer's door. Lucifer answered the door and the two looked at each other in awe.

Lucifer had on a white tuxedo with a black tie and white undershirt, his hair was gelled back he was wearing mascara and eyeliner. Alastor looked at him with shock he looked incredibly handsome.

Alastor had on a crimson red tuxedo and a black bow tie, with black dress pants and his hair tied up. The two just sat there for a second admiring each other. Alastor then snapped back into reality, he shook his head and inhaled.

"You look incredible Lucifer."
Alastor said taking his hand.

"Not to bad yourself Bammmbi."
Lucifer said smirking as he leaned forward. Alastor blushed madly as Lucifer got closer. Alastor smiled down and gave Lucifer a peck on his lips.

"So we're are we going to?"
Lucifer asked as he took alastor's hand.

"You'll see."
Alastor said winking as he laughed with Lucifer while they teleported. When Lucifer opened his eyes the sight he saw was beautiful, a lovely dinner with lots of nice booths and tables everywhere facing  a big theater like stage. All the windows that faced outside were completely covered with blackout curtains so no one could see inside.

Lucifer said as he looked at the place in awe of all the beautiful yellow stringed lights hanging everywhere.

"Alastor this place is beautiful. Did, did you do all this?"
Lucifer asked taken aback by the loveliness of this place. Alastor smiled at him as he lead Lucifer to a table in the middle and sat him down before taking his own seat.

"Yes and no my dear, I had Rosie rent out the place for us tonight so we couldn't be bothered, but the place itself looks like this."
Alastor explained. Lucifer smiled softly at alastor taking his hand.

"We're in cannibal town aren't we?"
Lucifer said chuckling. Alastor nodded, he then snapped his fingers and two champagne glasses appeared, alastor's shadow then brought over champagne.

"Wow champagne? Fancy."
Lucifer said as he took a sip. Alastor chuckled as blush appeared on his face. He then snapped his fingers making two plates appear, the plate had shrimp gumbo on it, the dish they had shared together when Alastor first caught feelings for Lucifer.

Lucifer smiled at the dish and looked at alastor, he then took his hand in his and the two began chatting while eating. The two spoke of their days and how much they have been doing today, and other small things. By the time they had finished their meals the bottle of champagne was half empty.

"Hahaha, ha, that was so wonderful alastor."
Lucifer said as he finished his meal. Alastor smiled at Lucifer looking lovingly at him.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it my dear."
Alastor said as he called over his shadow to clean up the messy plates. Alastor then stood up from his seat and walked over to Lucifer, he bowed down extending his hand. As he did the lights went dim and soft music started to play.

"May I have dance with my king?"
Alastor said smiling, Lucifer giggled and took alastor's hand standing up. They both walked over to the stage and began to dance.

Alastor took the lead on the dance stepping and holding Lucifer close to his body. As they swayed and gently danced against each other alastor suddenly spun Lucifer around making him face the front with alastor behind him.

Alastor hugged Lucifer close, Lucifer closed his eyes at the feeling of the man he loved pressed against him. He leaned into the touch swaying with alastor as the soft music played. Alastor leaned in close to Lucifer and whispered softly

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