Whose To Blame II

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Entering the kitchen all you see is everyone walking around each other. A bit choas. Mable trying her best to guide everyone down and have a nicely decor dinner table while keeping the kitchen mange. You can sense to stress all over.

I try jumping in by fling my hand around to get everything in order. As everything flies over heads and neatly places itself on the table like a huge feast. Al the dishes that must be put away goes in their rightful cabinet and so on. Everyone stops their place and looks at me with tame eyes.

Mable sighs as she wipes her wet hands over her apron. "Thank you dear. Now everyone take a chair please."

Travis pulls out my chair and pushes me in. I thank him. One snap of a finger and his chair opens up for him. He kisses my cheek as he whispers a thank you as well.

While everyone takes a chair. Danny brings over a wine to fill up Mables glass to the near rim. She thank him as he nods. That smile she hid said so much without any words. And my inside glow from seeing them trying after all this time. I just wish their be more open about it.

I see Danny heading towards the direction of the door. My thoughts broke silence. "Danny you're joining?" I asked. The room grew ever so silence now.

He looks over to Mable before returning a gaze at me. "Um no. This is family." He excuse.

"But you are family. You been around for as long as I can remember. Join us please." I plead gently. I ignore the harsh look Mable sents my way.

Danny heart was speeding faster than I aspected it to. But what got me more was his respond. "I am on the clock. You folks enjoy the wonderful meal." And headed off.

I turn to Mable who avoided my eyes. She just held her hand up with a tight lip. By that I knew I should of not stick my nose in her business. It does tell me that her and Danny may be in good terms for now. But usually means soon she will cut it off again. Which also means she may be planning another trip. Thats her go to card to breaking things up. And sweet Danny just lets her go and waits for her return. Even though she returns with a cold heart towards him. He never leave her side or turns bitter. If anything he kinder and more loving at her. It really is a shocker how their not mates. I just wish I knew their story.

"Before we begin. I want to say a few words." Mable taps a glass to grab everyones attention. All heads turn. "I want to thank each and every one of you for coming. A lot has change. New friends and family is still building. But over all we are all together. Stronger even."

Mable leans over to grabs both Mery and I arms. We let a soft grin her way. "I wish my dear brother Caden could be here. See how amazing his two girls are. I really thought you two will be all I will have. But now you bring to me more fury goblins." We all laugh at her remark. "Things may not always be good. Heads will bump and words may cut. But love we have for each other will heal all. I can't tell you how bliss I feel to see this new growth. You young folks will change this world. You are the ones who can handle these kind of dilemma. We all go through hard times and battles along the way. I know during my time, there were battles. And it good to have someone to lean on. If you haven't heard it before. Let me say it now. I am truly proud of each and every one of you. My goblins and fur goblins. Thank you my dear goblins."

Rising a glass we all cheers to her sweet settlement. After some more wise words around the table. We all dig in the most amazing food. Mable truly did go all out. She made mix entrees of seafood and classic lamb and pork. Not just any pork. She knows of a butcher who hunts hogs. Lenting Mable a few limbs for her meal preps.

After a good hour someone had to say something to start shit up. There was already a tension building but here goes the pop. Mery was making all jokes aside. She takes a sip of her drink. Telling us a story about her camp days.

"So we got all strapped in and with a blind fold on. You wait for your partner to push you over. And it would all depend if they're strapped on with you or just shove you over the cliff to endure the whole thing alone. It was kinda exciting to see if who would fall with who or if they did it alone. Only one person strap themself in and jump off."

"Well thats real trust. Something a lot of people can't say here." Mason whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. His side eyes though, it cross over to Mery.

Gamma Sarah kick him under the table to shut up but he ignore her. He had been drinking. And when Mason been drinking he lets his mind talk. And god knows he has been holding things in. Mainly towards Mery.

"Trust can go a long way. Its earn not given." Mery spit out.

"I believe that true. A lot of people think they should be bow to and kissed knuckles just because. But we all learn the truth, haven't we." Mable say with a shaken voice.

You can feel the room change a bit. And Mason goes off again. "Yes very. Even some one like you Meredith. You would think you know better. That you are better than everyone. What a shame. I thought you were the just as smart as your twin growing up."

"Mason!" I yelled.

"What! I'm just saying. She doesn't give us trust despite being your sister. Its just question things. And i'm not the only one thinking of it." Mason picks at his food.

Before I can say anything Mery spokes up. "Oh and I should know a thing or two from someone who was force in a life to give trust to someone. Follow much."

"He choice his line of work. Like the rest of us did. You were given yours. Following the same steps as mami." Sarah says with bits of vile.

"I earn my spot like everyone else. Who the hell do you dogs think you are. All big and mighting like you own every place you walk into. If you haven't notice. Witches aren't afraid of you dogs anymore. Especially not us." You can hear the mix of growls and snarling all around the table.

"From what I seen. Theres wasn't much as we seen before we help. You should be glad we came when we did. " Sarah with fire while Mery just scoff her words away.

"And my sister had to make that call. My family made the call!" You can see the red aura flying off Mery. Even a small purple jealousy as well.

"And do you even treat her like a sister or was this all another one of your acts." Travis jumps in.

"You all treat her like a void in your life! Your pathetic! " Mason yelled in frenetic.

Soon everyone is shouting over each other. With no care, they all say whats been locked in their mind. Saying some of the most hurtful words like we're not family. Only stranger or enemies force to seat down around a table to play nice. But that all only last for a short amount of time.

I let them yell it out. Thinking thats all they needed. But then its goes on and on. Mable couldn't calm them down. She seem afraid they may throw a punch soon. She grew anxious. After hearing how disrespectful Mery was soon getting. And how my beta and gamma throw shame at her. I grew furious and needed an end to it all. Starting with getting the trust out of my dear twin.

"Enough!" I stood up and slam both my fist on the table. Making everything fly to the walls. "Everyone get out! Meredith and I need a talk." I said.

Everyone got up and walks out the door towards the porch. Through harsh glares. Mable trys to whispers words of kindness but I shake her off. Travis lean over his chair as he watch the show.

"Travis I said to get out."

"I'm not gonna wait outside as she just disrespected you all over again. You are a luna and her sister. She doesn't understand those boundaries. I'm staying." He says with all eyes on Mery.

"Its not your place right now. So get out or i'll throw you out!" I couldn't help but yell my angry at him.

He saw my reaction as I hold back a snarl. He whispers a fine before grabbing his beer and walking outside with the rest. I know he just wanted to be there to step in when needed. But I am more than capable to handle my own sister.

"Well at least the dogs can be train. Just took a witch outside their kind to teach them." She chuckles.

"Don't start with them right now Meredith." I feel my eyes flick to red. I blink and they turn back to their green.

She looks at me with narrow eyes. "And glories Elizabeth takes her side. Finally you admit it. Took you long enough sis." I stick my neck out. "Anyone is better than us right. The witches you grew up with. The coven you were suppose to chain in. Nope wrong. Had to be the kind thats known to hunt and kill your fellow brother and sisters. And for what? To try to bring us together like you care. Psh okay. My act right. You are the master here ms. Luna."

"What the hell are you trying to get at? All I wanted to talk about was Xion. And the shit you been hiding. But clearly its not just them now is it?" I asked. I can sense a strong hate my sister has throw towards my pack since the other day. I notice it sooner but figure she was stress about other stuff. But I was wrong. It was us. It was me.

"Its not like I have to tell you anything. I have their missing documents. But I bet if I search your room i'll find them, right?"

"There was nothing there that didn't surprise me. Yet you are still hiding something. So just come out and say it." We both stood with matching auras. Yet hers was a darker coat.

"Theres nothing to say. The problem is almost solve. I told you to let me handle it. And I am." Mery stood up with force. "So stop trying to stick your snout in Luminis shit. Its not your concern. It never was."

A small dagger hits my chest. I ignore the pain at first.

"This is mother talking. Not you Mery."

"No it is me. Mother is gone now. Or have you forgotten you killed her." She spat with vile just pouring over me.

"I did what had to be done. Because once again I had to do what was best. No one saw the truth but me. And I wasn't gonna let her bring everyone else down with her. Especally not you." I snapped.

"I am my own person." She said in a calm voice.

"Of course you are. Just look at what the fuck is going on. You flip Mery. You have so much hate and angry. But to who huh? Mother? Me? The pack? Xion? Whom?"

"Thats just life. Or did you also forget how you ran off over it." Giving me the side eye.

Ran off? Is that what she called it? Like I had the wonderful choice to be thrown away like trash. Like I choice the lie to be forgotten. I was banished at eight. Fucking eight.

"I get life. But you have not known one fraction of mine. You couldn't endure any of it as I did. As your sister. I am trying to be there for you as always. I was doing what is needed. But you keep pushing me away. Kept blaming me. And i'm not gonna keep holding on much longer."

"No one force you to fix what was broken. Hell. Luminis was fine. We were doing fine before it all! Before yo.."


"Before me?" Her face soften. "Thats what your gonna say."

"The coven was doing fine. Even under mothers care." Her voice was cold in words.

"So whats the fucking problem now?! You didn't seem to hate us months ago? What now?" I asked. Growing more annoyed with her.

"Your snout picking desire to alway act as if your someone your not. I don't know this sister. Your not the one I remember."

"Because am not. Things change Mery. We grew up. Just look at us now." I caught my sob.

"Yeah." Her shoulder drop. And her eyes darken a bit. "I had to step up. I took over and handle all this. And you just keep being selfish."

Selfish? What hell is she talking about.

"I'm the least selfish person in this room."

"Sure you are." She took a step towards me and I do the same. "You just know how to start over. Drop it all for something new. How to forget anyone who doesn't meet your standard right. Fuck them. I'm Elizabeth. I don't need anyone." She mock. "You just took off and never look back. Maybe I shouldn't of either."

"I had no choice Mery. Don't make it out as my fault. You know the truth."

"It was your fault. You had no clue what happen. You weren't in constant grief." I see her grip something from the table.

"You clearly hadn't read mother journal. Otherwise you wouldn't be like this. Acting like her. I'm not to blame for everyones mistake." I shook my head at her misbelief.

She throws the item she had at me. Huffing out air. And I block it with my arm.

"If you hadn't notice. We had two different mothers." She huffed.

"Oh am way aware of that." I shock my head at her fit. "You had it all. Perfect Mery. Loved for all eternity. What a pity she needs more. Always fucking more!"

I step over as she grabs another item to throw. Missing me again.

"You just left us. Left me!"

"I was 8! I couldn't just come back after being banished!" The room silence for a second. "It wasn't my choice. Beside i'm here trying. Since I step foot here again. I been trying. So whats your excuse!" My fist rolling tighter.

She stop at place. Seeing her chest rise and fall with each breath. I got close but still within distance. I read her aura the whole time.

"I was alone. Nothing was perfect. Yes I had my loving parents but I lost you. I spent day after day griving my lost. And for what!" She yelled. I see her holding back her urges. "You where out there living your life. Forget old Mery. I don't have to see or yell at her anymore. You turn your back on us, on them, on me."

She hits my shoulders. Pushing me over and over. I tell her stop but she kept lashing out. I yank her away. Pissing her off she throws a fire ball at my side. Groan as I shove her away. But she came back to twist my arm. I brought my leg up and kick her in the knee. Letting me go.

"You all turn you back. I was a child. Don't expect me to run back after that."

She run her hands up. Forming a lighting ball. And I shock my head at her to not do it. But Mery had a short lash on her temper.

"You could of came back. You let it all fall. Selfish. Fucking selfish!"

I run over to hold her back. The ball crashs right where I was. Making the room shake. She claw at me and I shove her. Hitting the table.

"You were the reason I came back. The only reason I stayed." One tear slip out. I could only see and feel her hate.

"And you are just doing too much. Fucking it up! Just stop it. No one ask for it. We're not your pack. We're nothing to you.." She goes to swing at me. I block and connect her side. She turn to yank my arm but I was too fast. And she kept coming at me.

"I'm not gonna let Luminis fall again." I interrupted her.

"This isn't your home. You said it. I was raise here. My home, my family, my coven. I know how to handle it. You don't."

And just like that. She pushed that dagger into my chest more. I clearly had been lost in a faith that I should of never had. I held onto it for far too long. Hell. Maybe it was gonna happen, before now and I never knew.

Taking me off gaurd Mery attacks me. And we both fight to get each other off. She bite down on my arm making me hid a scearm. I ram my head at hers. With each escape came another impact. Ramming each other throughout the kitchen. She lay a hand over my side. A red glow bloom as she burns my side. I groan in pain. Elbowing Mery in the throat.

"This is mine! It was always mine! You didn't want us. So stop!" Taking a hit to the face.

"For fuck sakes Mery. Mother used you. Step out her shadow!"

Again Mery used her magic to hurt me. I block it. Using mine to knock her down.

"Fuck you for it all. Go be an non witch else where." She came at me. Making me twist her leg and bring me down with her.

The noise brought attention to the guest who came running in to pull us apart. Sarah and Mason hold Mery back with arms behind her. Travis had me pulled away by my waist. Mery kicking and trying to escape their hold. My heart hurts as I see the hatred in her eyes at me. And I knew then that I had lost my sister.

"The great and powerful hybrid can't commit to us. No shock! You never choice your own kind." She spit blood out her mouth.

"I'm not just a witch. I commit to being luna. My need isn't just this coven. Beside you spoke how unwanted I am here. My kind and people don't belong sadly!" Pain over pain.

"I been reading your thoughts this whole time! You hate it here still. Us, me and everything. And its becoming mutual sister." Her eyes were pure dark. My sister wasn't my sister anymore.

"I don't understand Mery. After everything. Are you willing to give it all up. Because of fucking Sage? Because she did this. She started this. All of it."

I tried my best with my mates touch to calm down. But my breathing was too fast and my wound aches.

"You don't get. And why would you." Pulling her arms. "My mother loved me. I lost it all and had just her."

"You had everyone. The moment your breath the air you had everyone. A fucking golden child! The moment you were born Sage lied and trick you. She was playing you the whole time. " I yelled back.

"And you just left. Got a new family again and again." Her eyes watered but not a single tear fell.

"I'm tired of apologizing for something I didn't do. I didn't harm our family or Luminis. I survive the torture salvey I had here." My breathing slowing down now.

"Boo ho. You never lost your best friend or sister. And still in the face of yourself she still gone. Mother was right and i'm owing up to everything she teach me. The coven isn't your.."

"Home." I breath.

Mery finally stop fighting Sarah and Mason. Looking at me with defeat. They kept their hold just incase.

"You didn't want Luminis then. So don't act like you do now." She said it as if I haven't been trying all this time. Maybe this was best. I can't keep trying if they don't see any efforts. Maybe her and Luminis isn't worth it. Maybe I need to stop holding on.

"Fine then." It was like something snap in me. My emotion for Mery and Luminis was gone. "Forget it all. I'm done caring. This. Us. Its done. I'm over it." Pointing a finger.

Travis lets me go. And right when I turn my heel, Mery yells back at me. Determine to push that dagger in more.

"Your right Livey. Your not mothers daughter. She would of never ranaway. She always stood by. She made sure to hid anything. She fought for her home. Her people! You couldn't do any of that. Not for us right? Your new home and family is more important."

You hear the mulitpule growls towards Mery. Not a single one faze her. I turn back to meet my dear twins eyes. And I have no clue who I was looking at.

Feeling numb and hurt. Her face harden. I block her out my mind and I knew it pissed her off. I kept eye contact as I spoke. "Yes Meredith. And besides. Am not the one running. Now am I."

I said softly before leaving to my room. Mery calls my name. Spitting more words but I ignore her. All the hate she spiral out hits hard. My world was at lost now. Not only can I never forget her words. I can feel them. And a part of me sides with her. I was wrong for trying. I should of never came back. I was so fucking wrong. I should of known the hate and shame was never gone. It just grew. I know now, I could never change her mind.

I don't belong here.

As I walk away, you can hear her shout for release. Grunting at gamma and beta. And I believe they did once I was gone. That dagger had gone through my whole adomen by now. I was numb and the blood pour out with each breath I took.

With it being so late. I change my clothes. Send a small prayer to moon goddess as always. I got off my knees as I kneel at the window. I go straight to bed and closed my eyes. Wishing for the day to be over with. Travis came in trying to cuddle me. Sensing all my emotions. I know he has a need to sooth me. But I shove him away. Not wanting to be touch. I turn over and fell asleep. Feeling shattered from the event.

All I wanted right now was to leave and never return. I had nothing left here for me. Nothing. And no one. And I can't help but think how better thing would of been if I stayed away.

I wouldn't be hurt by them all again.

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