Elders III

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  Dragging my feet  out the room, down the stairs and weakly huffing them into the car, we headed our way back home. Even though I would rather be there and not there all at once. Our fate has meet. We chose to take leadership to many many people. But deep inside I had wish I knew her before it all. Giving her something better.
  She may of accept the fact that she can save everyone and face all the demons that are heading our way. I only pray to moon goddess that in some other realm that she tells me. That we didn't have this life. That we could of had the one she thought of. Not the one I brought her to.
  I know she accept it. But I had wish she didn't had to worry about anything beside a simple life she deserve. I wish I could give her that overall. In our fated time I will be just like her and accept it too. Because with her it all seems worth the bloody carnage.
  Well at least this time Elizabeth has agree to silent our phones arrangement and hid it away. We were already heading back. And if anything in desperate need of our attention it will be dealt with once we arrival. So I don't want us to be bothered with constant texts and calls. I don't even want to see our phones.
  Thankfully after her little lesson earlier she had learn to obey. She willingly silents them and place them in the glove department until we drive into Black Harvest grounds. Meaning we can finally enjoy the last bit of freedom we have.
  "I feel so weary. I need sleep." She dives down in her seat.
  "Baby we just took 3 days off. How are you still tired?" I chuckle.
  She give me an innocent look. "Because you boys did not allow me to rest for 3 days straight. But hey." She smirks. "I'm not complaining. I really, really, really enjoyed myself."
  I reach my hand to hers. She interlocks our fingers. A full blast of light sparks in a glow. Making the rest of the drive back home ever more pleasant.
  Upon our arrival there were lines of cars parked out front. Elizabeth and I both reacted the same. "Is there?"
  "Fuck sakes." I grumbler.
  Gamma is outside waiting anxiously. Getting out the car I look for beta. He is no where. "Welcoming party gamma?"
  I see she tries not to give me a mom look. "If you had looked at either of your phones. You'll know."
  "Whatever. It was our honeymoon until we drove in."
  Elizabeth scramble to see our phones and gave me the harshest eye roll ever. I brush it off. I didn't care. I just got married. I wasn't gonna let anyone ruin it. Especially the fucking elders.
  "How long gamma?" Elizabeth ask as she puts her hair half up.
  "Awhile. They said they made stops at the other packs first."
  "Fuck." I tell myself.
  "Beta is waiting with them. They seem very tense and ask for both you, beta and I. I  was instructed to wait for your arrivals." She explains.
  "Okay then lets go. I'm over this." I see the look she means its. And she orders some deltas to put our things away.
  "Game on. Lets see what they want."
  Taking her waist we walk aside to head to the elders who I am sure are determine to bark our heads off.
  In a wrong turn of events. We were ambush by the elders. Yet something inside me says my dear husband knew. Or at least knew they would of came by anyways since he said he has been putting their calls aside until after my ceremony.
  Fucking idoits!
  That just raise up flags. Their the elders and ignoring their calls were just asking for them to come unattended. And now thanks to them we have to deal with it now of all days.
  I try to not be too angry. I was pretty aware to why they came. And it wasn't on them. They have this savior bullshit mate crap were he has to keep information from me in good sense. But thats not how this shit is gonna go. Every time they TRY to hide these crap. I find it. We fight and so on.
  I love how he guides me into this world. Even now as we walk. Yet I had to remind him that I can handle them. I had mature from the last time. And in a way our bond has grown more to help me be the mate they need. And that includes being their Luna.
  So in a change of worlds everyone must recognize this is different now. This has officially change and I am in the clear to take over as luna here. The elders spoke their terms and feelings. And I am 100% over it all. I am not gonna just stand there and take their disrespect anymore. Their in my home in my world. And they will learn. And so will my husband. He is not gonna white wash all this shit because we chose to stay together. We knew what was gonna happen. And we are gonna do it right.
  I am not like these Luna from before.
  We finally make it to the door and as we approach the room is clearly grey as the faces of the three elders stare at us.
  We walk in and beta is taking a stand. They stop talking as it seems. And one elder has dismiss beta. He walks over behind the table. Gamma Sarah does the same. As for Travis and I. We take the other and stay standing.
  "Its good you two can finally get apart and meet us." Alpha Kieth said in a unwelcoming way.
  "It nice for you to just welcome yourselves into our home and start shit up." Travis was clearly upset. Especially with them.
  Elder Frank slams his fist. "If you haven't continue this mess as we had stated then maybe we had not need to take the action."
  "I don't follow your rules. It's my life. Our life." Patting his hand to his chest. "We go by moon goddess and as I see here. She not here in our eyes to demand us separated!"
  "You have the nervous to continue this. To address the shameful history you are putting in her name." He laugh in vile way. "Your wars will be wipe clear. If not your people."
  Travis took it as a threat and his eyes glow. My hand falls to their shoulders. Bring them back. They turn to meet my eyes. I caress their skull. Whispering, "Its all just bullshit. Their trying to hit a nerve. Its on me."
  He takes my hand away. "No its on us. Remember. Just us baby." I nod to him. Recalling our promise. We needed to be more communication. More bonding with our leadership.
  I look around to the elders. Clearly seeing that one is missing. "I see we still awaiting for one of your owns."
  They all look at each other. Nodding their heads they agree in something before one of them speaks on the missing member. "Alpha Stan was claim to have a close motive to your case. Unaware at the time. He was taken off. So he was not needed here. Theres is no wait."
  Both Travis and I reacted the same. A selfish guilt among us. We should of told him from the beginning. We knew this would happen. He assure us his connection would be aside. Oh how we were wrong.
  "So as we ask you both once again. What on goddess name do you think you are doing." Elder Gio ask in mote firm tone to us.
  "We are living our lives we been granted. Just like any other mates." I take a turn and hold myself furth. I don't let them see any flaws. As of now there weren't any.
  "Have you two not aware of the crisis you have started. On the lust you have taken it set off a war!" Elder Frank spit with a small fear in his eyes.
  "We were not the ones whom started that!" Travis yells.
  "The attack won't of happen if you would of listen! You two are not suppose to be here! The balance of our kinds are falling because of you warts!" Of course Alpha Kieth was unhappy. Maybe even jealous.
  "The act of the attack was only set on a three person act." I started.
  "It was clear from our reports that you two were the center of this. We warn you this would happen. At one point your walls will fall and I can't say rather it be the Black Harvest or Luna Clara that will fall with both your decision to take forth your love if I should say." Elder Gio words were such a mix of emotion line with higher rank. He was a hard reading. And I knew it was mainly his lead on this.
  "Am I being ask to take a statment of that day or am I being spit at and trail on before I have a say?" I ask them. My eyes make a shift to each other. They seem uncomfortable by my unreacted.
  "Mmh. We will take your statment. Go on." The elder wave his hand to allow me to talk.
  I thank them all and took the full room. I feel every eye on me. And I liked it. I had their full attention and I won't leave until I make my point clear.
  "An alliance alpha of ours allowed his own greed to take over. It overpower his oath and alliance with say enemy he hated. Doing so he use a spellbinding artifact that was conquer. So yes the attack was targeted on my husband and I. But no one was harm but us. We lived as you can see."
  "No harm! How can say that!" Because no one important died you dog. I rolled my eyes to Alpha Kieth and continue my statment.
  "In that act not only did this alpha broke your kinds rule if not all. I'm very aware from my own scars taken that one of your owns daughter took action with him. And by the law state." I took my one eye off to Bri's dad. Elder Gio. I invisibly chuckle a little to myself. Claiming they had a hole to their story.
  "Taking a threat to alpha's mate is frown upon. But touching, harming of any sorts of a alpha's mate especially a temp of murder is a senctence of death. And I have read enough books to know I am not luna to take the act but still I am an alpha's mate that was a victim to her near death on the hands of a she wolf who also had greed seek her act."
  My eyes follow back to her father. "She is lucky she did follow that alpha's faith. Not did we think reporting it. But in our own alliance others did. We took action on the attack and finish it in the same day." I added onto my statement. And still the elders bewildly listen.
  "And the pack? Whats you're call? We didn't see change for them?"Gio ask with a small thump in his corse veins.
  "Rules state Alpha Travis can take over since he killed him. But doesn't mean he has too. He made it clear and allow the heir to take over. We wanted an alliance not some coo." In my mates own words his people were larva victims that he didn't want to house.
  "Have you had any word of this third person?" I turn and see a Elder Frank clench his palms. But in a small sense of his question he understood the lining concern.
  "Swear that! Their still doomed. Their no fated crap. We need to part you two now. Our kind needs to stay pure. Our people go by it. Why else would we come." The alpha spatted in a toddler way.
  "She made a statement alpha. You heard the reports." Gio eyes dragged at Kieth.
  "Fuck that bitch.."
  "You will watch how you speak to my wife or you all will leave!" Travis snarl at him.
  I heard even a rumble from the other table.
  "She shall leave! You doomed your people." Kieth claim as always.
  "My present doesn't make much change!" I yelled and every wolves glare at me. They didn't see why I said this. And over the talk I was done.
  "These act happen regardless. I read the history. So its not just because our love we took. We have our oath and we stand by it."
  "A love oath is difference among our people Mrs.Abbott. Luna and alpha is a high leadership in our people. As are high priest and pristess of your kind." Gio stated. And he is right.
  "I did what no other would. I did more even. I saw no gratitude from you on how I put myself further. I could of killed them.  But as they hesitated in their act. Only taken orders from the bertayals. I let them live and you made the calls as did those alphas. I have shown my alliance and still you question me."
  I sigh with my the unbelievable aspect the elder had. "It is quite disrespectfully."
  I see I hit a spot to them as they all hide a roar they wanted to spit. "Your action were knowdlege. But you two put a beacon out. This war, your marriage and the words of your ceremony. We can't say theres a home for wolves here. This isn't the way of our kind." Elder Frank nod to Gio who agree. While Alpha Kieth was seen holding his tongue.
  I unfolded my poster and made my finally statement."You're right."
  "Elizabeth?" Travis took me aside. "What are you doing?" He question my reply but I pat him hand. He needed to trust me on this.
  I meet the elders who thinks they have won. A bay wind if curl peak in their lips.
  "This is not of your kind. And you want no change. It's fear and I knowledge that. But as I have came, I'd proven over and over again the achievement of our people. Luna Clara and Black Harvest are one."
  I spoke loud and clear. My shoulders strike back. "And as of then and now on. We take not just one. We take it all. So your demands and laws do not greatly follow but are wavy over in suggesttion."
  "You can't make that change!" Elder Frank stand in outrage.
  "Watch what you say." Elder Gio warns me.
  But I have already spoke my mind. And it was time.
  I keep no flaw on. A full proud and annoyance at them points. "We take all alliance but those who feel force can leave. I look forward to seeing those that stay as they will be granted more than the average. And you folks will not step foot on my land without permission. Any living thing that cross those gates without me or my mates awareness will be see as trespassing. And thats the fucking law of our kinds!" I shouted the end and they stare at me in full disbelief. I even say ones jaw hit the table. He waits for another to speak but they are left silence.
  I was proud and took my stands. I was done being that girl that let others walk over her. I had to see how my real world was. And it wasn't this shit they claim we are. Travis and I have a whole new world here. And its time we change that.
  Elder Gio clears his throat as he shuffles his seat. "You have said these but.."
  I rose my tone to him in a luna way. "I make my words and I claim my people. As they claim me too. I am not perfect and you aren't close. But I am determine to keep my people alive. I'm powerful enough alone to do that. Anyone that stands with us will know and those who don't better know not to cross us because we will fight til the death."
  "You can.." Alpha Kieth bubble in stutter.
  I take his unsaid words and flare my red eyes to them all. "This is my home you cross. You have not shown one ounce of respect. I made mysef clear. You are dimiss elders. Go day."
  I kept my head up and turn on my heels. I hear them shut for me to return and I don't. I keep going until I am out the door. I was with the. And so was were my people.
  And as I leave, I hear my mate respond to them. "You heard our Luna. You're dismiss. Beta and gamma will walk you out." Timidly he follows right behind me.
  I can feel his over drive to my actions. He was not mad nor upset on how I shouted at the well known elders of his kind. My mate have his fate to me when needed. And that I am happy with.
  "Ohh babh I can.." I drive on my toes and kiss him deeply. Needing my brain to float away at this moment. A small thrust he takes as he wraps his arms over my tiny waist. Pressing me closer to his body.
  "I know it was dumb and reckless but we are not like everyone. We have the coven and more power than just to be call mix breeds." He agrees by a known kisses on my head.
  We paid no mind when beta and gamma begin to escort the elders out. Yet one stays behind.
  "Excuse me Luna. Alpha?" I turn to see it was Elder Gio.
  "Yes?" My face remind stone to him. Maybe even a line of disgust.
  He was nervous. I see his hands shake. "On the event fallen. I do thank you for taking a another life. For what my daughter has done that day was... It is not forgiven. And her action has been taken care of. I apology on mine and my packs behave of her betrayal. I do hope you do not resign from us."
  I take a step and take his fragile hand. "You are a good father. You serve well to your peoole. Do not take action of those that fall."
  Travis steps behind me and he nods in agreement. "We are here if you need us. But Bri will not be able to step near if she still breaths." I know by Travis last words he ask if she was being executed or not. And by the look on Bri's father face said many.
  "I will update you. Good day." He bows and I allow myself to slightly bow before Travis nudge me back. He did boy like me bowing to many.
  By now gamma escorts him off and I watch as he leaves. As do all the other elders do.
  "We did good by fighting for you. Everyone is lucky to have you luna." Travis whispers has his hand makes it doen my arms that send warmth.
  "I'm the lucky one. I finally get to have the family and home I always wanted." I hold a sob. I couldn't explain this change in the universe.
  This shifted all around and it was a good kind. I felt that nice whirl of breeze from moon goddess. And I haven't felt this kind since I was child. It was like she stood with me this whole time. Like I had the courage from her to speak my tongue.
  Over all my time of this realm. I would have to owe it to her. She is what bring me here in the oath I still walk on. In a curve of event that my turn muddy and dark. I still have her. And my mate pulls me up on the fallen traps I get my foot in. He reminds me of what we fight for. For our love and people. For our future.
  We fight and fight. The only time we will stop. Is when we die. And no way in hell will I let that happen. We will see decades to centuries together. We will see it all.
  And the world can hate all it wants. Because I will still be here. I will still have my amazing wolf of a husband. My pack and coven. My witch best friend, my brother wolf. My twin sister and aunt. I still have my dear friend gamma and more. I will win at the end.
  Fuck you world! Fuck you!

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