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        We enjoy a nice ride home. Despite all the other mess. And how we left the pack. We return better than before. Even a heat couldn't keep us a strain. No matter how much I wanted to stay mad. Or tell my mate all the truth. All the fake lovely happy shit he so easily believe. I want to tell them how it won't last as long as they dreamed.
        Yes I still have this dreed over me. Bigger than ever. I hate that I feel I can never be all to my mate. Never a enough. I wish I can be better and do better for them. And on an odd day i'll sorrow my anxiety of it all else where. But for now. I will give it to my mate. We left happy and I intend to keep it that way.
        So long nothing else pops up. I can only hold on so long. Being in this heat does make the time fly by regardless my disaster to bring in our home. And all I want is to be around them. The remainder of the time. I will give them my all. Stay at their side.
        The guards let us in. We park up the car and right when we got out. A loud ruckus was heard.
        Both Travis and I give each other a look. Following people running towards an area. We follow.
        So much to a no problem day.
        Pushing through the crowd we can see two male's arguing. And a female yelling at them both.
        "What is the meaning of this?" Travis shouted.
        "He slept with my girlfriend."
        "She wasn't your when she yelling out my name most nights."
        You see a girl sheld her face of embarrasement.
        "You took advantage of my girl!" The boyfriend roar.
        "Well I won't say I took.." one male proud of his smug comment
        In a second the male's begin to fight. Throwing punches after punches. Travis push them apart. Before it could get any worst. I took the lead to railing the witch male.
        They lash out more while the girl yells for them to stop. She didn't deny any actions on her part.
        "Stop it now!" She yelled. The wolf growl as Travis and the girl hold him back. You can see his eyes flicker at the witch.
        She whisper something to the male. He never stop his harsh graze at the witch who smug proudly at him. Travis lets go when he see hes calm from the girls words.
        Lies. I heard a comment slip her mouth. Making the wolf lash out. Before they attack I knock the witch down. Swinging my arm out to bring a froce to push the wolf back. He feet move just inches back. Snarling his teeth at witch who chuckle words at him.
        I kick dirt on his face. "Shut it!" I tell him.
        I order the wolf couple to dealt their shit in private. While the witch goes home. No more out bursts. Or else.
        I honesty didn't know what my 'or else' comment meant. What the hell should of done.
        In the lost of my mind. Cherry's bitch ass walks to me. "You see. I told you this wasn't gonna work out. Their gonna whip us put easily in our s.." She whispers.
        I snap my head. "Is there something you like to say!"
        "Oh I have said it. Again and again." She chuckles. "Tell me. When will it happen luna?"
        "What happen?"
        "When will the beast attack our people? By means it seem any time now. How are you gonna defend them huh? A little magic won't help. Not when they shift."
        I step close in her space. My eyes glow red in full exasperation. "If I were you Cherry. I'll shut my mouth and go home. Other wise you can pack your shit and go while you still have a chance." I smile sinisterly at her. She flinch back. As I hit a nerve. "You are on thin ice dear blooms girl. The word of your bullshit is spreading more than your damn legs. You won't be able to find a home then. Nor a man."
        She goes to try to slap me but I caught her wrist. Tightening my grip, I near snapping it. I push her back and walk off. Leaving her to rub her wrist.
        Travis wrap his arms around me. Once inside I push him aside. Unable to deal with more shit after the elders visit. He whispers my name. Telling me to slow down. But I don't until I leave out of everyones sight. Close to his office he pulls me in. Shutting the door hard.
        Clearly frustrated with everything that has accord these last few days. She toss herself on the couch. Heavy breath leaves her purest lips.
        I walked over my desk. Grabbing the letter Mason texted me about. I saw nothing on it but the packs name. I scan through it. The handwriting is familiar to me. Yet this time this person don't seem to ally. They have more of a threat in their words.
        "Ugh. They almost got each other kill. We need to inforce some rules. No. Maybe. We need to do something before we lose it all. This isn't working like I thought."
        I brought my head up. Listening to her concern. I shove the letter under some other mail. I didn't want her to worry about it. Nor know. It would only add on, she already feeling more trepidation
        "Maybe so but its like that naturally with their own kind anyways. Some rough housing may be what they need. I'll invite them to one of work outs. No shift, no magic. Hand to hand combat until the problem is solve." It was an old school way. But hell it always works.
        She seat up quick. "To kill each other? Are you serious?" She didn't approve of it. Hated to see us wolf fight like that. So we stop since she move in. She wanted peace. And beating each other like that wasn't peace she says.
        I chuckle as I try to ease my mind away from the letter. "The circle is for fun. No one dies. And hey? Maybe this is a start of something good baby."
        "Good? How.." I run may hand to hers. She pulls away.
        "This can be a start. We have made a change. Their getting along. Hell i'm sure theirs others fucking around as well. And with this. Who to say goddess won't bless us to be the first start of hybrids. Well maybe just mate. We can't say if breeding will created or choice. It won't be just be us. Were be the safest pack."
        "Safest." I see her thinks for a moment. "You know what. Your right. This is a good thing." She chuckles. "Maybe we should pray to the universe to allow this to happen."
        "Ohh really?" I smirk.
        Happy to see she didn't go straight to a fight. I never win with her. Feeling prize I grab her hands. And intend to escape our mind from all of this shit.
        Ring Ring
        Beep Beep
        She grabs her phone sending another quick text to whom been texting and calling obsessively. I ignore it in the car while I thought of this letter shit.
        "Its him. Isn't it?" I growl.
        "No. Its Lou." Looking at he phone. "I'm grabbing gamma and leaving the grounds." Sending another text.
        I grab her phone and pin her to the couch. She frowns. Yelling at me to let go. "I don't trust gamma anymore. And right now isn't safe for you to leave. Lou can wait."
        She pushes me. But I fought her. "Stop it Travis!"
        "No! You're not leaving!" She pushes me off her. And hurries to her feet. I meet her face and she grunts at me. "Don't Elizabeth.."
        Just the thought of her away right now is unbearable. Someone can be watching her. Or us. Gamma is pregnant and won't protect her luna like she should. She fail way too many times now. Her insisting this train shit now. Is bullshit. It trigger my protection for her.
        "It was me not her. She was following my orders. Now stop. We are not having this fight again!"
        She goes to leave but I grab her arm. She turns back yanking it away.
        "She can't protect you! Your staying!"
        "Yes she can!"
        "No she can't!" I shouted in anger. Malcolm tries to surfaces. Just as anger as I. Her shoulders drops when she see. I take a deep breath. But my jew clench hard. "Gamma can't shift. I don't want you anywhere without me right now.."
        "My heat is contr.."
        I raise my voice to stop her. "I don't trust them! Lou! Xion! Or Gamma! You're staying here! Not out there! Not with them. And not near their fucking pack where he can.."
        "I can protect my god damn self!" She gets in my face and breath her down. "I lived without a wolf protecting me for years! I don't need one every second of my remainder life!"
        "You will now!" I yelled.
        Yelling the words I see I ticked a nerve. She bite the inside of her mouth and nod. We knew how she felt. And she knew how we did. She just didn't know the real reason why. And its not the heat or them.
        "I blew her off once. I'm not doing it again. I'm going.." I growl her name. "Rather you approve or not ALPHA!"
        Before I knew she storms out. I don't chase her. I knew better. Regardless of my aggressively need to keep her chain up at home. After the elders, the cast, and everything else leading up. She would of find a way to go out to meet her.
        I texted gamma.
        "Protect her or don't come back!"
        In seconds Elizabeth text me.
        "We'll be back before dark. Gamma and I." I knew that last part she had to be scowling.
        I stare at her text. Thinking how it may be her last. Thinking that this morning may of been the last time we touch her. Kiss her. Hear her say I love you and us saying it back to her. Or how this room was the last place to ever collect her perfect scent to hold. And most likely keep me hostage if I shall lose her today.
        It traps my heart and mind.
        My feet takes over and I seated at my desk. Just there. I look for the letter. And crush the envelope and throw it in the trash. I hold the letter itself and read it over again.
        Dear alpha and luna of Black Harvest.
        Or should I just say alpha.
        I'm sure my words may not faze or even come across your mind. We all know theres others out there who feels the same as I do.
        Some of us are waiting. For you. For her. I guess you can say you are always being watch. Everything you do is heard all around.
        Even secrets come up the surface some time. Even the really, really kept secrets.
        Your peace of home you try to adjust to will fall. The other ends are coming. If you do not take the action to do whats right. Do what moon goddess intend for you to do.
        Those who follow her shadows will make sure you do.
        You are friends to the end of all love if thats what you call it. Keep telling your hybrid lover the sweet words your father whisper to your mother once. All the promises and dreams. The saftey, the love. The worship. The world.
        It will end. It will fall.
        Its not you alpha. Not your life. She cripple you. And will do so your pack.
        Its her. Its them. All of them. And they will all burn if they don't go. Give it up. All of it. She gonna be your fallen emprie. She will destroy it all. You will be left on your knees when its all gone knowing you should of walked away the moment you saw her.
        She will die soon. Just like the others. If only you allow your brother to live and give him whats yours. You could of live on for sat. Maybe she would have a chance. With you? Or not. You'll be force out your ways soon. Your brother could if help but she made you think he wanted no peace. Now you have no family. Because of her
        Either way the time is near. Her death is plaster over the world. Her name branded on solders to hunt her. Her people. And anyone near their way.
        Be smart like your father. Find a better women who can give you more. Leave your so call mate and start the life your father fail to. Don't be the reason you get your mate kill. Don't be your father.
        This is not about strength, brain, or love. Be the alpha your pack always known. Think of them. The wolves. It is only and should aways only be the wolves.
        Be ready for what will happen. The lost if you shall fail in moon goddess eyes. She sent her own solders to protect her children. Even if a few have to die in doing so.
        Be wiser son of former Black Harvest alpha.
        The person who wrote this letter was wrong. And right.
        Both Elizabeth and I have gotten many threats. I have gather most. I wanted her focus on the pack and the coven. Her mental health is tippy. This should be my issues. Unless its an issues
        Any threats. Any thing at this sort I ignore them. They don't faze me one bit. I know it can faze her. Her mind has worst ideas. She has said worst to herself. Others will just make it worst on her. She known of pushing others away when she see herself as a problem.
        "She wouldn't be able to handle this. Not this. Not now."
        So much has already happen. I can't tell her. And when she ask in the car. I said it was nothing. I sheld her from this. She'll flip. She always ready to just go.
        "She'll stay. For love."
        "I hope." Remembering all our fights. She believes we better without her. But we are not.
        "Her past is bad. She still needs time."
        "And in time she will get."
        "We can't hid this forever." Malcolm says.
        "I know. I know." I scoff to myself. But I try to tell myself it for her.
         This threat was different from the others. That I know. This hit home. This person knew something. They knew about Devin and my fathers affair. No one knows about it. Only that Elizbaeth kill some heir. Not all.
        "You figure out who wrote it?" Mason voice caught me off gaurd. I didn't hear him come in.
        I was too lost. I saw every threat happen in my mind. It made me think if this is how it is for my mate.
        "Is this how everyday with us for her? Are we hurting her?" I asked my wolf.
        "All we are doing is protecting her in all ways we can. We're her mates. Its our job."
        "How does she go on. With the nightmares? What if one say she leaves us?" I feared.
        "She wont! She our mate. She loves us."
        A hand touches my shoulder and I jump. "Ah men you heard me?"
        I blink a few times before I hand the letter to him. My leg shakes aggressively as Mason reads it again.
        "Who will sent an actually letter to threat you two? Everything digital now."
        I point to part where it read about Devin and my father. Mason just gives me a look.
        "Its someone we know isn't it?" He asked.
        "Only few people knows these things."
        I look up at him. "Don't trust anyone. Not a single soul."
        Mason nods. Agreeing with me.
        "What did Liv said about it?" My eyes drop. Mason shook his head at me. "Travis?"
        He suck his teeth and I grab the letter back. Staring at the handwriting. I still couldn't tell who it was from.
        "Who else knows about this letter beta?" I asked him. Keeping my voice firm.
        "Just me and you."
        I tilt my head to the side. Giving him a stone look. "Keep it that way."
        "Alpha I think its good luna is aware of this threat. Where is she anyways?" Stepping closer to my side.
        I take slow breath. Remembering she off with her so call protected guard who can't shift while she walks some unknown land. Mids of her heat.
        "Her and gamma are out."
        "Okay well when they return we all should have a meeting and.."
        I slam my fist in the desk. "No! Elizabeth is not gonna know about this. She has way too many.." I point to my head.
        Mason nods. He puts a hand on my shoulder. "Her mind is her worst enemy. But hiding this from her.."
        "She my mate okay! I will decide rather she knows or not. So for now. Keep this between us. And if another letter comes. Do the same." I demanded.
        "Another one?" He asked.
        "I doubt this will be their only one. Theres always more." I scoff slightly.
      I look up at Mason with my hand on my jaw. Giving me a look I seen way too many time. He thinks the same when its comes down to his sister.
  We don't argue much but with Elizabeth is different. He has known her practically her whole life. While my wolf and I only knew her the variation of our bond.
  I don't know how Mason has done it all these years. Its only beens months with Elizabeth. And i'm terrified and hopeful all at once. I wanted her love until my death. I will bring stock of our enemies heads for her. All I wanted in life since I knew my mate existed. Was to do whatever it took to keep her. I didn't want to fail her. Not like how my father felt with my mother. I wanted to fight for and with her. Even in our dark times.
  Its her.
  I am grateful we have this bond to connect with. It bring me security. But at the same time I know for her its a different story. She had a past and I get it. She pushes us even after our devotion to her with our mark. She wishes it didn't exist. The bond. I try to respect it but god damn it. It so hard at times.
  I go to Mason for advice. Her best friend, her brother, and now her beta. He knew her better than anyone. I hate it honesty. My stubborn alpha mission had be push so many oppunities for us to have. All because I didn't want anything to do with a witch. I regret it more every day.
  Mason advice is wise base on her. It helps when all things fails. And I know he said he wanted to step back as her brother and step up as her beta. But at times I know he couldn't just look away. I'm still trying to be okay with it.
  When she pushes Malcolm and I away. I know she'll pull to Mason and Oliver. And now with her growing relationship with her gamma. When she turns pass either of us. She goes to gamma.
  I'm still hurt by it. So is he. But since our knowledge of her. It was one of our goals to get them bonded before her taking. I shouldn't be so jealous buy hell. I am.
  Malcolm wanted our mated to relay in us. To need us. For whatever outcome she has. We wanted to be the one she goes to. But we're not. She pushes and distances herself. Leaving us to feel at failure so soon.
  We promises and promises to fix it. To do better. And I only help we don't break that promise.
      "Elizabeth comes first. In any way or shape. For her. We will do whatever to unsure she okay."
      He nods. In agreement. "You know she'll only fight you on it. She will always believe everyone worth better. She was never put first. That feeling. She doesn't accept it."
    "She will now. Since the woods. She will."

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