Late Talks

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    "Nonno you have to see her. I'm sure she'll love to see you are not dead." I say all too excited.
    He shakes his head. "No dear. Its been far too long. She has done well without me."
    "But for you both. I'm sure it felt awful all these years. You desire to see if you can reconnect."
    He chuckle at me. I assume he thought maybe. Maybe he will.
    "It has been a dream of mine. But.."
    "Nonno?" Travis said. "I have heard the story from her. The look of lose. She still feels the pain. But still. Her smile is something to see when she speak of the story. Theres more to it."  Nonno looked up to him. "I know your mate will want you to be happy again. And with ma'am Grace. You can try. But you won't know if you don't face her."
    "She was young. Only in her 20's. I have just hit my mark."
    "No one cares of age." I say. "Besides no one is older than apha Stan right?" I chuckle.
    Travis and nonno made a look. "I had a few decades over alpha Stan. I was there when he took over. I was there when he wed his mate. The fallen and the together."
    I counted my math. I knew ma'am's ages. So that means.. "You're like 500 and.."
    He chuckle. "Yes yes. Luna Belle was actually from our pack before she married. She was only 20 years less than I." My eyes widen at his ages. I did not think he was such an age at all.
    Being immortals is a real blessing.
    "Well then you should know better than to not see ma'am. Nothing big.." jumping to the edge of my seat.
    "I can not dear."
    "Sure you can."
    "I do not want to break her heart again. I never heal from her lost. And this. This is new." I nod my head at him. Not wanting to push him more. You can see he is lost in the grief and relief.
    We continue a nice day together. After a dinner we all begin to feel weary.
    Travis grace my arms with his. "Well I do think we have spear our time. Should we rest my witch?" I nod to him.
    "By all means. This old dog needs to rest more now. I won't live forever." He stood up. And we both stood with.
    "Alpha Flavio?" I called. I thought of what I may say. But at the look of his eyes. I change my mind. "Thank you for welcoming me. I know its not easy to accept."
    "Luna Liv. I may of continue the harshness hate. But I did it for my own reason not because we are enemies. I don't see us as that." We share a smile as we part our way. Saying good night.
    Travis and I headed our way to our room. Drinking my special tea help my heat under control. I am thankful nonno had what I needed. Otherwise I have no clue how I would make it here.
    We close the door and I stretch my arms. Feeling exhuasted. I seat down and remove my shoes. I begin to get ready for bed. Removing my shirt. When it hits the floor I had a very sexy wolf leaning cross from me. Watching.
    "You boys wanting an invitation or are you gonna sleep against the wall tonight?" I joke.
    "Oh I don't think there be any sleeping tonight." He walks slowly to me. Removing his shirt as well. "Have you forgotten what time it is my queen?"
    He smug's at me. Removing his belt and knocking his pants off. He reach me. Leaning over so close so I feel his breath on my skin.
    I lose my breath a little. As it been a while since I drank my tea. It will soon lose its affect. His touch will activate my heat.
    "I don't need it to want to feel you boys inside me. Or do you only like it when i'm out of control to want to have me taste your ever so taste?"
    He growls at me. I run my hand up his chest and grip his bread to come closer to me. "If you want me boys. I'm all yours. Take me if can handle.."
    I didn't even finish my sentence before they latch on to me. Taking the whole night to prove my words wrong. There was no rest as they said to me. Legs shaking and dry mouth. We continue for hours and hours. We almost forgotten to fallen asleep.
    As the morning as already hit. I made a call to a special person. I do stand on my feet to get the numb feeling to go away.
    As I finish my talk. A large hand spanks my ass and I jump in fright. I turn to smirk at my mate. "I will call you another time. Goodbye." Hanging up my call.
    Travis reach over and pulls me on the bed. I yelp as he wraps himself around me. "Who the hell so important you had to call early in the nude." Looking my bare body fully.
    "Ma'am Grace." His eyebrow rose. "I was just conforming the story. I want them to reunite. Plus it 11." I tell him.
    He turn quick to checks his phone. "And no one has tried to wake us up?"
    I snuggle up to him. "Well you silence your phone. And when I went down for snacks. It was already 1am. Plus I ran into your grand father and ask him to not disturbs us. Or you because your tired and need a day in, but he kinda guess the heat."
    Travis eyes lock on mine. Confuse reads. "How did he guess? Did you.."  I shook my head no.
    After hours of rattling our bodies against another. We lay panted on the bed. My heat was more stronger once the the herb has warn off. I offer to get some snacks. Travis insist in some oj. Saying he needs to hydrate before we continue.
    "I'll be back my king." He groan as I kiss him goodbye. His hand grip my side as if he ache for me to stay.
    I walked silently through the home. I do not need a male wolf to smell any lingering heat on me.
    Making it to the kitchen. I skitter through the pantry. Finding a few snacks for us to renergist ourselves. I grab a cup and begin to pour Travis his juice. Returning the juice back to the fridge. I was spooked.
    "Hungry I see?" I turn in fright to see alpha Flavio there.
    I curl my hand to my heart. "You scared me." I chuckle.
    He grabs a chair and said for me to seat with him. He seem at thought. Letting out a sigh. "I know this must be hard for you luna Liv."
    "You can just call me Liv."
    "No no. Luna Liv is your respected title. You walk with it." I nod.
    "This world has not change the slightest as you may think. Still more hate over acceptation. But I see greatness in you. I pray to moon goddess  he find his mate soon. He was such in a fray of lost a few years ago. Worst last year. I pray he receive someone as worthy as him. All the deserve and needs he'll missed out. Wanting him to better than all the men before him. My son died as an honor protector of his family. And his son died from agony guilt." His expression was blank but his eyes says another. "I don't want Travis to go through any of that. And with you. I thanked goddess she answer my prayer. Thank you for not rejecting him."
    "Well its the other way around. I gave him many chances to reject me. To ran off and find an she wolf. I didn't believe in mates. But Malcolm and him change my mind on it. They never stop fighting. Even when I change. And even nos with all this mess I cause." I admit.
    He grace my hand lighting. I look up to see nonno smile. "Not all of this is on you. Hate was around way before. Its just an ugly world. Your strong for staying. You'll be a marblest luna. But be advice its not you for being you that puts the struggle you will face. Its the title."
    "What do you mean? All I get is hate now that the world heard a hybrid is becoming an luna." I have only knew of my presents and selfish act to stay mated to have cause so much ruckus.
    "Well dispite the hate you will get, yes. And the many lost you will face from alliance. Just know it won't run long?"
    "Its not the title alpha." I look down at my belly. "I get why people loath me because of what I am. All the other things just adds on. I want to give my mate everything they deserve. I fear I can not live to it. They say they do not care. I'm all they need. Yet all I think of is everything they will miss because of me." I swallow down my pride. Opening up to nonno.
    "You shouldn't strain yourself over others expections. Even theirs." I look at him unfaze.
    How can I not. Their my world. All I want is them to have all their needs. They shouldn't miss out on an alpha life because they were mistakenly match with me. Someone whom been worthless their whole life. I can't bring them down with me. I can barely deal with myself. They shouldn't have to deal with it too. Its hard to see them live a happy life a side me. I'm not desiring of it.
    "Alpha's rule for about a few 100 years. And in those time everyone goes through their own desmay. Its hard yes. But you go through it together. Its your life luna. Yours and Travis. And honesty. Luna's have it worst."
    I tilt my head at him. Wanting to hear what he say more. As books and the worlds seen. Luna's have it easy. Alpha's are the ones who leads.
    "Most alpha's die at war. Just like my son and grandson. They did not take the titles until later in their life. Travis was very young when he did. The youngest even. I know at your age your still figuring things out. And the role you are about to take is far more important than the alpha."
    "But a pack can not stand without one. Alpha's has had many lunas come and go. I'm no different."
    I know if I go forth. If Travis does without an heir. I'll be kick to the crib. Proven that I was never to lead a pack to begin with.
    "But you are." I frown at him. I don't see how he can say such things. "In the poistion you are in. And more to come. You continue to strive. Not many would. As I see it. You are the bravest, smartest most strongest wolf I know. And people every where will deny it. Try to take it. Whatever it is. I can see you can handle it all. But it doesn't mean you have to."
    My back straigthen out. I knew what he meant. As the idea runs through my head many many times. I only choice to ignore it becaue I love my mate.
    "I love your great grandson." Holding back any tears but my voice provoke. "I will give up anything. Do whatever it takes to give them the life they derseve."
    "You speak of their deserves. What about yours? You need fullment too."
    I did not say anything. My belly clench. I feel I have said too much. And he knew when my body flinch.
    "Luna you must know that the rush you think is upon isn't real. You do not need the title to lead with him. You proven that. You do not have to accept or run with our kind. And that you will see in time. And most importantly to you. Having a pup isn't a rush for a luna. Your heat doesn't determine that you must give a Travis his heir. Just like witches, we too feel not the need to produce children. For whatever the reason is."
    "But.. wait? How.. how did you know?" I thought to myself a bit. And smirk. "I see."
    He did not say anything. I assume he did not want to talk about his lost love. As it had to be her he knew.
    "I kept the maca for the young she wolfs here. I know a thing or two. Thanks to her." His eyes did a little thing when he thought of her. Really making me itch to encourager him more to see her.
    "I see. Yet nothing will change the elders or anyone else mind about me. I am forever a monster. The devils creation they say." I shrug. As I don't care for what anyone calls me.
    "The elders are only putting pressure on you because of the status of your relationship. They do not see or want to see good. As you know already. You do not have many on your side. But one day. If you stay. Their be crawling at your feet. Bragging for your help." He tells me.
    "Their all afraid of me. What I did. What I will do. And what I can do."
    He nods to me with a wide grin. I flick my red eyes at him. Seeing how he reacts. He did not.
    "Do not let anyone rush you to this nonsense. When time is right you'll be given your answers. Moon goddess choice you two for a reason. Believe in that. Believe in your love."
    "Yeah like Travis tells me." I chuckle. "He says I worry too much. That all the books I read and all the lunas, alpha's, or witches I talk to will never ease my mind on anything. They say one day my brain will explode from it all."
    I know they mean will but my fears run deeper than anyone can think. When I am asleep their there. When I am awake their there. I walk aline with the second it will all go crashing one day. Nothing seems to silence them. It just makes it worst.
    "Well you two bicker like all alphas and lunas. You two sure are a team. You made a plan for the outcomes. Thats very good. But remember that at the end of the day. It is you two. No one else. Live your life with each other. Not in mirsery for another."
    I smile hard at his words. Ma'am Grace also say that. Now I know the person who use to tell her those words.
     "I know you use to tell her that." Nonno face goes long at the mention of her. "I'm sorry nonno. I know it a shock."
    "No no its fine."
    "She would read to all the kids about your love story. Everyone would ask about mates, she spoke about her husband. A sweet lovey story. But when anyone would ask her about true love and all. She tells the story about a village girl and a village boy."
    I looked around as if anyone would be awake to hear me. "Until one day I ask her of her first love. She told me more detail with a warrior werewolf name Vio. It match her story and she told me their the same. And how you ease her worry with Live our life with each other. Not in mirsey for another." But you'll say it in Italian mostly.
    Nonno smile. "Vivi la nostra vita l'uno con l'altro. Non in miseria per un altro."
    "Its what her warrior will tell her. And the  kiss her forehead until her body proves it." I say.
    "A warrior huh?" Taking a sip at his drink he had made for himself.
    "You were home from war won't you?" I asked.
    "YEs. Yes I was."
    "She said you would confort her nerves about your future a lot. You sooth her nerves. The same words you just said. Thats what help her."
    "She worried the same as you. The same reasons you go through." Yet they never doubt their love.
    "I guess I shall give Macolm and Travis more credit. I haven't been easy." I admit.
    I think to myself how much of a terrible mate I am. I see do not see how they pick me. They will be given a better mate of they only see how much better off they are.
    "Well it is not easy. Nothing in our world is."
    I gave him a greatest smile. Talking to nonno was nice. It really had me thinking. I needed to get my answers sooner.
    "Thank you alpha Flavio." Giving him a slight bow.
    "You are welcome luna Liv. I enjoy these talks. Makes me think of Grace more." Again they lit up at her name.
    I stood up ready to leave. But before I walk I tell him one last thing.
    "When Travis met ma'am. He spoke a little Italian in front of her. I was shock to learn all these years she knew not only french but Italian too. She learn it for you. She was happy to speak it finally to another person."
    She was happy she blush at her own words.
    "We said one day we will learn each others tongue. Teach our kids. She decented from the french while I decent from the Italians." His face sour a second. "I never learn hers though. It hurt too much to not speak it to her."
    "Maybe one day you can. She doesn't live far." His eyes brighten up. And I knew he thought of my offer to meeting her again.
    "In a mates view. Is it wrong I live my final year in my lovers land? The lands we both met, fallen, and grew? Is it wrong of me to live here?" He asked me.
    I gave him an sympathetic look. "No. Any mate would want you to live happy and at peace after their passing." I took a step toward the table. "You should be happy. Whatever, wherever, or whoever bring it. You should be happy."
    He sit back in him chair. Holding his cup.
    I see how our talk does the same to him. I say my final words after requesting a Travis and I to not be bother. "Goodnight nonno."
    "Goodnight dear."
    "He help me realize that I need more time with you two. For how ever long we have. I don't want to think about me being so overwhem with the elders and my uncapablittlies."
    Travis cupps my face. "Its been a lot of stuff piling on in so short of time. And its my doing I know." His hands massages my face. "We moved the dates. You take your time. Your place as my luna will always be there. Just please don't leave us at the altar. I want to dance under the moon with you while everyone grows jealous."
    I couldn't help but smile. "I can't help but just want you boy to not feel like you wasted your time and love on me."
    "Hey." Bring his face level to mine. "Nothing is a waste on you. Unless you run out on a perfectly good cake now."
    I fake a laugh but deep down I still feel like their better off with someone else. I don' know if i'm cut out for all of this. I'm damage. And i'm just bring it along with me. The pack, my mate, nor my people deserve to suffer because of me.
    What if it all back fires?
    "I want you boys to just always remember how much I love you." Gripping their wrist tightly.
    "We know baby. Every day with you we know."
    "No boys. Litsen.." I grip harder, while shaking my head at them.
    They sshh me quick. A dreed fills me.
    "You will forever be my queen. I can not live without you. I rather fight every damn day then never fight with you again. I'm happy my nonno talked with you."
    A small tear fell down and they wipe it off. Kissing my face. "For now. Just right now. Hold me boys. And don't let go. Please. You make the nightmares go away."
    They do as I ask. Brushing my hair. "I may fail at keeping them away lately. But theres one thing I can do to help."
    His hand rubs down my back. And I knew what he meant. "Just one more my king?"
    He squeezes my bare ass. Teasing his finger to meet my throbbing pussy.
     "If only my queen can handle another." He whispers between my lips.
    A quick morning sex to wake us up fully. We gather our things and begin our day at nonno's land. After a nice lunch. We headed out back. Travis said he had a surprise.
    He covers my eyes. Walking me over. After a minute we come to a stop. "Okay open."
    My eyes adjusted and see a large horse in fornt of me. My mouth drop. "Did you..don't tell me you brought me a horse?" I glare at them.
    Walking into my view he brought the horse closer to me. Smiling. "No no. Too much maintance. But I figure before we leave. You'll like a ride."
    "A ride." My eyes widen.
    "Yes." He mounts the horse and reaches his hand to me. I gave him a looking. "Trust me baby. I grew up riding a bit. Come now." Tapping on the horse.
    "Fine. But if I fall.."
    "You won't." Taking my hand and pulling me on. I settle on with my back to him. Adjusting me to his perfection. I giggle when he brushes his nose against my neck. He holds me close and tells me to not let go.
    We headed out to a nice ride around. It was pretty nice. I never rode a horse before. And if I thought my mate couldn't impress me more. This tops it.
    After our return. We said our good byes and headed our way home. Things were  starting to feel good. Despite how we first came.
    Even after Travis got a text that seem to bother him. He said it was nothing. Just Mason checking in. And even though I want to ask more. I follow nonno's advice and give their more. More trust, more love, more everything.
    "If its important. Bad or good. He will tell me." Thats what I tell myself.

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